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DescriçãoAtlas colonial français Colonies Protectorats (...)Pollacchi Paul bpt6k1100182m (1).jpg
English: Administrative divisions of Cochinchina 1929
It was previously considered to be in the public domain because it is a scan (or similar) by the Bibliotheque Nationale de France, but not everything scanned by the BNF is automatically in the public domain.
It is possible that this file is in the public domain for other reasons, for example because it was published a long time ago (anything before ca. 1900 is most likely ok) or because its author / artist / photographer died over 70 years ago and it was published over 95 years ago. In such cases, a new rationale should be applied, and a different license tag (see Commons:Licensing and valid license tags at Commons:Copyright tags) should be used.
If the file is not found to be in the public domain, it might be nominated for deletion (NOT by any automatic process, but manually).
See below for the previous rationale (not applicable anymore).
Previous public domain rationale, no longer applicable
Public domain works must be out of copyright in both the country of origin and the United States, and must be accompanied one or more valid copyright tags to indicate its status. Absence of such tags may result in a file's deletion.
It is a cinematographic work, photographic work, work of applied art or anonymous work first published more than 75 years ago. (See Commons:Copyright rules by territory/Vietnam)
It is a cinematographic work, photographic work, dramatic work, work of applied art or anonymous work first published more than 50 years prior to January 1, 2010.
It is another type of work, and the creator died more than 50 years ago.
To uploader: Please provide where the image was first published and who created it.
Observe que esta obra pode não estar em domínio público em países que não aplicam a regra do prazo mais curto e têm direitos autorais mais longos do que o tempo de vida do autor mais 50 anos. Em particular, o México tem 100 anos, a Jamaica tem 95 anos, a Colômbia tem 80 anos, a Guatemala e Samoa têm 75 anos, a Suíça e os Estados Unidos têm 70 anos e a Venezuela tem 60 anos.
Este ficheiro contém informação adicional, provavelmente adicionada a partir da câmara digital ou scanner utilizada para criar ou digitalizar a imagem. Caso o ficheiro tenha sido modificado a partir do seu estado original, alguns detalhes poderão não refletir completamente as mudanças efetuadas.