Predefinição:Bibliografia sobre Nova Iorque
NOTA: Esta página é uma lista criada para ser transcluída no artigo Nova Iorque com o objetivo de tornar o carregamento desse artigo mais rápido e simplificar a sua edição.
Se a alterar, certifique-se que verifica quais as consequências das alterações nesse artigo. Preste atenção especialmente a imagens e tabelas. Algumas das coisas que não devem ser incluídas:
=== Bibliográficas ===
- Trinity Church Bicentennial Celebration May 5th. 1897. Nova Iorque: J. Pott. 1897
- Allen, Oliver E. (1993). The Tiger – The Rise and Fall of Tammany Hall. Nova Iorque: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. ISBN 020162463X
- Axelrod, Alan (2011). A Savage Empire: Trappers, Traders, Tribes, and the Wars That Made America. Londres: Macmillan. ISBN 9781429990707
- Belden, E. Porter (1849). New York, Past, Present, and Future: Comprising a History of the City of New York, a Description of its Present Condition, and an Estimate of its Future Increase. Nova Iorque: G.P. Putnam
- Blumstein, Alfred; Wallman, Joel (2005). The Crime Drop in America. Cambridge: Imprensa da Universidade de Cambrígia. ISBN 0521862795
- Bridges, William (1811). Map Of The City Of New York And Island Of Manhattan With Explanatory Remarks And References. Nova Iorque: Biblioteca Pública de Nova York
- Burgess, Anthony (1976). Nova York. Nova Iorque: Little, Brown & Co. ISBN 978-90-6182-266-0
- Carneiro, Maria Luiza Tucci (2007). O anti-semitismo nas Américas: memória e história. São Paulo: EdUSP. ISBN 9788531410505
- Cook, Adrian (1974). The Armies of the Streets: The New York City Draft Riots of 1863. Quentuqui: Imprensa da Universidade de Quentuqui. ISBN 9780813162553
- Cottret, Bernard (2003). La Révolution américaine : La quête du bonheur 1763-1787. Paris: Perin. ISBN 2-262-01821-9
- Federal Writers' Project (1939). The WPA Guide to New York City reedição 1995 ed. Nova Iorque: Imprensa de Nova Iorque. ISBN 978-1-56584-321-9
- Gilbert, Nedda; Review, Princeton (2009). The Best 301 Business Schools 2010 by Princeton Review, Nedda Gilbert. Nova Iorque: Random House Information Group. ISBN 9780375429590
- Gillespie, Angus K (1999). Twin Towers: The Life of New York City's World Trade Center. Nova Jérsei: Imprensa da Universidade Rutgers. ISBN 0783897855
- Mushkat, Jerome (1990). Fernando Wood: A Political Biography. Kent: Kent State University Press. ISBN 9780873384131
- Homberger, Eric (2005). The Historical Atlas of New York City: A Visual Celebration of 400 Years of New York City's History. Nova Iorque: Henry Holt and Company. ISBN 0-8050-7842-8
- Howard, David (2002). Outside Magazine's Urban Adventure New York City. Nova Iorque: W. W. Norton & Company. ISBN 0393322122
- Jackson, Kenneth T.; Dunbar, David S., eds. (2005). Empire City: New York Through the Centuries. Nova Iorque: Imprensa da Universidade de Colúmbia. ISBN 978-0-231-10909-3
- Kaiser, Charles (2007). The Gay Metropolis: The Landmark History of Gay Life in America. Nova Iorque: Grove Press. ISBN 9780802143174
- Karmen, Andrew (2000). New York Murder Mystery: The True Story Behind the Crime Crash of the 1990s. Nova Iorque: Imprensa da Universidade de Nova Iorque. ISBN 0814747175
- Lankevich, George L. (1998). American Metropolis: A History of New York City. Nova Iorque: Imprensa da Universidade de Nova Iorque. ISBN 978-0-8147-5186-2
- Lardner, James; Reppetto, Thomas (2000). NYPD: A City and Its Police. Nova Iorque: Owl Books. ISBN 0805055789
- Lopate, Phillip (2004). Waterfront: A Walk Around Manhattan. Nova Iorque: Imprensa Anchor. ISBN 0385497148
- Lundrigan, Margaret (2004). Staten Island: Isle of the Bay, NY. Grã-Bretanha: Arcadia Publishing. ISBN 0738524433
- Moore, Nathaniel Fish (1876). An Historical Sketch of Columbia College, in the City of New York, 1754–1876. Columbia: Columbia College
- Mushkat, Jerome (1990). Fernando Wood: A Political Biography. Kent: Kent State University Press. ISBN 9780873384131
- Nevins, Allan (1922). The Evening Post: Century of Journalism, Boni and Liveright. Nova Iorque: Boni and Liveright
- Rankin, Rebecca B.; Rodgers; Cleveland (1948). New York: the World's Capital City, Its Development and Contributions to Progress. Nova Iorque: Harper
- Rosenwaike, Ira (1972). Population history of New York City. Siracusa, Nova Iorque: Imprensa da Universidade de Siracusa. ISBN 9780815621553
- Shorto, Russell (2005). The Island at the Center of The World, 1st Edition. Nova Iorque: Vintage Books. ISBN 1-4000-7867-9
- White, E.B. (1949). Here is New York reedição de 2000 ed. Londres: Little Bookroom
- Whitehead, Colson (2003). The Colossus of New York: A City in 13 Parts. Nova Iorque: Doubleday. ISBN 978-0-385-50794-3