Predefinição:Elétricos de Sintra (diagrama)

Eléctrico de Sintra
Aspeto da linha, na subida de Montes Santos
Aspeto da linha, na subida de Montes Santos
Aspeto da linha, na subida de Montes Santos
“Espinha” do trajeto e logo da marca, em 2014
“Espinha” do trajeto e logo da marca, em 2014
“Espinha” do trajeto e logo da marca, em 2014
Comprimento:12 km
Bitola:Bitola estreita
000PK0 alt.
Unknown route-map component "exlENDE@F"
000PK0 alt.
Unused urban continuation backward + Unknown route-map component "uexBS2c2"
Unknown route-map component "uexSHI2gr"
00,000 000 Elev./Telef. Pena(pj. 1915/1926 abd.)[1]
Unknown route-map component "cd" + Unknown route-map component "uexKXBHFe-L"
Unknown route-map component "XPLTeq" + Unknown route-map component "uexvHST"
Unknown route-map component "c"
🔎︎ Sintra (Vila Velha)= EN375
Unknown route-map component "uexv-SHI2g+r" Unknown route-map component "d"
= EN375 × Pç. República
Unknown route-map component "uexSTR2"
Scenic interest + Unknown route-map component "uexSTRc3"
= EN375 × L.º R. D. Amélia; Palácio
Unknown route-map component "uexSTRc1"
Unknown route-map component "c" + Unknown route-map component "uexdSTRl+4-"
Unknown route-map component "c" + Unknown route-map component "uexd-STR+l"
Unknown route-map component "uexcSTRq-"
Unknown route-map component "c" + Unknown route-map component "uexvWSLeq"
00000 200 = Volta do Duche
Unknown route-map component "HUBrg-R"
Unknown route-map component "KXBHFa-L" + Unknown route-map component "HUBlg-L"
Unknown route-map component "XPLTeq" + Unknown route-map component "uexHST"
00000 200 Sintra (estação)= Av. Mig. Bb.ª
Unknown route-map component "HUB-R"
Straight track + Unknown route-map component "HUB-L"
Unknown route-map component "c"
Unknown route-map component "cd" + Unknown route-map component "uexvSHI2gl-"
= Av. Mig. Bb.ª
Unknown route-map component "uexKBSTaq" + Unknown route-map component "HUBlf-R"
Unknown route-map component "emKRZ" + Unknown route-map component "HUBrf-L"
Unknown route-map component "c" + Unknown route-map component "uexSTRr"
Unknown route-map component "cd" + Unknown route-map component "uexvSHI2g+l-"
mercadorias(enc.1930) = Av. Mig. Bb.ª
Unknown route-map component "uexCONTgq"
Unused transverse waterway + Enter and exit tunnel
Unknown route-map component "uexABZgr"
00000 000 S.Pd.º, → Casc. (pj.abd.)
Unknown route-map component "uexSTR+l"
Unused transverse waterway + Enter and exit tunnel
Unknown route-map component "uexABZgr"
00000 000 × Túnel do Chão de Meninos
Unknown route-map component "uexKRWgl" + Unknown route-map component "num1r"
Unknown route-map component "LSTRl" + Unknown route-map component "uexKRW+r"
Unknown route-map component "uxmvLSTRg+r"
(1) R. S. Pedro(pj. 1929 abd.)[2]
Unused straight waterway
Unknown route-map component "uexSPLa" + Unknown route-map component "num2r"
Unknown route-map component "xmvLSTR"
(2) R. S. Pedro(pj. 1902 abd.)[3][4]
Unused straight waterway Unknown route-map component "uexvSTR-DST" Unknown route-map component "xmvLSTR"
mercadorias(Lg. Manuel de Arriaga)
Unknown route-map component "uexSTR2"
Unknown route-map component "uexv-SHI2g+r" + Unknown route-map component "uexSTRc3"
Unknown route-map component "xmvLSTR"
(3) R. Cascais(pj. 1902-1919 abd.)[5][6]
Unknown route-map component "uexKBHFaq" + Unknown route-map component "uexSTRc12"
Unknown route-map component "uexSTR+4" + Unknown route-map component "uexv-STRr" + Unknown route-map component "uexv-STR3"
Unknown route-map component "xmvLSTR"
02,350 000 São Pedro(pj. 1902 abd.)[3][4]
Unknown route-map component "uexLSTR+1" + Unknown route-map component "num3r"
Unknown route-map component "uexKBHFe" + Unknown route-map component "uexSTRc4"
Unknown route-map component "xmvLSTR"
01,508 000 São Pedro(pj. 1929 abd.)[2]
Unknown route-map component "uexLBHF" Unknown route-map component "xmvLSTR"
Unknown route-map component "uexLBHF" Unknown route-map component "xmvLSTR"
Unknown route-map component "uexLSTR" Unknown route-map component "LCONTg" Unknown route-map component "xmvLSTR"
L.ª CascaisLx.-C.Sodré
Unknown route-map component "XPLTaq" + Unknown route-map component "uexLBHF"
Unknown route-map component "XPLTeq" + Unknown route-map component "LBHF"
Unknown route-map component "xmvLSTR"
Unknown route-map component "XPLTaq" + Unknown route-map component "uexLBHF"
Unknown route-map component "LLSTRc2" + Unknown route-map component "XPLTeq" + Unknown route-map component "LKBHFe"
Unknown route-map component "vLLSTR3-" + Unknown route-map component "uexv-LSTR"
Unknown route-map component "uexLKBHFe" Unknown route-map component "LLSTR+1"
Unknown route-map component "uexLSHI1+l" + Unknown route-map component "LLSTRc4"
Boca do Inferno
Unknown route-map component "LLSTRc2" Unknown route-map component "LLSTR3" Unused straight waterway
= Av. Alf. Costa
Unknown route-map component "LLSTR+1" Unknown route-map component "LLSTRc4" Unused straight waterway
= Av. H. Salg.
Unknown route-map component "XBHF-L" Unknown route-map component "uexKXBHFa-Gq"
Unused straight waterway + Unknown route-map component "uexLSTR+r"
Sintra Portela∥ Av. D. Camb. (pj.2008)
Continuation forward Unknown route-map component "uexSTRc2" Unknown route-map component "uexSTR3"
L.ª SintraLx.-Ross.; = Av. H. Salg.
Unknown route-map component "uexSTRc2"
Unknown route-map component "uexABZ+1l" + Unknown route-map component "uexLLSTR3+1e"
Unknown route-map component "d" + Unknown route-map component "uexKBHFeq" + Unknown route-map component "uexSTRc4"
Unknown route-map component "d" + Scenic interest
Sintra (Estefânia / Vila Alda)(pj.2008)[7]
Unknown route-map component "uexCONT1"
Unused straight waterway + Unknown route-map component "uexSTRc4"
00000 000 Mafra (pj. 1925 abd.)[8]
Unknown route-map component "uexSTR2+1" + Unknown route-map component "num4m"
Unknown route-map component "uexKRWl" + Unknown route-map component "uexSTRc34"
Unknown route-map component "uexKRW+r"
00000 000 (4) R. Mafra (pj. 1925 abd.)[8]
Continuation backward + Unknown route-map component "uexSTRc1"
Unknown route-map component "uexLSTR+4" Unknown route-map component "uexLSTR"
L.ª OesteCacém
Unknown route-map component "LSTR" Unknown route-map component "uexLBHF" Unknown route-map component "uexLSTR"
Unknown route-map component "XBHF-L"
Unknown route-map component "XPLTeq" + Unknown route-map component "uexLBHF"
Unknown route-map component "uexLSTR"
Continuation forward Unknown route-map component "uexLSTR" Unknown route-map component "uexLSTR"
L.ª OesteF.Foz
Unknown route-map component "uexLBHF" Unknown route-map component "uexLSTR"
Mafra(pj. 1925 abd.)[8]
Unknown route-map component "uexKBHFa" Unknown route-map component "uexLKBHFe" Unknown route-map component "uexLSTR"
Unused urban continuation forward Unknown route-map component "uexKRW+l" Unknown route-map component "uexKRWr"
Praia das Maçãs (pj. 1903 abd.)[9]
Urban head station
00000 200 Sintra (Estefânia)
Unknown route-map component "RP2"
Unknown route-map component "uENDExa" + Unknown route-map component "ulvKMW(L)"
00000 200 marco «11» ∥ EN247 (= Av. N. Carv.)
Unknown route-map component "RP2" Urban stop on track
00000 200 🔎︎ Sintra (Estefânia)
Unknown route-map component "RP2eRP1"
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Urban straight track
× arr. part.
Unknown route-map component "RP2" Unknown route-map component "uCSTR(l)"
Unknown route-map component "RP2eRP2"
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP2w" + Unknown route-map component "PARKING"
× ac. est. part.
Unknown route-map component "RP2eRP2"
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Urban straight track
× Est. M.tes Santos
Unknown route-map component "RP2" Unknown route-map component "uSHI2gl" Unknown route-map component "uBS2c3"
00000 160 EN247 (= Av. Agra Ma.)
Unknown route-map component "RP2" Unknown route-map component "uSHI2g+l" Unknown route-map component "uBS2c4"
Urban station on track
00000 000 Montes Santos
Unknown route-map component "RP2" Urban stop on track
00000 000 🔎︎ Montes Santos
Unknown route-map component "RP2eRP2"
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Urban straight track
× R. Pinhal
Unknown route-map component "RP2eRP2"
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Urban straight track
00000 150 × R. Miradouro
Unknown route-map component "RP2" Unknown route-map component "uCSTR(l)"
EN247 (= Av. N. Carv.)
Unknown route-map component "RP2" Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP2"
Unknown route-map component "uCSTR(l)" + Unknown route-map component "uKRWl"
Unknown route-map component "uKRW+r"
Unknown route-map component "RP2" Unknown route-map component "uCSTR(l)" Unknown route-map component "uSPLa"
Unknown route-map component "RP2"
Unknown route-map component "uCSTR(l)" + Unknown route-map component "uSHI1c2"
Unknown route-map component "uvSTR" + Unknown route-map component "uvSHI1r"
Unknown route-map component "RP2" + Unknown route-map component "uBS2c2"
Unknown route-map component "cd" + Unknown route-map component "uexCSTR(l)" + Unknown route-map component "uBS2r"
Unknown route-map component "c" + Unknown route-map component "uvKDSTe"
Unknown route-map component "XPLTa" + Unknown route-map component "uvKDSTe-R"
00000 105 depósito Ribeira
Unknown route-map component "RP2" + Unknown route-map component "uBS2c1"
Unknown route-map component "uexSPLal" + Unknown route-map component "uBS2+r"
Unknown route-map component "XPLTe" + Unknown route-map component "uexvKDSTeq"
Urban station on track
00000 100 Ribeira de Sintra
Unknown route-map component "RP2" Urban stop on track Unknown route-map component "uexKBHFa"
Unknown route-map component "RP2" Unknown route-map component "uSPLa" Unknown route-map component "uexCONTl+g"
Unknown route-map component "RP2eRP1"
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Unknown route-map component "uSPLe"
× C.º Azenhas
Unknown route-map component "RP2" Unknown route-map component "uKMW(L)"
marco «8» ∥ EN247
Unknown route-map component "RP2eRP1"
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Urban straight track
× Estr. Carvalheiro
Unknown route-map component "vRP2-ye-sRP1"
Unknown route-map component "c" + Unknown route-map component "dRP1q" + Unknown route-map component "udSTR"
Unknown route-map component "RD1rf" + Unknown route-map component "RP1+r" + Unknown route-map component "uSTR~R"
Unknown route-map component "c"
× EN247 ├ c. florestal
Unknown route-map component "RP1oW(Rr)" + Unknown route-map component "uSTR~L"
Unknown route-map component "RP1oW(Ll)" + Unknown route-map component "uSTR~R"
00000 070 Ponte Redonda × Rib. Colares
Unknown route-map component "c"
Unknown route-map component "RP1l" + Unknown route-map component "uSTR~L"
Unknown route-map component "c" + Unknown route-map component "dRP1q" + Unknown route-map component "uSTR~R"
Unknown route-map component "vRP1-wsyv-RP2"
× EN247
Urban straight track Unknown route-map component "RP2"
EN247 (= Av. 25 Abril)
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Unknown route-map component "RP1"
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP2" + Unknown route-map component "RP1w"
× R. Mira Serra
Unknown route-map component "RP1rf" Urban straight track Unknown route-map component "RP2"
EN247 (= Av. 25 Abril)
Urban straight track Unknown route-map component "RP2l"
EN247 (= Av. 25 Abril)
Unknown route-map component "RP2" Urban straight track Unknown route-map component "RP2+l"
∥ R. Frut. Gaio ├ EN247 (= Av. 25 Abril)
Unknown route-map component "RP2eRP1"
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× R. Azenha
Unknown route-map component "RP2" Urban straight track Unknown route-map component "RP2"
∥ R. Frut. Gaio ∥ EN247 (= Av. 25 Abril)
Unknown route-map component "RP2rf" Urban straight track Unknown route-map component "RP2"
┤ R. M. Torr. ∥ EN247 (= Av. 25 Abril)
Urban straight track Unknown route-map component "RP2S1l"
EN247 (= Av. 25 Abril)
Urban straight track Unknown route-map component "RP2S1+l"
00000 070 EN247 (= Av. 25 Abril)
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP2wRP2"
× R. Verde Pinho ∥ EN247 (= Av. 25 Abril)
Unknown route-map component "uBS2c2" Unknown route-map component "uSHI2gr" Unknown route-map component "RP2"
Urban station on track
00000 060 Galamares
Unknown route-map component "cd" Unknown route-map component "uvHST" Unknown route-map component "c" Unknown route-map component "RP2"
00000 060 🔎︎ Galamares
Unknown route-map component "uBS2c1" Unknown route-map component "uSHI2g+r" Unknown route-map component "RP2"
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× arr. part. ∥ EN247 (= Av. 25 Abril)
Unknown route-map component "RP2l"
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP2wRP2"
× R. A. Pontinha ∥ EN247 (= Av. 25 Abril)
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP2wRP2"
× R. Acácias ∥ EN247 (= Av. 25 Abril)
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× arr. part. ∥ EN247 (= Av. 25 Abril)
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× arr. part. ∥ EN247 (= Av. 25 Abril)
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× arr. part. ∥ EN247 (= Av. 25 Abril)
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× arr. part. ∥ EN247 (= Av. 25 Abril)
Unknown route-map component "RP2sRP2"
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP2xRP2"
× R. C.po Bola ∥ EN247 (= Av. 25 Abril)
Unknown route-map component "RP2" Urban straight track Unknown route-map component "RP2"
∥ R. 5 Out. ∥ EN247 (= Av. 25 Abril)
Unknown route-map component "RP2nRP2"
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP2wRP2"
┤ R. 5 Out. ∥ EN247 (= Av. 25 Abril)
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× arr. part. ∥ EN247 (= Av. 25 Abril)
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× arr. part. ∥ EN247 (= Av. 25 Abril)
Urban straight track Unknown route-map component "RP2S1l"
EN247 (= Av. 25 Abril)
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "c" + Unknown route-map component "RP1w" + Unknown route-map component "v-RP2"
Unknown route-map component "cd" + Unknown route-map component "RP1w"
× R. Nora
Urban straight track Unknown route-map component "RP2S1+l"
EN247 (= Av. A. A. Gil)
Urban straight track Unknown route-map component "RP2l"
EN247 (= Av. A. A. Gil)
Unknown route-map component "RP2sRP2"
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Urban straight track
× R. Q. Vinagre ∥ R. Vinagre
Unknown route-map component "RP2" Urban straight track
00000 050 ∥ R. Vinagre
Unknown route-map component "RP2rf" Urban straight track
00000 040 ┤ R. S. Sebastião
Unknown route-map component "RP2+r" Urban straight track
┤ R. S. Sebastião
Unknown route-map component "RP2enRP2" + Unknown route-map component "RP2+r"
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP2swRP1"
× R. S. Sebastião
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Unknown route-map component "RP2rf"
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP1"
∥ arr. s/n × arr. part.
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP1"
∥ arr. s/n × arr. part.
Unknown route-map component "uKMW(L)" Unknown route-map component "RP1"
marco «9» ∥ arr. s/n
Urban station on track
00000 030 Colares
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Urban stop on track
Unknown route-map component "RP1rf"
00000 030 🔎︎ Colares × arr. part.
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Urban straight track
× arr. part.
Unknown route-map component "RP2sRP2"
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP2rf"
× R. 25 Abr.
Unknown route-map component "RP2wnRP2" Unknown route-map component "uCSTRa@g(r)"
∥ R. Celão
Unknown route-map component "RP2wRP1" Unknown route-map component "uCSTRe@f(r)"
∥ R. Cochicha
Unknown route-map component "RP2" Unknown route-map component "uKMW(L)"
marco «4» ∥ R. Cochicha
Unknown route-map component "RP2eRP1"
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Urban straight track
× arr. part. ∥ R. Cochicha
Unknown route-map component "RP2oW2(Rr)" Unknown route-map component "uWVIADUKT2-L"
× rib. ∥ R. Cochicha
Unknown route-map component "RP2eRP1"
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Urban straight track
× arr. part. ∥ R. Cochicha
Unknown route-map component "RP2eRP1"
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Urban straight track
× arr. part. ∥ R. Cochicha
Unknown route-map component "RP2eRP1"
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Urban straight track
× arr. part. ∥ R. Cochicha
Unknown route-map component "RP2enRP2"
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP2+r"
∥ R. Cochicha
Unknown route-map component "RP2" Urban straight track Unknown route-map component "RP2"
∥ R. Cochicha
Unknown route-map component "RP2eRP2"
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP2rf" + Unknown route-map component "PARKING"
∥ R. Cochicha
Unknown route-map component "RP2eRP2"
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP2+r"
EN375 (= Al. Linh. Lima)
Unknown route-map component "RP2" Unknown route-map component "ueABZgl+l"
Unknown route-map component "RP2l" + Unknown route-map component "uexdCONTfq"
Almoçageme (pj. 1901, abd.)[11]
Unknown route-map component "RP2" Unknown route-map component "uSHI2gl" Unknown route-map component "uBS2c3"
00000 020
Unknown route-map component "RP2" Unknown route-map component "uSHI2g+l" Unknown route-map component "uBS2+r"
EN375 (= Al. Linh. Lima)
Unknown route-map component "RP2"
Urban straight track + Unknown route-map component "ulKMW(L)"
Urban straight track
marco «3»
Urban station on track
08,900 035 Banzão
Unknown route-map component "RP2wRP2"
Unknown route-map component "ueBHF-L" + Unknown route-map component "ulHST"
Unknown route-map component "uKBHFe-R" + Unknown route-map component "uKDSTxe"
08,900 035 🔎︎ Banzão ┤ R. Lib.
Unknown route-map component "RP2" Urban straight track Unknown route-map component "uexKDSTe"
Adega Visc. Salreu
Unknown route-map component "RD1e" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RD1e" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RP2eRP1"
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Urban straight track
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RD1e" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RD1e" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RP2eRP1"
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Urban straight track
× R. Folhas Verdes ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RP2eRP1"
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Urban straight track
× R. Sombras ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RP2eRP1"
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Urban straight track
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RD1e" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
× c. florestal ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RD1e" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RP2eRP2"
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Urban straight track
00000 020 × R. Morg. Canaviais
Unknown route-map component "RD1e" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RD1e" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RD1e" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RD1e" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RP2eRP1"
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Urban straight track
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RP2wnsRP2" Urban straight track
┤ R. Alba Pena ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RD1" + Unknown route-map component "RP2l"
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP2+r"
00000 020 ∥ R. Caniçais × EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RD1rf" Urban straight track Unknown route-map component "RP2"
┤ R. Caniçais ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RD1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RD1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RD1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RD1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RD1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RD1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RD1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "uBS2c2" Unknown route-map component "uSHI2gr" Unknown route-map component "RP2"
EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RP2e" + Unknown route-map component "uSTR~L"
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Urban straight track + Unknown route-map component "uSTR~R"
Unknown route-map component "RP2wRP2"
┤ Estr. Rib. Janas
Urban station on track
00000 000 Pinhal da Nazaré
Unknown route-map component "cd" Unknown route-map component "uvHST" Unknown route-map component "c" Unknown route-map component "RP2"
Unknown route-map component "uBS2c1" Unknown route-map component "uSHI2g+r" Unknown route-map component "RP2"
EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RD1e"
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× c. florestal ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RD1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RD1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RD1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RD1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RD1sRD1"
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RD1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RD1nRD1" + Unknown route-map component "RP1w"
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RD1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× R. Poço ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RD1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RD1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "uhKRZWae(Rr)" Unknown route-map component "RP2oW(Ll)"
00000 010 × Rib. Janas
Urban straight track Unknown route-map component "RP2ensRP2"
00000 010 ├ Av. F. Freitas → Praia Grande
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RD1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RD1e" + Unknown route-map component "PARKING"
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RD1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× ac. est. ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP2wsRP2"
00000 020 × arr. s/n ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RD1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RP2q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP2wnRP2"
× R. Alf. Keil ∥ EN375 (= Av. Atl.º)
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RD1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. E. Levy)
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RD1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. E. Levy)
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RD1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. E. Levy)
Unknown route-map component "RP1+l"
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× ac. est. ∥ EN375 (= Av. E. Levy)
Unknown route-map component "RP1eRP1" + Unknown route-map component "PARKING"
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× ac. est. ∥ EN375 (= Av. E. Levy)
Unknown route-map component "RP1l"
Unknown route-map component "RP1q" + Urban straight track
Unknown route-map component "RP1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× ac. est. ∥ EN375 (= Av. E. Levy)
Unknown route-map component "uBS2c2" Unknown route-map component "uSHI2gr" Unknown route-map component "RP2"
EN375 (= Av. E. Levy)
Unknown route-map component "RD1e" + Unknown route-map component "uSTR~L"
Unknown route-map component "RD1q" + Urban straight track + Unknown route-map component "uSTR~R"
Unknown route-map component "RD1w" + Unknown route-map component "RP2"
× arr. part. ∥ EN375 (= Av. E. Levy)
Unknown route-map component "cd" Unknown route-map component "uvÜSTl" Unknown route-map component "c" Unknown route-map component "RP2"
EN375 (= Av. E. Levy)
Urban End station
12,685 015 Praia das Maçãs
Unknown route-map component "cd" Unknown route-map component "uvKHSTe-KHSTxe" Unknown route-map component "c" Unknown route-map component "RP2"
Unused straight waterway Unknown route-map component "RP2"
00000 020 EN375 (= Av. E. Levy)
Unknown route-map component "uexLLSTRc2" Unknown route-map component "uexLLABZg3"
Unknown route-map component "uexLLSTR+1"
Unknown route-map component "uexLLSTRc4" + Unknown route-map component "uexSPLa"
Unknown route-map component "uexLSTR" Unknown route-map component "uexvKHSTe"
14,600 050 Azenhas do Mar(enc. 1953)
Unknown route-map component "uexLCONTf"
Ericeira (pj. 1903 abd.)[9]
Ver artigo principal: Elétricos de Sintra


  1. Cardoso & Alves: p.142-143
  2. a b Cardoso & Alves: p.139-141
  3. a b Cardoso & Alves: p.138-139
  4. a b «Cintra á Praia das Maçãs» (PDF). Gazeta dos Caminhos de Ferro. 16 (367). 1 de Abril de 1903. 107 páginas. Consultado em 20 de Julho de 2012 
  5. Illustração Portugueza 31 vol.II (1906.09.24): p.251
  6. Cardoso & Alves: p.141-142
  7. “Eléctrico de Sintra volta aos carris no próximo Verão” Público (2008.10.03)
  8. a b c Cardoso & Alves: p.143-145
  9. a b «Linhas Portuguezas» (PDF). Gazeta dos Caminhos de Ferro. 16 (370). 16 de Maio de 1903. 170 páginas. Consultado em 20 de Julho de 2012  Não é claro se, e (se sim) como, diferia o traçado proposto para o troço SW deste projeto do que foi efetivamente construído no prolongamento às Azenhas do Mar, inaugurado em 1930 — apenas na medida em que ambos preconizavam a instalação da via sobre estradas pre-existentes, ou em paralelo a estas.
  10. Funicular Sintra-Ribeira: projecto de ~2002, já abandonado em 2006, segundo John Laidlar (“Sintra Trams, Buses & Carriage RidesThe Luso Pages)
  11. Jornal Saloio 185 (1901.09.14): p.2 — in Cardoso & Alves: p.137-138.