Robert Henry Thurston

Robert Henry Thurston (Providence, 25 de outubro de 1839Ithaca, 25 de outubro de 1903) foi um engenheiro estadunidense. Foi o primeiro professor de engenharia mecânica do Stevens Institute of Technology.

Robert Henry Thurston
Robert Henry Thurston
Nascimento 25 de outubro de 1839
Morte 25 de outubro de 1903 (64 anos)
Sepultamento North Burial Ground
Cidadania Estados Unidos
Alma mater
Ocupação engenheiro, inventor, engenheiro mecânico
Empregador(a) Universidade Cornell, Academia Naval dos Estados Unidos



Livros selecionados:

  • 1878. A history of the growth of the steam engine. D. Appleton and Company; 4th, revised ed. 1902 (online)
  • 1884. Stationary steam engines; especially as adapted to electric lighting purposes. New York, J. Wiley & sons, 1884.
  • 1889. The development of the philosophy of the steam-engine. An historical sketch. New York, J. Wiley & sons.
  • 1890. Heat as a form of energy. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1890.
  • 1891. A manual of the steam-engine. For engineers and technical schools; advanced courses. New York, J. Wiley & sons, 1891.
  • 1894. The animal as a machine and a prime motor, and the laws of energetics. New York, J. Wiley & sons.

Artigos selecionados:[1]

  • 1865. On Losses of Propelling Power in the Paddle Wheel
  • 1865. Steam Engines of the French Navy
  • 1870. H. B. M. Iron Clad Monarch
  • 1870. Iron Manufactures in Great Britain
  • 1871. Experimental Steam Boiler Explosions
  • 1871. Report on Test Trials of Steam Boilers
  • 1872. Traction Engines and Road Locomotives
  • 1874. Efficiency of Furnaces Burning Wet Fuel
  • 1874. The Mechanical Engineer, his Preparation and his Work


  • ASME History and Heritage Committee (1980); Mechanical Engineers in America Born Prior to 1861: A Biographical Dictionary. New York: ASME. Library of Congress No. 79-57364.
  • Calvert, Monte A. Mechanical Engineer in America, 1830-1910: Professional Cultures in Conflict. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1967.
  • Clark, Geoffrey W. (2000); History of Stevens Institute of Technology: A Record of Broad-Based Curricula and Technogenesis. Jersey City, New Jersey: Jensen/Daniels.
  • Sinclair, Bruce (1980); A Centennial History of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1880-1980. (Toronto: Published for ASME by University of Toronto Press, 1980). ISBN 0-8020-2380-0.
  • Durand, William F. (1929): "Robert Henry Thurston" The Riverside Press Cambridge, Massachusetts 1929 Copyright by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers A.S.M.E. First Edition.


  1. Johnson's Universal Cyclopedia, 1878; cited in: Brown Thurston (1880) Thurston genealogies. Published 1880 by B. Thurston. p, 337-338
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