According to the Romanian Law on Copyright and Neighboring Rights Law no. 8/1996 of March 14, 1996 with further amendmentsChapter 3 Article 9 the following documents shall not benefit from the legal protection accorded to copyright:
(a) the ideas, theories, concepts, scientific discoveries, procedures, working methods, or mathematical concepts as such and inventions, contained in a work, whatever the manner of the adoption, writing, explanation or expression thereof;
(b) official texts of a political, legislative, administrative or judicial nature, and official translations thereof;
(c) official symbols of the State, public authorities and organizations, such as armorial bearings, seals, flags, emblems, shields, badges and medals;
(d) means of payment;
(e) news and press information;
(f) simple facts and data.
Also, according to Chapter 10 Article 85 Paragraph 2,
The photographs of letters, deeds, documents of any kind, technical drawings and other similar papers shall not benefit from the legal protection accorded to copyright.
Therefore this image is assumed to be in the public domain worldwide, although some of the above categories may be subject to usage restrictions within Romania.
Potrivit anexei nr. 1.1, stema comunei Augustin se compune dintr-un scut triunghiular roşu cu marginile rotunjite, tăiat în căprior (chevron) de argint. În interiorul scutului, în partea superioară, se află 3 bezanţi (medalioane) de argint. În vârful scutului se află un urs rampant de argint.
Semnificaţiile elementelor însumate:
Bezanţii simbolizează tezaurul monetar descoperit pe teritoriul localităţii. Chevronul şi ursul reprezintă Peşterea Urşilor, monument al naturii, aflată în zonă. Coroana murală cu un turn crenelat semnifică faptul că localitatea are rangul de comună. Scutul este timbrat de o coroană murală de argint cu un turn crenelat.
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{{Information |Description ={{en|1=Coat of arms of Augustin, Brașov County, Romania.}} {{de|1=Wappen von Augustin im Kreis Brașov, Rumänien.}} {{ro|1=Stema comunei Augustin, judetul Brasov}} |Source =[
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