Este(a) usuário(a) é um(a) editor(a) participante de Project:Outreach_Dashboard/Projeto_Saúde_Auditiva/Projeto_Saúde_Auditiva_Oficina_Wikipédia_e_Wikidata. |
Introdução à Wikipédia
Aqui estão algumas páginas que podem ajudar: |
Material de apoio
Este(a) usuário(a) é um(a) editor(a) participante de Project:Outreach_Dashboard/Projeto_Mais_Teoria_da_História_na_Wiki/Wikiconcurso_Mais_Mulheres_em_Teoria_da_História_na_Wiki_(Junho_e_Julho_de_2024). |
Introdução à Wikipédia
Aqui estão algumas páginas que podem ajudar: |
Material de apoio
Este(a) usuário(a) é um(a) editor(a) participante de Project:Outreach_Dashboard/Projeto_Mais_Teoria_da_História_na_Wiki/Oficinas_de_capacitação_Mais_Mulheres_em_Teoria_da_História_na_Wiki_(Entre_os_dias_22_e_30_de_junho.). |
Introdução à Wikipédia
Aqui estão algumas páginas que podem ajudar: |
Material de apoio
Este(a) usuário(a) é um(a) editor(a) participante de Project:Outreach_Dashboard/Calibra/Oficina_de_Open_StreetMap. |
Introdução à Wikipédia
Aqui estão algumas páginas que podem ajudar: |
Material de apoio
Este(a) usuário(a) é um(a) editor(a) participante de Project:Outreach_Dashboard/GLAM_Bibliotecas_da_USP/Cada_Livro_Seu_Público_2024_-_edite_sobre_livros_e_autores_na_Wikipédia_(Abril_de_2024). |
Introdução à Wikipédia
Aqui estão algumas páginas que podem ajudar: |
Material de apoio
Este(a) usuário(a) é um(a) editor(a) participante de Project:Outreach_Dashboard/WMB,_UFSC,_UTP,_USP,_UdeM/Oficina_Wikipédia_INAD_Brasil_2023_(26-04-2023). |
Introdução à Wikipédia
Aqui estão algumas páginas que podem ajudar: |
Material de apoio
Este(a) usuário(a) é um(a) editor(a) participante de Project:Outreach_Dashboard/Universidade_Tuiuti_do_Paraná/Núcleo_de_estudos_-_Trabalho_Saúde_e_Sociedade_(mensal_-_primeira_sexta_feira_do_mês). |
Introdução à Wikipédia
Aqui estão algumas páginas que podem ajudar: |
Material de apoio
Este(a) usuário(a) é um(a) editor(a) participante de Project:Outreach_Dashboard/USP/Teoria_e_Diagnóstico_Audiológico_III_-_Infantil. |
Introdução à Wikipédia
Aqui estão algumas páginas que podem ajudar: |
Material de apoio
Este(a) usuário(a) é um(a) editor(a) participante de Project:Outreach_Dashboard/Projeto_Mais_Teoria_da_História_na_Wiki/Mais_povos_originários_em_Teoria_da_História_na_Wiki. |
Introdução à Wikipédia
Aqui estão algumas páginas que podem ajudar: |
Material de apoio
Este(a) usuário(a) é um(a) editor(a) participante de Project:Outreach_Dashboard/Faculdade_de_Odontologia_de_Bauru_-_Universidade_de_São_Paulo/Iniciação_Científica_-_Audiologia_-_FOB_USP. |
Introdução à Wikipédia
Aqui estão algumas páginas que podem ajudar: |
Material de apoio
Bem-vindo(a), Hector Gabriel Corrale de Matos!
Seu trabalho é importante. Sou colaborador(a) da Wikipédia. Espero que também goste de colaborar com esta enciclopédia, que dá a qualquer pessoa a possibilidade de ter livre acesso ao somatório de todo o conhecimento humano. Ajude-nos a melhorar e acrescentar informações. Obrigado(a) por suas contribuições. Espero que goste daqui e decida ficar.
Aqui estão algumas páginas que podem ajudar:
- Os cinco pilares da Wikipédia
- Tutorial
- Como editar uma página e Como melhorar um artigo
- Como criar o seu primeiro artigo
- Livro de estilo
Se precisar de ajuda, pergunte na página para tirar dúvidas ou diretamente para mim. Sua página de testes está à disposição para que você possa testar a sintaxe do software usado na Wikipédia. Pode também se inscrever no programa de tutoria e ser acompanhado(a) por um(a) editor(a) mais experiente. Por favor, assine suas mensagens nas páginas de discussão usando quatro tiles (~~~~
) ou o botão presente no alto da janela de edição; isso irá inserir automaticamente seu nome de usuário e a data.--Luan (discussão) 22h29min de 26 de janeiro de 2021 (UTC)
Lembrete da Sétima Oficina Wikimedia & Educação
editarOlá Hector Gabriel Corrale de Matos, tudo bem contigo? Visto que sua conta está devidamente inscrita na lista de participantes das Oficinas Wikimedia & Educação na Wikiversidade, viemos até aqui lhe comunicar acerca da oficina deste mês de dezembro. Em sua sétima edição, a oficina terá, como praxe, duas apresentações distintas: "Wikipedon: Produção colaborativa de conteúdo livre sobre recursos do solo e da terra" e "Wikimedia e Educação: experiências, formação docente e História na Wiki". Elas serão apresentadas, respectivamente, por Alessandro Samuel Rosa, engenheiro agrônomo e professor na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná; e Isabela Tosta e Lucas Piantá, graduandos em História na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, ambos membros do grupo do História na Wiki.
As oficinas acontecem mensalmente, na terceira quarta-feira do mês.
- Dados gerais
- Quando?: 16 de dezembro, das 14h às 16h.
- Onde: Evento online, via Google Meet, na sala
- Organização: Wiki Movimento Brasil
- Apoio: Wikipedia & Education e CC Open Education Platform
- Página do evento: 7ª Oficina Wikimedia & Educação
Cordialmente, MediaWiki message delivery (discussão) 19h31min de 9 de dezembro de 2020 (UTC)
Indicação de eliminação rápida para a página Política Nacional de Atenção à Saúde Auditiva
editarOlá, Hector Gabriel Corrale de Matos. A página Política Nacional de Atenção à Saúde Auditiva que criou foi indicada para eliminação rápida por não cumprir a seguinte regra:
- A4: O artigo não indicava a importância do assunto de acordo com os nossos critérios. ver mais info›
- Observação do proponente: Apresentação institucional WP:TEXTOPRONTO
O verbete Política Nacional de Atenção à Saúde Auditiva, editado por você, foi marcado para eliminação por consenso, por ter sido considerado, por algum editor, não condizente com a Wikipédia; isso significa que o verbete talvez não satisfaça os critérios de notoriedade estabelecidos pela comunidade ou se encaixe no descrito em O que a Wikipédia não é.
Você poderá expor seus argumentos na discussão para manter ou eliminar, porém jamais remova o aviso de eliminação que está no verbete, pois seria considerado vandalismo.
Boas contribuições! Stego (discussão) 08h33min de 26 de janeiro de 2021 (UTC)
Ligações externas
editarOlá, Hector
Escrevo para lembrar que o nosso livro de estilo não permite ligações externas no corpo do texto, veja WP:ligações externas. Abraço e boas edições, Lechatjaune msg 21h08min de 19 de fevereiro de 2021 (UTC)
VIII Oficina Wikimedia & Educação (WMB)
editarOlá, pessoal! Espero que estejam todos bem!
Após alguns meses de intervalo, é com muito prazer que escrevo para convidá-los a participar da VIII Oficina Wikimedia & Educação na próxima quarta-feira (14/04) às 14h. Para se inscreverem no evento, enviem um e-mail para eventos, de preferência, com o assunto "VIII Oficina Wikimedia & Educação".
A partir de abril, nossos encontros serão mensais, sempre na terceira quarta-feira do mês. O formato será o mesmo dos eventos anteriores: começamos às 14h com uma fala rápida do Wiki Movimento Brasil (WMB) sobre recursos educacionais na wiki, seguida por duas apresentações de até 30 minutos cada de educadores convidados. Terminamos o nosso encontro com um momento de discussão aberta entre os participantes, com previsão de encerramento às 16h.
Nesta primeira oficina de 2021, nossas palestrantes convidadas são Adriane Batata (Arquitetura e Urbanismo, FMT-BA) e Juliana Monteiro (Museologia, ETEC Parque da Juventude / Arte+Feminismo).
Sintam-se à vontade para convidar colegas educadores, mesmo que ainda não conheçam ou usem as plataformas Wikimedia em suas atividades. A ideia é justamente termos um espaço para trocas de experiências com pessoas já iniciadas nas wikis e outras ainda novas nos projetos.
Aproveito para enviar alguns materiais desenvolvidos pelo WMB em 2020 que podem auxiliar em suas atividades com alunos:
- Brochura: Wikipédia de A a Z
- Vídeo tutorial: Como criar uma conta wiki
- Vídeo tutorial: Como usar a página de testes
- Vídeo tutorial: Como adicionar referências em um artigo na Wikipédia
- Vídeo tutorial: Como carregar imagens no Wikimedia Commons
- Vídeo tutorial: Como utilizar as imagens do Wikimedia Commons na Wikipédia
- Vídeo tutorial: Como adicionar predefinições
Até lá, User:MCarrera (WMB)
Categorias em Perda auditiva periférica
Levi Avelino Brito ʟ.ᴀ.ʙ.🐉 15h01min de 19 de abril de 2021 (UTC)
XIX Oficina Wikimedia & Educação
editarNa próxima quarta-feira (19/05), das 14:00 às 16:00, acontecerá mais uma oficina Wikimedia & Educação, agora com apresentações de Vicente Aguiar, pesquisador, professor e sócio-fundador da Colivre - Cooperativa de Tecnologias Livres, e Miréia Figueiredo, pesquisadora do Centro de Pesquisa, Inovação e Difusão em Neuromatemática (CEPID NeuroMat).
No contexto do lançamento do projeto Wiki Loves Bahia, os temas das apresentações serão, respectivamente, "O aluno e o professor na Wikipédia como protagonistas da educação: um caso baiano" e "Wikiversidade: como estruturar o seu curso em uma plataforma livre, aberta e colaborativa?". A transmissão do evento ocorrerá via Google Meet.
Para mais informações, acesse a Oficinas Wikimedia & Educação/Oficina 9. MediaWiki message delivery (discussão) 19h39min de 14 de maio de 2021 (UTC)
XI Oficina Wikimedia & Educação
editarOlá, pessoal! Em julho teremos a nossa XI Oficina Wikimedia & Educação e o Wiki Movimento Brasil convida todas e todos a participarem conosco trocando experiências!
Esta oficina acontecerá no dia 21 de julho, das 14h às 16h, numa sala do Google Meet. Caso não tenha participado das oficinas ainda, é necessário fazer inscrição prévia. Para participar, envie um email para com seu nome, e-mail ou usuário wiki e instituição de ensino (se tiver).
Programação do evento:
- 14:00 às 14:20: Boas-vindas
- 14:20 às 14:50: O projeto Tainacan e o compartilhamento de conteúdos livres de instituições culturais e educacionais, com Luciana Conrado (Percebe/Tainacan)
- 14:50 às 15:20: Por trás do conteúdo livre: o Wikidata enquanto banco de dados livres, com Tiago Lubiana (IME-USP)
- 15:20 às 16:00: Discussão
Aproveito para lembrar que temos um portal do evento e convido todos a assinarem a página de participantes! Também possível encontrar os slides e assistir aos vídeos das oficinas anteriores na página de materiais. Para quem prefere acompanhar pelo YouTube, temos uma playlist em nosso canal com todos os vídeos das oficinas passadas.
Nos vemos lá! EAzzellini (WMB) (discussão)
XI Oficina Wikimedia & Educação
editarOlá! Em julho teremos a nossa XI Oficina Wikimedia & Educação e o Wiki Movimento Brasil convida todas e todos a participarem conosco trocando experiências!
Esta oficina acontecerá no dia 21 de julho, das 14h às 16h, numa sala do Google Meet. Caso não tenha participado das oficinas ainda, é necessário fazer inscrição prévia. Para participar, envie um e-mail para com seu nome, email ou usuário wiki e instituição de ensino (se tiver).
Programação do evento:
- 14:00 às 14:20: Boas-vindas
- 14:20 às 14:50: Wikimedia & Decolonização, com Amanda Jurno (WMB)
- 14:50 às 15:20: Por trás do conteúdo livre: o Wikidata enquanto banco de dados livres, com Tiago Lubiana (IME-USP)
- 15:20 às 16:00: Discussão
Aproveito para lembrar que temos um portal do evento e convido todos a assinarem a página de participantes! Também possível encontrar os slides e assistir aos vídeos das oficinas anteriores na página de materiais. Para quem prefere acompanhar pelo YouTube, temos uma playlist em nosso canal com todos os vídeos das oficinas passadas.
Nos vemos lá!
Equipe do Wiki Movimento Brasil
XII Oficina Wikimedia & Educação
editarOlá! Em agosto teremos a nossa XII Oficina Wikimedia & Educação e o Wiki Movimento Brasil convida todas e todos a participarem conosco trocando experiências!
Esta oficina acontecerá no dia 18 de agosto, das 14h às 16h, numa sala do Google Meet. Caso não tenha participado das oficinas ainda, é necessário fazer inscrição prévia. Para participar, envie um email para com seu nome, email ou usuário wiki e instituição de ensino (se tiver).
Programação do evento:
- 14:00 às 14:20: Boas-vindas
- 14:20 às 14:50: O projeto Tainacan e o compartilhamento de conteúdos livres de instituições culturais e educacionais, com Luciana Conrado (Museu Histórico Nacional/Percebe/Tainacan/UFPI)
- 14:50 às 15:20: Educação, pesquisa histórica e plataformas wiki, com José Hermes Martins Pereira (Museu Paulista / USP)
- 15:20 às 16:00: Discussão
Aproveito para lembrar que temos um portal do evento e convido todos a assinarem a página de participantes! Também possível encontrar os slides e assistir aos vídeos das oficinas anteriores na página de materiais. Para quem prefere acompanhar pelo YouTube, temos uma playlist em nosso canal com todos os vídeos das oficinas passadas.
Nos vemos lá! EAzzellini (WMB) (discussão)
XIII Oficina Wikimedia & Educação (15/09)
editarOlá! Em setembro teremos a nossa XIII Oficina Wikimedia & Educação e o Wiki Movimento Brasil convida todas e todos a participarem conosco trocando experiências!
Esta oficina acontecerá no dia 15 de setembro, das 14h às 16h, numa sala do Google Meet. Caso não tenha participado das oficinas ainda, é necessário fazer inscrição prévia. Para participar, envie um email para com seu nome, email ou usuário wiki e instituição de ensino (se tiver).
Programação do evento:
- 14:00 às 14:20: Boas-vindas
- 14:20 às 14:50: Relato de uma experiência na Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), com Tatiana El-Bacha
- 14:50 às 15:20: Relato de uma experiência em Itabuna, no contexto do projeto Wiki Loves Bahia, com Yasmine Midlej
- 15:20 às 16:00: Discussão
Aproveito para lembrar que temos um portal do evento e convido todos a assinarem a página de participantes! Também é possível encontrar os slides e assistir aos vídeos das oficinas anteriores na página de materiais. Para quem prefere acompanhar pelo YouTube, temos uma playlist em nosso canal com todos os vídeos das oficinas passadas.
Atenção: Você recebeu esta mensagem, pois está inscrito na lista de interesse das Oficinas Wikimedia & Educação. Caso não queria mais receber nossas comunicações, escreva para ou deixe um recado na minha página de discussão.
Nos vemos lá! EAzzellini (WMB)
XIV Oficina Wikimedia & Educação (20/10)
editarOlá! Em outubro teremos a nossa XIV Oficina Wikimedia & Educação e o Wiki Movimento Brasil convida todas e todos a participarem conosco trocando experiências!
Esta oficina acontecerá no dia 20 de outubro, das 14h às 16h, numa sala do Google Meet. Caso não tenha participado das oficinas ainda, é necessário fazer inscrição prévia. Para participar, envie um e-mail para com seu nome, e-mail ou usuário wiki e instituição de ensino (se tiver).
Programação do evento:
- 14:00 às 14:20: Boas-vindas
- 14:20 às 14:50: A Wikipédia como fonte de informação de referência: avaliação e perspectivas, com Vinícius Kern (Departamento de Ciência da Informação - UFSC)
- 14:50 às 15:20: Wiki Loves Monuments Brasil 2021, com Éder Porto (Gerente de Produtos & Recursos - Wiki Movimento Brasil)
- 15:20 às 16:00: Discussão
Aproveito para lembrar que temos um portal do evento e convido todos a assinarem a página de participantes! Também é possível encontrar os slides e assistir aos vídeos das oficinas anteriores na página de materiais. Para quem prefere acompanhar pelo YouTube, temos uma playlist em nosso canal com todos os vídeos das oficinas passadas.
Novidade: A partir desta oficina, o Wiki Movimento Brasil oferecerá certificados de participação para os palestrantes e ouvintes!
Atenção: Você recebeu esta mensagem, pois está inscrito na lista de interesse das Oficinas Wikimedia & Educação. Caso não queria mais receber nossas comunicações, escreva para ou deixe um recado na minha página de discussão.
Nos vemos lá! EAzzellini (WMB)
XV Oficina Wikimedia & Educação (20/04)
editarOlá! Estamos de volta com as nossas oficinas Wikimedia & Educação! Em abril teremos a nossa XV Oficina Wikimedia & Educação e o Wiki Movimento Brasil convida todas e todos a participarem conosco dessa troca de experiências!
Esta oficina acontecerá no dia 20 de abril, das 14h às 16h, numa sala do Google Meet. Para quem nunca participou de oficinas anteriores, é necessário fazer inscrição prévia. Para participar, envie um e-mail para com seu nome, e-mail ou usuário wiki e instituição de ensino (se tiver).
Programação do evento:
- 14:00 às 14:20: Boas-vindas
- 14:20 às 14:50: O Projeto Mais Teoria da História na Wiki, Danielly Dias do Projeto Mais Teoria da História na Wiki, da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)
- 14:50 às 15:20: Wiki Possibilidade agentiva por meio da Wikipédia na Educação em Ciências, com Felipe Lima - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Científica e Tecnológica da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)
- 15:20 às 16:00: Discussão
Aproveito para lembrar que temos um portal do evento e convido todos a assinarem a página de participantes! Também é possível encontrar os slides e assistir aos vídeos das oficinas anteriores na página de materiais. Para quem prefere acompanhar pelo YouTube, temos uma playlist em nosso canal com todos os vídeos das oficinas passadas.
Atenção: Você recebeu esta mensagem, pois está inscrito na lista de interesse das Oficinas Wikimedia & Educação. Caso não queria mais receber nossas comunicações, escreva para ou deixe um recado na minha página de discussão.
Nos vemos lá! FDias (WMB)
editarOi.BahYajé e Y4guarEtã (discussão) 19h18min de 24 de julho de 2022 (UTC)
Categorias em Audiometria condicionada
RodRabelo7xe mongetá îepé 06h00min de 13 de novembro de 2022 (UTC)
Formulário sobre o uso dos Projetos Wikimedia para fins educacionais e científicos
editarOlá CorraleH, tudo bem contigo?
Nós do Wiki Movimento Brasil elaboramos um formulário para interessados no uso dos Projetos Wikimedia para fins educacionais e científicos. Nosso objetivo é reunir informações que nos ajudem a planejar eventos e capacitações para 2023 na área de Educação de acordo com as expectativas da comunidade.
Este é o link do formulário que pode ser respondido anonimamente. Ele é composto de perguntas de múltipla escolha, leva cerca de cinco minutos para ser respondido e tem espaço para respostas longas.
Contamos com você!
Atenção: Caso não queria mais receber nossas comunicações, escreva para ou deixe um recado na minha página de discussão. FDias (WMB) (discussão)
Categorias em Categoria:Editatona Wikidata Saúde Auditiva
YANGUASdiz!-fiz 23h02min de 12 de outubro de 2023 (UTC)
- Categoria adicionada, desculpe pelo erro. Muito obrigado pelo aviso e explicação. CorraleH (discussão) 00h07min de 13 de outubro de 2023 (UTC)
Diferenças ortográficas
editarCaro editor,
Sua contribuição para a Wikipédia é bem-vinda. A Wikipédia em português é escrita e lida por falantes portugueses, brasileiros, angolanos, cabo-verdianos, guineenses, equato-guineenses, moçambicanos, santomenses, timorenses e não só. Por isso devemos conviver com todas as variantes da língua e ser tolerantes com as diferenças.
Assim, não mude a grafia brasileira de certas palavras para a luso-africana ou luso-asiática (por exemplo, seção para secção; tênis para ténis, etc.) nem o inverso, como fez no artigo Síndrome de Wolff-Parkinson-White. Para mais informações, recomendo-lhe a leitura da página de projeto sobre versões da língua portuguesa. Caso já possua uma conta na Wikipédia, está à sua disposição um conversor de idiomas que produz automaticamente versões dos artigos na grafia com a qual está acostumado.
Aproveito para lembrar que, apesar de a Wikipédia lusófona privilegiar o uso das normas do Acordo Ortográfico de 1990 nas suas páginas oficiais (políticas, recomendações, etc.), qualquer usuário é livre de utilizar nas suas edições as regras dos restantes países lusófonos (Acordo Ortográfico de 1945), não sendo toleradas alterações de uma norma para outra.
Os artigos escritos sob o Formulário Ortográfico de 1943, por estar extinto na Wikipédia, devem ser modificados para adequar-se ao Acordo Ortográfico de 1990. Para mais informações recomendo-lhe a leitura das páginas de projeto sobre o acordo ortográfico e ortografia.
Claro que, como é evidente, está à vontade para emendar erros ortográficos reais e que não derivem das diferenças entre as normas utilizadas na língua portuguesa.
Obrigado pelo interesse demonstrado e boas contribuições! JMagalhães (discussão) 14h19min de 25 de outubro de 2023 (UTC)
- Olá, muito obrigado pela mensagem. Me desculpe de verdade pela imprecisão. Não tive intenção e também não me atentei as diferenças ortográficas presentes no verbete. Vou buscar ser mais atencioso nas minhas edições. Obrigado. CorraleH (discussão) 02h15min de 26 de outubro de 2023 (UTC)
- Adicionei novamente o conteúdo referente aos critérios diagnósticos, mas sem realizar nenhuma edição no texto anterior, visando preservar a diferenças ortográficas da língua. O trecho adicionado consta de três referências científicas (artigos e guia clínico). Vou buscar adicionar mais referências a trecho editado. Obrigado. CorraleH (discussão) 03h09min de 26 de outubro de 2023 (UTC)
Feedback - Cada Livro, seu Público 2024
editarOlá! Você participou da campanha Cada Livro, seu Público 2024 para melhorar a informação sobre livros e autores e autoras na Wikipédia em português.
Por isso, queremos convidar você a preencher este formulário de feedback para podermos melhorar ainda mais a campanha para o próximo ano.
As respostas a este formulário são anônimas e você vai levar menos de 4 minutos para completá-lo. A sua opinião importa muito! MOliveira (WMB) (discussão) 18h02min de 6 de junho de 2024 (UTC)
Calendário de eventos de junho do Wiki Movimento Brasil
editarO Wiki Movimento Brasil convida todos e todas a participarem dos eventos que organizamos para junho! Confira abaixo o nosso calendário de eventos do mês, com horários em UTC-3 (horário de Brasília). Aproveite para nos seguir nas redes sociais (@wmnobrasil) e acompanhar todas as atividades!
- 05/06 a 05/07: Campanha Wiki Por Direitos Humanos 2024
O objetivo da campanha global #WikiPorDireitosHumanos (em inglês, #WikiForHumanRights) é garantir o acesso livre e aberto à informação atual e confiável sobre o direito ao meio ambiente saudável. Em 2024, o tema é O conhecimento de que precisamos para um futuro sustentável. Participe da maratona de edição e acompanhe webinários sobre o tema!
- 06/06 10:00: Oficina Wikidata - Otimizando a visualização de acervos através de queries
Esta oficina busca difundir modos de recuperar informação sobre acervos contidos na plataforma Wikidata por meio de Queries em SPARQL. E, em seguida, adicionar uma camada de visualização conforme mais se adeque aos parâmetros cruzados durante a pesquisa. Inscreva-se!
- 06/06 17:00: Oficina Wikimedia & Educação
Durante a nossa XXXII Oficina Wikimedia & Educação, você vai conhecer mais sobre a iniciativa do Laboratório Mulheres Indígenas da Wikipedia e aprender sobre os processos didáticos e criativos das edições realizadas em conjunto com os alunos da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Além disso, você receberá uma introdução ao Wikisource, a biblioteca livre que oferece um acervo digital de livros e textos em domínio público ou sob licenças livres.
- 07/06 18:00: Anúncio de vencedores do Wiki Loves Cultura Popular 2023
Conheça as imagens vencedores do concurso Wiki Loves Cultura Popular 2023 pelo canal do Wiki Movimento Brasil no YouTube.
- 11/06 16:00: Editatona pela Rede: Multiplicando o Acolhimento para Mulheres em Situação de Violência
Atividade online e fechada para voluntárias do projeto Mapa do Acolhimento tem por objetivo promover uma reflexão sobre a importância do conhecimento livre para difusão de informação de apoio a mulheres vítimas de violência de gênero e melhoria da difusão de informação sobre equipamentos e direitos das mulheres através da Wikipédia.
- 13/06 13:00: Caminhada fotográfica - BEM do Dique
Caminhada fotográfica e oficina de carregamento de imagens no Wikimedia Commons que será realizada no bairro Jardim América, no Rio de Janeiro. A ação será a atividade principal de comemoração dos 23 anos da Biblioteca Escolar Municipal do Dique - José Lins do Rego, parceira GLAM do Wiki Movimento Brasil.
- 14/06 07:30: Editatona Laboratório de História e Teoria da Arte, UERJ
Terceira e última oficina da Editatona Laboratório de História e Teoria da Arte, UERJ. O evento ocorre no contexto da parceria entre o Wiki Movimento Brasil e a plataforma Art+Feminism com a disciplina de "Laboratório de História e Teoria da Arte", ministrada pela Professora Dra. Fernanda Pequeno.
- 21/06 19h: Reunião aberta WMB
Participe da reunião aberta do WMB e conheça iniciativas e pessoas que fazem parte do Movimento Wikimedia no Brasil.
- 21 a 28/06: Editatona LaHDUERJ
Oficina de apresentação do Movimento Wikimedia, elaboração do conceito de “Conhecimento Livre” e edição básica na Wikipédia para alunos da graduação e pós-graduação vinculados ao Laboratório de Estudos Digitais da UERJ, coordenado pela profa. Alejandra Josiowicz.
- 24/06 a 02/07: Wiki Ocupa Cachoeira e São Félix
A iniciativa consiste em uma série de atividades presenciais para coleta, organização e disponibilização online de informação sobre o patrimônio local, tendo os festejos da Independência da Bahia como eixo central. O projeto foi contemplado nos Editais da Paulo Gustavo Bahia e tem apoio financeiro do Governo do Estado da Bahia através da Secretaria de Cultura via Lei Paulo Gustavo, direcionada pelo Ministério da Cultura, Governo Federal, e conta com parcerias das prefeituras de São Félix e Cachoeira, através dos departamentos e secretarias de Cultura e Turismo, demonstrando um esforço conjunto para a promoção e preservação da história local.
Você recebeu esta mensagem, pois está inscrito(a) na lista de interesse do WMB. Caso não queira mais receber essas comunicações, sinta-se à vontade para retirar o seu nome da lista.
Wikidata weekly summary #634
editarThis is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-07-01. Please help Translate.
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- DifoolBot 4 Task(s) - Split single references containing multiple reference URLs into multiple references.
- Bot Bozze Task(s) - Add sitelinks to itwiki draft articles after they've been moved to the main namespace.
- New request for comments: Spelling convention for labels and descriptions in English - RfC started 2024-06-25. This RfC requests feedback and input for finding consistency in spelling convention as English has multiple regional variations.
- Past: The Lexicodays 2024 was an online event designed to offer a discussion space for the Wikidata community about Lexicographical Data. An archive of some of the slides and session recordings are here c:Category:Lexicodays 2024. More will be added as they become available.
- Upcoming:
- The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, 16:00 UTC on Wednesday, 10th July 2024 (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
- Talk to the Search Platform / Query Service Team—July 3, 2024
- Botany-focused Wikidata online workshop online as part of the #IBC2024. Date: Tuesday 9th July at 9pm NZST (GMT+12) / 11 am central Europe. Register here!
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Querying for audio on Wikidata - This blog post discusses using SPARQL queries on Wikidata to find audio recordings, focusing on musical compositions and their associated genres.
- Stories from the anti-disinformation repository: Why Wikimedia is an antidote to disinformation - The blog post highlights how Wikidata, as a central storage repository, plays a crucial role in countering disinformation by providing reliable, structured data for Wikimedia projects and beyond.
- Diff Blog: Imagining a Wikidata future for librarians together - the sixth and final blog post from the LD42023 conference. Silvia Gutiérrez (WMF) and Giovanna Fontenelle (WMF) document the results of the collaborative session on building a bridge between the Library-Wikidata community and WMF.
- Census IDs are Now Wikidata External Identifiers
- Library Knowledge as Linked Data: A Wikidata Approach: Contributing to a shared data commons. David Erlandson describes the experiences of using Wikidata for the pilot Program for Cooperative Cataloging to "accelerate the movement towards ubiquitous identifier creation and identity management at the network level".
- Papers
- Mapping the Past: Geographically Linking an Early 20th Century Swedish Encyclopedia with Wikidata - This paper describes the extraction of location entries from a prominent Swedish encyclopedia and sheds light on selection and representation of geographic information in the Nordisk Familjebok. By A. Ahlin, A. Myrne & P. Nugues.
- Papers from the just-ended Wiki Workshop 2024
- Do LOD Conventions Impede the Representation of Diversity? The Case of Disabled Actors in DBpedia and Wikidata?
- SPARQL for LIS Analytics: Exploring Gender Representation amongst PCC Wikidata Pilot Participant
- Wikidata Vandalism Detection with Graph-Linguistic Fusion
- Wikidata Quality Toolkit: Entity Schema Generator Demonstration (tool demonstration)
- Videos
- Wikidata Knowledge Graph to Enable Equitable and Validated Generative AI - Wikimedia Deutschland's Jonathan Fraine and Lydia Pintscher show how Wikidata can be used to provide well-cited information and how semantic search can augment generative AI inference. Presented at the Open Source GenAI & ML Summit.
- Wikidata Editing LIVE at Lexico Days 2024 - User:Abbe98 and User:JanAinali are back for another session of live-editing, focused on lexicographical data, during the Lexico Days 2024 event that took place this last weekend, June 28 - June 30.
- Get more out of Wikidata with Resonator - Rachel Hendrick and Gary Price of LibTech Tools walk through Resonator and point out the best ways to use it. Resonator is available on ToolForge.
- Knowledge Integrity: Reliability- Wikidata Vandalism Detection with Graph Linguistic Fusion - Diego (WMF) and Mykola Trokhmovych showcase their work on building a model to help Wikidata editors identify edits that require patrolling, as part of the [Wiki Workshop 2024.
- Inclusion of Communities: Using Wikibase to Leverage Community Sourced Data Initiatives - Erin Yunes talks about their work in using Wikibase Cloud as part of the Compel project (COmputer Music Preservation Electronic Library).
- (es) ¿Cómo fortalecer el dominio público con Wikidata? - This Wikitools Workshop hosted by Jorge Gemetto is on Paulina, a tool for exploring and accessing public domain information on authors and their works.
Tool of the week
- Automatic Structuring of text for Wikidata - User:BrokenSegue introduces their new tool.
- User:Zvpunry/CreateNewItem - This is a User script to easily add a new Item while editing a Statement and noticing that the desired Item is missing.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The second iteration of the Wikidata:Open Online Course has begun. Class will continue until August 11. Whether you're a beginner taking your first steps, an individual in need of a refresher on Wikidata concepts, or a seasoned trainer looking to level up your skills - this course is right for you.
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- showrunner (person who is responsible for the day-to-day operation of a television show)
- music mood (qualifier carrying an emotion (mood) relevant to a musical audio recording)
- coin edge (image or images that show the edge of a coin)
- ozone depletion potential (relative amount of degradation to the ozone layer relative to CFC-11)
- Newest External identifiers: Locomotive Yaroslavl HC player ID, Orthoptera Species File taxon ID (new), Flown From the Nest person ID, Online Swahili - English Dictionary ID, A Dictionary of Plant Sciences ID, A Dictionary of Zoology ID, A Dictionary of Contemporary Icelandic ID, Seret film ID, Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number, Paleobiology database reference ID, PNG School Code, Téarma ID, IMAIOS entity ID, Naturalis Repository ID, English-Spanish Dictionary ID, Vikidia article ID, player ID, ID, Oqaasersiorfik ID, MNAHA person ID, Greenlandic-English Dictionary ID, Te Aka Māori Dictionary ID, Tropicos person ID, He Pātaka Kupu ID, vehicle keeper marking (VKM), AllGame style ID, FC Metz player ID, MoFo ID, numeric ID, film ID, person ID, studio ID, Cockroach Species File taxon ID (new), Lygaeoidea Species File taxon ID (new), Phasmida Species File taxon ID (new), Psocodea Species File taxon ID (new), Spanish-English Dictionary ID, Norwegian National Museum producer ID, Burgenwelt ID, Irish-English Dictionary ID, Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini ID, Tommaseo-Bellini Online ID, player ID, DAKA Danish-Greenlandic Dictionary ID, DAKA Greenlandic-Danish Dictionary ID, Canadian Great War Project person ID, English-Irish Dictionary ID, PMC journal ID, Census ID, Douban personage ID, Avibase person ID, Brezhoneg21 ID, European Education Thesaurus ID, Cineuropa distributor ID, Cineuropa production company ID, OpenCitations Meta ID, IGN franchise ID, Federal Reserve Subject Taxonomy ID, Farhang-i forsī ba rusī ID, Devri ID, Cambridge University Press ID, Canadian Virtual War Memorial ID, Personnel Records of the First World War ID, Fowler’s Concise Dictionary ID, NooSFere publisher ID, Plex person key, BHMPI OBJ ID, Index Fungorum person ID, player ID, UNIBO professor ID, Cineuropa international sales agent ID, Mapes de Patrimoni Cultural ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- number of local branches (number of branches of this organization at the lowest (local) level)
- KANAL inventory ID (inventory number of a creative work assigned by KANAL)
- Tüik mahalle id (Identifier of neighborhoods <small>({{q|Q17051044}})</small> in Turkey in TÜİK <small>({{q|Q1375058}})</small> database)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary: English-French ID, Biodiversity Information System for Europe ID, Elonet company ID, Numista issuer ID, Overcast episode ID, Metamath statement label, Pocket Oxford German Dictionary: English-German ID, Pocket Oxford Italian Dictionary: English-Italian ID, Il Nuovo DOP ID, FEI horse ID, Google Play author ID, identifiant d'une personne sur Archelec, Standard Ebooks ID, Lojas com História ID, RGALI person ID, RGALI organization ID, Hebrew Academy term ID, entry ID, KANAL identifier, LAGL author ID, Alle Burgen, FC Krasnodar player id, Pocket Oxford Italian Dictionary: Italian-English ID, Pocket Oxford German Dictionary: German-English ID, Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary: French-English ID, Manhom Arabic Profile ID, GOArt databas, ArchWiki article, Star, identifikátor filmu ve Filmové databázi (FDb)
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Inuktitut - This is the space to organize work to assure that the sum of all knowledge and the supporting infrastructure for necessary services are available in Inuktitut (ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ, Inuktitut).
- Newest database reports: Merge candidates based on same pattern
- Showcase Items: Montblanc (Q761735) - town in the province of Tarragona, Catalonia
- Showcase Lexemes: gbuɣi (L725113) - Dagbanli verb, translates to "vomiting" and "sprouting"
- EntitySchemas:
- We worked around an issue where EntitySchema pages were no longer considered “content” and had become unsearchable (phab:T368010)
- We prepared for the release of the new datatype on July 2nd.
- mul language code: We are working on the last remaining blocker before rolling out the first stage to Wikidata (phab:T362917)
- Wikibase REST API: We are continuing to rework API errors (phab:T366911, phab:T366239)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Participate in this week's Lexeme challenge:
- Govdirectory weekly focus country: Argentina
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Calendário de eventos de julho do Wiki Movimento Brasil
editarO Wiki Movimento Brasil convida todos e todas a participarem dos eventos que organizamos para julho! Confira abaixo o nosso calendário de eventos do mês, com horários em UTC-3 (horário de Brasília). Aproveite para nos seguir nas redes sociais (@wmnobrasil) e acompanhar todas as atividades!
- O mês todo: #WikiPorDireitosHumanos2024
Até o dia 01 de agosto, contribua com a campanha #WikiPorDireitosHumanos2024 que visa garantir o acesso à informação neutra, baseada em fatos atuais, centrada no direito a um ambiente saudável.
Começamos o mês de julho ainda com atividades da Wiki Ocupa, incluindo passeio fotográfico pela Zona Rural de Cachoeira e oficina de Wikimedia Commons.
O WMB estará presente no lançamento dos resultados do Índice de Dados Abertos para Cidades 2023 divulgado pelo Programa de de Advocacy e Pesquisa da Open Knowledge Brasil (OKBR) que avalia a disponibilidade e a qualidade dos dados abertos nas 26 capitais brasileiras. O ciclo de divulgação dos resultados será encerrado em Cuiabá, Auditório do Instituto de Computação (térreo) da UFMT, com uma mesa de debate. Participe!
- 05/07 13h: Caminhada Fotográfica MIS-RJ
Wikimedistas do Rio de Janeiro participarão de uma visita exclusiva ao Museu da Imagem e do Som. Após o roteiro que incluirá espaços não visitados pelo público geral, haverá uma oficina para aprender a publicar fotografias no Wikimedia Commons.
- 10 e 24/7 19h: Aquecimento Editatona Perifa a Pé
A ação convida parceiras e parceiros do Instituto Caminhabilidade a colaborarem na melhoria dos verbetes de caminhabilidade e na inserção de territórios periféricos na Wikipédia. A atividade faz parte da Semana do Caminhar 2024, evento anual e nacional que tem como intuito celebrar o caminhar nas cidades e convidar pessoas a refletirem sobre esse tema de forma lúdica.
- 12/7 13h: Editatona Genealogias do Contemporâneo: escritas de História da Arte em rede
Esta atividade vinculada ao curso de História da Arte da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) à campanha Art+Feminism pretende estimular alunos vinculados ao grupo de pesquisa a melhorarem verbetes sobre artistas brasileiras modernas e contemporâneas.
Edite verbetes sobre o estado de Mato Grosso até o dia 13 de julho para concorrer a prêmios!
O Wiki Movimento Brasil te ajuda a tirar suas ideias do papel! Submeta uma proposta de projeto de até dois meses e meio de duração até o dia 16 de julho para a nossa linha de financiamentos simplificados.
Estaremos em Brasília para uma atividade com Wikidata para a International Linguistics Olympiad (IOL)! O evento será em inglês, com apresentação transmitida online.
- 27/07 09h: Editatona Por Mais Mulheres na Wikipédia
A maratona de edição será dedicada a melhorar e criar verbetes de mulheres que nasceram ou tiveram parte de sua vida em Mato Grosso. O evento ocorrerá no Laboratório de Informática da Economia-UFMT, em Cuiabá, como resultado do programa de capacitação de lideranças brasileiras Calibra.
Você recebeu esta mensagem, pois está inscrito(a) na lista de interesse do WMB. Caso não queira mais receber essas comunicações, deixe uma mensagem em minha página de discussão ou envie um e-mail para erica
Nos vemos lá! EAzzellini (WMB)
The Signpost: 4 July 2024
editar- News and notes: WMF board elections and fundraising updates
- Special report: Wikimedia Movement Charter ratification vote underway, new Council may surpass power of Board
- In focus: How the Russian Wikipedia keeps it clean despite having just a couple dozen administatrors
- Discussion report: Wikipedians are hung up on the meaning of Madonna
- In the media: War and information in war and politics
- Sister projects: On editing Wikisource
- Obituary: Hanif Al Husaini, Salazarov and Hyacinth
- Opinion: Etika: a Pop Culture Champion
- Gallery: Spokane Willy's photos
- Humour: A joke
- Recent research: Is Wikipedia Politically Biased? Perhaps
- Traffic report: Talking about you and me, and the games people play
Wikidata weekly summary #635
editarThis is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-07-08. Please help Translate.
- Upcoming:
- The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, 16:00 UTC on Wednesday, 10th July 2024 (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
- Registration for Wikimania 2024 is open! In-person participants: please register until 26 July, 11:59 p.m., UTC. Virtual participants can register anytime. If you received a scholarship from the Wikimedia Foundation, you will receive an email with a registration code and instructions.
Tool of the week
- User:Teester/EntityShape.js - a userscript that adds an input box to a Wikidata page wherein you can enter an EntitySchema (such as E10). When you click "Check", checks whether each statement and property conforms to the schema. It then displays a summary at the top of the Item for each property indicating whether they conform or not. It also adds a badge to each statement and each property on the page indicating whether they conform or not.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata teams' development goals for the third quarter of 2024 have been updated: Wikidata:Development plan
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- music mood (qualifier carrying an emotion (mood) relevant to a musical audio recording)
- coin edge (image or images that show the edge of a coin)
- ozone depletion potential (relative amount of degradation to the ozone layer relative to CFC-11)
- EntitySchema for class (schema that members of a class should conform to)
- Newest External identifiers: Naturalis Repository ID, English-Spanish Dictionary ID, Vikidia article ID, player ID, ID, Oqaasersiorfik ID, MNAHA person ID, Greenlandic-English Dictionary ID, Te Aka Māori Dictionary ID, Tropicos person ID, He Pātaka Kupu ID, vehicle keeper marking (VKM), AllGame style ID, FC Metz player ID, MoFo ID, numeric ID, film ID, person ID, studio ID, Cockroach Species File taxon ID (new), Lygaeoidea Species File taxon ID (new), Phasmida Species File taxon ID (new), Psocodea Species File taxon ID (new), Spanish-English Dictionary ID, Norwegian National Museum producer ID, Burgenwelt ID, Irish-English Dictionary ID, Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini ID, Tommaseo-Bellini Online ID, player ID, DAKA Danish-Greenlandic Dictionary ID, DAKA Greenlandic-Danish Dictionary ID, Canadian Great War Project person ID, English-Irish Dictionary ID, PMC journal ID, Census ID, Douban personage ID, Avibase person ID, Brezhoneg21 ID, European Education Thesaurus ID, Cineuropa distributor ID, Cineuropa production company ID, OpenCitations Meta ID, IGN franchise ID, Federal Reserve Subject Taxonomy ID, Farhang-i forsī ba rusī ID, Devri ID, Cambridge University Press ID, Canadian Virtual War Memorial ID, Personnel Records of the First World War ID, Fowler’s Concise Dictionary ID, NooSFere publisher ID, Plex person key, BHMPI OBJ ID, Index Fungorum person ID, player ID, UNIBO professor ID, Cineuropa international sales agent ID, Mapes de Patrimoni Cultural ID, Il Nuovo DOP ID, RGALI person ID, RGALI organization ID, Archelec person ID, Lojas com História ID, entry ID, Hebrew Academy term ID, LAGL author ID, KANAL ID, Google Play author ID, Overcast episode ID, ArchWiki article, Valencian Library ID, Star ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- number of local branches (number of branches of this organization at the lowest (local) level)
- KANAL inventory ID (inventory number of a creative work assigned by KANAL)
- Tüik mahalle id (Identifier of neighborhoods <small>({{q|Q17051044}})</small> in Turkey in TÜİK <small>({{q|Q1375058}})</small> database)
- (Photos about how to disassemble hardware)
- date de vote (vote date, date on which people decided or casted their ballot)
- Sandbox-EntitySchema (Sandbox property for value of type "EntitySchema")
- Imperial University of Dorpat student ID (matriculation number of a student of the Imperial University of Dorpat)
- indexer (entity responsible for compiling an index of a book, database, website or other forms of media publications in the form of a methodical arrangement of records designed to enable users to locate information quickly. Example: Hazel K. Bell (Q70226489))
- WorldCyclingStats ID (identifier on the website WorldCyclingStats (
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary: English-French ID, Biodiversity Information System for Europe ID, Elonet company ID, Numista issuer ID, Metamath statement label, Pocket Oxford German Dictionary: English-German ID, Pocket Oxford Italian Dictionary: English-Italian ID, FEI horse ID, Standard Ebooks ID, Alle Burgen, FC Krasnodar player id, Pocket Oxford Italian Dictionary: Italian-English ID, Pocket Oxford German Dictionary: German-English ID, Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary: French-English ID, Manhom Arabic Profile ID, GOArt databas, identifikátor filmu ve Filmové databázi (FDb), identifikátor osoby ve Filmové databázi (FDb), ScienceDirect journal ID, Iraqnla Book ID, islamway authority ID, Hermitage Museum artist ID, Coptic Dictionary Online ID,, Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts artist ID, Thinkwiki article
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest database reports: User:Pasleim/commonsmerge - Merge candidates based on same commons category
- Showcase Items: Ferdinand Magellan (Q1496) - Portuguese explorer in the service of Spain
- Showcase Lexemes: bergkant (L1083157) - Nynorsk noun, translates to "the top edge of a mountain"
- EntitySchemas: The new datatype to link to EntitySchemas in statements has been released.
- mul language code: We are preparing the release.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Participate in this week's Lexeme challenge:
- Govdirectory weekly focus country: Armenia
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #536
editarThis is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-07-15. Please help Translate.
- New requests for permissions/Bot: SpinachBot - Task/s: AI agent-enabled question answering through the creation and execution of complex SPARQL queries on Wikidata. Users tag the bog with wikidata-related questions, and it tries to come up with an answer by iteratively creating SPARQL queries.
- Past: Wikidata+Wikibase office hour session log: Telegram office hour 2024-07-10
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- An Intelligent System: What I learned through taking an introductory Wikidata course - The author, Anne-Christine Hoff, dispels misconceptions about Wikidata. She highlights that it is a relational communication system, not solely bot-driven, and allows users worldwide to add localized data in multiple languages, creating a self-structuring repository of information
- Merge and diff - blog post by Magnus about adding new properties (taxon data speficially, NCBI, GBIF, and iINaturalist) to the AC2WD tool. If you have the user script installed on Wikidata (see tool below), AC2WD will automatically show up on relevant taxon items.
- Documenting Women Artists Through Wikidata - this project reveals how works by women artists can be given greater public visibility.
- Dagbani Lexemes (how-to-workshop in Dagbanli) - increase the vocabulary and standardize existing entries.
- Papers: Automatic Generation of Hindi Wikipedia Pages" based on information from Wikidata
- Videos
- Online workshop Upskilling in Wikidata for maximum impact IBC 2024 - Recording of the virtual Wikidata workshop given on the 9th of July 2024. An onboarding and introductory event in anticipation of a full in-person workshop to be held at the International Botanical Congress 2024 in Madrid on the 21st of July 2024
- Connecting University Art Collections Wikidata Demo
- Notebooks
Tool of the week
- Relationships between two Wikidata items a new tool hosted on Observable which looks at all statements involving a pair of Wikidata items.
- User:Magnus Manske/ac2wd.js - This script adds an "AC2WD" link in the tools sidebar. When you click on it, it uses the AC2WD tool to check the item for certain Authority Control IDs (eg VIAF). It then checks these AC datasets for statements (and more AC IDs). It will then add any new information it found as new statements, or add more references to existing statements where possible. A green checkmark will be appended to the link if data was added (reload the page to see), otherwise a "—" if no new data was available.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- OpenRefine 3.8.2 was released
- Awesome Wikidata: Shape Expressions (Entity Schemas) - Tools for creating, editing, and generating entity schemas
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- music mood (qualifier carrying an emotion (mood) relevant to a musical audio recording)
- coin edge image (image or images that show the edge of a coin)
- ozone depletion potential (relative amount of degradation to the ozone layer relative to CFC-11)
- EntitySchema for class (schema that members of a class should conform to)
- writing technique (technique used for writing on stone, paper or other support)
- last appearance (last work featuring a fictional character or item)
- Tüik mahalle ID (identifier of neighborhoods (mahalle) in Turkey in TÜİK (Turkish Statistical Institute) database)
- Sandbox-EntitySchema (Sandbox property for value of type "EntitySchema")
- (photos about how to disassemble hardware)
- indexer (entity responsible for compiling an index of a book, database, website or other forms of media publications in the form of a methodical arrangement of records designed to enable users to locate information quickly)
- Newest External identifiers: Irish-English Dictionary ID, Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini ID, Tommaseo-Bellini Online ID, player ID, DAKA Danish-Greenlandic Dictionary ID, DAKA Greenlandic-Danish Dictionary ID, Canadian Great War Project person ID, English-Irish Dictionary ID, PMC journal ID, Census ID, Douban personage ID, Avibase person ID, Brezhoneg21 ID, European Education Thesaurus ID, Cineuropa distributor ID, Cineuropa production company ID, OpenCitations Meta ID, IGN franchise ID, Federal Reserve Subject Taxonomy ID, Farhang-i forsī ba rusī ID, Devri ID, Cambridge University Press ID, Canadian Virtual War Memorial ID, Personnel Records of the First World War ID, Fowler’s Concise Dictionary ID, NooSFere publisher ID, Plex person key, BHMPI OBJ ID, Index Fungorum person ID, player ID, UNIBO professor ID, Cineuropa international sales agent ID, Mapes de Patrimoni Cultural ID, Il Nuovo DOP ID, RGALI person ID, RGALI organization ID, Archelec person ID, Lojas com História ID, entry ID, Hebrew Academy term ID, LAGL author ID, KANAL ID, Google Play author ID, Overcast episode ID, ArchWiki article, Valencian Library ID, Star ID, ScienceDirect journal ID, Filmová databáze film ID, Filmová databáze person ID, FC Krasnodar player ID, Iraqnla book ID, All castles, Italian-English Dictionary ID, islamway authority ID, Metamath statement ID, Imperial University of Dorpat student ID, Coptic Dictionary Online ID, English-Italian Dictionary ID, ID, Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts artist ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- number of local branches (number of branches of this organization at the lowest (local) level)
- KANAL inventory ID (inventory number of a creative work assigned by KANAL)
- date de vote (vote date, date on which people decided or casted their ballot)
- WorldCyclingStats ID (identifier on the website WorldCyclingStats (
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Pocket Oxford German Dictionary: English-German ID, FEI horse ID, Standard Ebooks ID, Pocket Oxford German Dictionary: German-English ID, Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary: French-English ID, Manhom Arabic Profile ID, Hermitage Museum artist ID, Thinkwiki article, Wiley Online Library journal ID, identifier of the educational center of resistance and deportation of Landes, Nintendo Life company ID, SideReel series ID, SideReel series URL slug, Helveticat ID, artist id, Museums in Russia ID, Hawramani Arabic Lexicon entry ID, ARABTERM entry ID, The New Mithraeum ID, Frauen im Widerstand ID, Stichting Erfgoed Nederlandse Biercultuur beer ID, Taylor & Francis journal ID, JTA Sightseeing Database ID, Emerald Group Publishing journal ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Human Cells - dedicated to improve our coverage of information about these fundamental entities that compose organisms. The project focuses mainly on two kinds of cell classes: species-agnostic classes, such as neutrophil (Q188417), and human-specific classes, such as human neutrophil (Q101405102).
- Newest database reports: Descriptions containing Q-Id
- Showcase Items: Lucy (Q13365715): female given name
- Showcase Lexemes: Nachbar (L230775): "someone nearby" in German
- Wikibase REST API: Continuing to improve error handling and error messages.
- EntitySchemas: Fixed issues that popped up after release (phab:T369149, phab:T369155, phab:T368010)
- Query Service graph split: Adapting constraints that make use of the Query Service to be able to deal with 2 endpoints (phab:T369079)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Govdirectory weekly focus country: Albania
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
The Signpost: 22 July 2024
editar- Discussion report: Internet users flock to Wikipedia to debate its image policy over Trump raised-fist photo
- News and notes: Wikimedia community votes to ratify Movement Charter; Wikimedia Foundation opposes ratification
- Obituary: JamesR
- Crossword: Vaguely bird-shaped crossword
Wikidata weekly summary #637
editarThis is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-07-22. Please help Translate.
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- DannyS712 bot - Task/s: I want to get approval for a bot with translation admin rights that will automatically mark pages for translations if and only if the latest version is identical to the version that is already in the translation system, i.e. only pages with no "net" changes in the pending edits.
- DerIchBot - Task/s: Adding data about schools provided by the German and Austrian governments to wikidata.
- DifoolBot 5 - Task/s: Change reference URLs into the related ID property and merge references with the same ID property.
- AroundTheBot - Task/s: Automated import of Albanian nouns with IPA from Wiktionary, with the long-term goal of using this data to do pronunciation-based comparison/word evolution between languages.
- Past: Wikimedia Indonesia hosted the 2024 Data Visualization Competition from June 5 to 18. The event featured data visualizations (posters and graphics) and short essays using data from Wikidata. Visit the competition page (in Indonesian) to view the winning entries.
- Upcoming: Wikidata's 12th birthday decentralized events will take place in October and November 2024. Feel free to browse the documentation pages to learn how to organize an event in your area, get funding, and get in touch with other organizers.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Papers:
- Representación de datos abiertos con Wikidata Query Service (Q126917814). This paper details the Wikidata Query Service, for the creation of data visualizations. All visualization options available in the WQS are explored, accompanied by example queries that introduce the implementation of these visualizations. By Ángel Obregón-Sierra and Silvia Cecilia Anselmi.
- Beyond Aesthetics: Cultural Competence in Text-to-Image Models - with CUBE, a benchmark built out of Wikidata, to evaluate cultural awareness and cultural diversity of text-to-image models (Kannen et al, 2024)
- Videos: OpenRefine import into Wikidata of data from the BnF catalog: books by Marguerite Van de Wiele (in French)
Tool of the week
- Paulina, a new tool for exploring public domain works.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- WMF Product and Technology Advisory Council (PTAC) invites interested volunteers to apply. As part of the movement strategy recommendation for "Coordinating Across Stakeholders," the PTAC will bring technical contributors and the Wikimedia Foundation together to co-define a more resilient, future-proof technological platform.
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- coin edge image (image or images that show the edge of a coin)
- ozone depletion potential (relative amount of degradation to the ozone layer relative to CFC-11)
- EntitySchema for class (schema that members of a class should conform to)
- writing technique (technique used for writing on stone, paper or other support)
- last appearance (last work featuring a fictional character or item)
- Tüik mahalle ID (identifier of neighborhoods (mahalle) in Turkey in TÜİK (Turkish Statistical Institute) database)
- Sandbox-EntitySchema (Sandbox property for value of type "EntitySchema")
- Category ID (photos about how to repair hardware)
- indexer (entity responsible for compiling an index of a book, database, website or other forms of media publications in the form of a methodical arrangement of records designed to enable users to locate information quickly)
- Newest External identifiers: English-Irish Dictionary ID, PMC journal ID, Census ID, Douban personage ID, Avibase person ID, Brezhoneg21 ID, European Education Thesaurus ID, Cineuropa distributor ID, Cineuropa production company ID, OpenCitations Meta ID, IGN franchise ID, Federal Reserve Subject Taxonomy ID, Farhang-i forsī ba rusī ID, Devri ID, Cambridge University Press ID, Canadian Virtual War Memorial ID, Personnel Records of the First World War ID, Fowler’s Concise Dictionary ID, NooSFere publisher ID, Plex person key, BHMPI OBJ ID, Index Fungorum person ID, player ID, UNIBO professor ID, Cineuropa international sales agent ID, Mapes de Patrimoni Cultural ID, Il Nuovo DOP ID, RGALI person ID, RGALI organization ID, Archelec person ID, Lojas com História ID, entry ID, Hebrew Academy term ID, LAGL author ID, KANAL ID, Google Play author ID, Overcast episode ID, ArchWiki article, Valencian Library ID, Star ID, ScienceDirect journal ID, Filmová databáze film ID, Filmová databáze person ID, FC Krasnodar player ID, Iraqnla book ID, Alle Burgen ID, Italian-English Dictionary ID, islamway authority ID, Metamath statement ID, Imperial University of Dorpat student ID, Coptic Dictionary Online ID, English-Italian Dictionary ID, ID, Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts artist ID, Nintendo Life company ID, Wiley Online Library journal ID, Museums in Russia ID, Helveticat ID, ARABTERM entry ID, Hawramani Arabic Lexicon entry ID, Women in Resistance ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- date de vote (vote date, date on which people decided or cast their ballot)
- object of action & object class of action (specific object to which an action or class of actions occurs)
- Public funding (amount of public funding an organisation receives)
- schmeckt nach (taste that a food or drink has)
- Kunstnerforbundet kunstner ID (Identifier for an artist member of Kunstnerforbundet in norway)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Pocket Oxford German Dictionary: German-English ID, Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary: French-English ID, Manhom Arabic Profile ID, WorldCyclingStats ID, Thinkwiki article, identifier of the educational center of resistance and deportation of Landes, SideReel series ID, SideReel series URL slug, artist id, The New Mithraeum ID, Stichting Erfgoed Nederlandse Biercultuur beer ID, Taylor & Francis journal ID, JTA Sightseeing Database ID, Emerald Group Publishing journal ID, Finnish Ministers database ID (new), Glosbe Old High German Lexeme ID, Tretyakov Gallery artist ID, State Historical Museum of Russia person ID, U.S. Copyright Office Public Records System work ID, Encyclopaedia of Islam (french edition) ID, French Bathing water ID, Religion Past and Present Online (German edition) ID, mandumah ID, Pocket Oxford German Dictionary: English-German ID, Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary: English-French ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:
- Reference Verification - a research and development project aimed at helping Wikidata editors check the quality of external references based on various types of AI/ML models.
- NZWomenPhotographers - aims to improve information about New Zealand women photographers, based on a dataset provided by the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa.
- Newest database reports: Items with P569=P570 - Items with instance of (P31) --> human (Q5) and the same year in date of birth (P569) and date of death (P570) (2024-07-22)
- Showcase Items: Crawford (Q20731004) - family name
- Showcase Lexemes: water (L3302) - (S1) common liquid substance (S2) chemical compound of hydrogen and oxygen (H₂O) (S3) a body of water, usually a river, a lake, or an ocean
- mul: We fixed the last blocker for the limited MUL rollout to Wikidata on July 29th (phab:T362917)
- EntitySchemas:
- We fixed a misplaced background color in EntitySchema (phab:T369283)
- haswbstatement searches now work for EntitySchema statements (phab:T369495)
- We’re investigating how to make EntitySchemas searchable by label (phab:T362005)
- Query Service: preparation for the graph split is continuing by the Search Platform Team. We started looking into adapting the constraints checks for it (phab:T369079)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #638
editarThis is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-07-29. Please help Translate.
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- GergesBot 2 - Task/s: Edit label when order is added in ar:ويكيبيديا:طلبات نقل عبر البوت (Transfer requests by Bot).
- UmisBot - Task/s: This bot will add string representations of units of measurement to units of measurement Wikidata pages.
- Upcoming:
- Wikidata Days Bologna 2024, Italian language conference dedicated to Wikidata for libraries and research, taking place in the frame of Wikidata’s 12th birthday, on November 8-9 in Bologna, Italy.
- Wikimania starts on August 7. Here is a list of sessions focused around Wikidata, or have *some* connection to Wikidata: 2024:Program/Wikidata. If something is missing, feel free to add to it, including any Wikidata meetups you may be hosting.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- "Sharing the world’s paintings on Wikidata" By Martin Poulter for the Cultural Content Substack
- WikiEdu: What I learned taking an introductory Wikidata Course - Anne-Christine Hoff, associate professor of English at Jarvis Christian University, describes her experiences and learnings from taking an intro to Wikidata course, provided by the, a project of the Wiki Education Foundation.
- Talking Wikidata: Communication patterns and their impact on community engagement in collaborative knowledge graphs - This study investigates the behaviours, communication patterns and interactions of the core small Wikidata community that are responsible for 80% of its content, in order to future contribution and participation. By E. Koutsiana et al.
- A Wikidata-Based Framework for Integrating Heterogeneous Knowledge Sources - This paper presents KIF, a Wikidata-based framework for virtually integrating heterogeneous knowledge sources and discuss how it was used to solve a real integration problem in the domain of chemistry (involving Wikidata, PubChem, and IBM CIRCA). By G. Lima et al.
- Press release: Arricchimento dei dati di authority di SBN attraverso il confronto e lo scambio con Wikidata (in Italian): ICCU, the institute coordinating the biggest Italian OPAC (the OPAC SBN, involving more than 7 thousands libraries), has just finished enriching about 16200 nearly empty authority records with data taken from the respective Wikidata items (Wikidata items link to SBN authority records through P396); this announcement describes in detail the enrichment work, which started in June 2023; for more information (and bibliography) about the collaboration between ICCU and Wikidata, see d:Wikidata:Gruppo Wikidata per Musei, Archivi e Biblioteche/SBN (in Italian)
- Videos
- Intro to Wikidata - This intro to Wikidata was provided for participants of the International Linguistics Olympiad 2024, held in Brasília. Presented by Artur Corrêa Souza and Éder Porto, organised by Wiki Movimento Brasil.
- Mining and Modeling Text using Wikibase - the University of Trier is building a knowledge graph on French Enlightenment novels 1751 - 1800 with the use of Wikibase.
Tool of the week
- User:Nikki/ShowIDs.js - This user script adds entity IDs in brackets after links.
- Common values, yet another Observable notebook. This one looks at common values between two Wikidata item pages.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- KDE Itinerary, KDE's travel assistant app, gets more Wikidata integration.
- The Wikidata Development team needs your feedback to evaluate "default values for all languages" (mul) in the Termbox. Please share your thoughts on this 5-10 minute anonymous survey:
- The Wikidata (integrations) for Wikimedia projects team have released a progress report on their ongoing research project, investigating the "State of Wikidata usage on other wikis". Available on the Research page, alternatively on Commons.
- The Wikibase REST API, introduced last year on Wikidata, is progressing towards version 1, aiming for a comprehensive release by the end of 2024. We're seeking community feedback to enhance the current API and plan future developments. Please share your thoughts on this page: Feedback on the Wikibase REST API (July/August 2024).
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- coin edge image (image or images that show the edge of a coin)
- ozone depletion potential (relative amount of degradation to the ozone layer relative to CFC-11)
- EntitySchema for class (schema that members of a class should conform to)
- writing technique (technique used for writing on stone, paper or other support)
- last appearance (last work featuring a fictional character or item)
- Tüik mahalle ID (identifier of neighborhoods (mahalle) in Turkey in TÜİK (Turkish Statistical Institute) database)
- Sandbox-EntitySchema (Sandbox property for value of type "EntitySchema")
- Category ID (photos about how to repair hardware)
- indexer (entity responsible for compiling an index of a book, database, website or other forms of media publications in the form of a methodical arrangement of records designed to enable users to locate information quickly)
- object of action (specific object to which an action or class of actions occurs)
- object class of action (class of objects (including substances) to which an action or class of actions may occur)
- Newest External identifiers: Canadian Virtual War Memorial ID, Personnel Records of the First World War ID, Fowler’s Concise Dictionary ID, NooSFere publisher ID, Plex person key, BHMPI OBJ ID, Index Fungorum person ID, player ID, UNIBO professor ID, Cineuropa international sales agent ID, Mapes de Patrimoni Cultural ID, Il Nuovo DOP ID, RGALI person ID, RGALI organization ID, Archelec person ID, Lojas com História ID, entry ID, Hebrew Academy term ID, LAGL author ID, KANAL ID, Google Play author ID, Overcast episode ID, ArchWiki article, Valencian Library ID, Star ID, ScienceDirect journal ID, Filmová databáze film ID, Filmová databáze person ID, FC Krasnodar player ID, Iraqnla book ID, Alle Burgen ID, Italian-English Dictionary ID, islamway authority ID, Metamath statement ID, Imperial University of Dorpat student ID, Coptic Dictionary Online ID, English-Italian Dictionary ID, ID, Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts artist ID, Nintendo Life company ID, Wiley Online Library journal ID, Museums in Russia ID, Helveticat ID, ARABTERM entry ID, Hawramani Arabic Lexicon entry ID, Women in Resistance ID, French-English Dictionary ID, German-English Dictionary ID, Emerald Group Publishing journal ID, Taylor & Francis journal ID, JTA Sightseeing Database ID, WorldCyclingStats ID, The New Mithraeum ID, Finnish Ministers database ID (new), State Historical Museum of Russia person ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- date de vote (vote date, date on which people decided or cast their ballot)
- Public funding (amount of public funding an organisation receives)
- schmeckt nach (taste that a food or drink has)
- Kunstnerforbundet kunstner ID (Identifier for an artist member of Kunstnerforbundet in norway)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Manhom Arabic Profile ID, Thinkwiki article, identifier of the educational center of resistance and deportation of Landes, SideReel series ID, SideReel series URL slug, artist id, Stichting Erfgoed Nederlandse Biercultuur beer ID, Glosbe Old High German Lexeme ID, Tretyakov Gallery artist ID, U.S. Copyright Office Public Records System work ID, Encyclopaedia of Islam (french edition) ID, French Bathing water ID, Religion Past and Present Online (German edition) ID, mandumah ID, Pocket Oxford German Dictionary: English-German ID, Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary: English-French ID, Political Dictionary entry, United Nations Digital Library ID, identifiant FranceTerme, Yediot Books book ID, FDC ID, 365scores player ID, xdaforums, GamingOnLinux Database ID, Akademický slovník současné češtiny ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:
- Military Equipment in Policing - Project to connect police equipment defined as military equipment to capabilities, uses, manufacturers, descriptions, etc.
- Quran - to collaborate on Quran-related topics and organise Quran Wikidatans; help others and get help whenever needed to improve Quran-related items (and properties); create Quran-specific tools' libraries, queries, and resources;
- Sufism - collaborate on Sufism-related topics
- Newest database reports: Hindustani nouns without gender in a language
- Showcase Items: Fugger (Q37018433) - family name
- Showcase Lexemes: ikkje-vald (L3483) - Nynorsk noun, translates to "non-violence"
- IP masking: The feature was rolled out to test wikis and we fixed a few issues uncovered by this.
- EntitySchemas: We are working to make it possible to search for the EntitySchema by its label and aliases when making a new statement linking to an EntitySchema (phab:T362005)
- Integration in other Wikimedia projects: We are working on moving the Wikidata Item link from the tools section of the sidebar (phab:T66315)
- We changed the data-type field to data_type in JSON responses (phab:T368130)
- We are continuing the work on improving error handling and messages
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Calendário de eventos de agosto do Wiki Movimento Brasil
editarO Wiki Movimento Brasil convida todos e todas a participarem dos eventos que organizamos para agosto! Confira abaixo o nosso calendário de eventos do mês, com horários em UTC-3 (horário de Brasília). Aproveite para nos seguir nas redes sociais (@wmnobrasil) e acompanhar todas as atividades!
- 01/08 14h: III Seminário Internacional MROSC
O evento fará parte da agenda de atividades do G20, fortalecendo as discussões sobre parcerias entre a administração pública e as Organizações da Sociedade Civil. O Wiki Movimento Brasil terá uma participação no painel Proteção de dados e direito digital: pensando o avanço da tecnologia aliado ao fortalecimento da sociedade civil.
- 03/08 08h: Editatona escritores mato-grossenses
A atividade é resultado de uma parceria GLAM+Acervo de Literatura Digital Mato-Grossense (ALDMT). O objetivo da editatona é colaborar na criação e edição de conteúdo sobre esses autores, autoras e obras da literatura mato-grossense na Wikipédia, promovendo a cultura e a literatura local.
- 06/08 14h: Editatona Perifa a Pé
A editatona idealizada pelo Instituto Caminhabilidade em parceria com o Wiki Movimento Brasil convida o público geral a colaborar na melhoria e/ou criação dos verbetes de caminhabilidade e na inserção de territórios periféricos na Wikipédia. A atividade faz parte da Semana do Caminhar 2024, evento anual e nacional que tem como intuito celebrar o caminhar nas cidades e convidar pessoas a refletirem sobre esse tema de forma lúdica.
- 07/08 18h: Lançamento do Capacity Exchange
O Capacity Exchange (CapX) é um projeto com foco em abordagens globais para o desenvolvimento de habilidades locais dentro do (e para o) Movimento Wikimedia. Acompanhe o lançamento da ferramenta do CapX no YouTube do WMB.
- 07 a 10/08: Wikimania 2024
A 19ª edição da Wikimania acontecerá em Katowice, Polônia. O evento receberá líderes do conhecimento livre do mundo todo para discutir questões, relatar novos projetos e abordagens, construir redes e trocar ideias.
- 10/08: Oficina do Capacity Exchange na Wikimania 2024
O WMB fará parte da programação da Wikimania na sessão de workshop, coliderada pelo programa Let's Connect Peer Learning e o Capacity Exchange (CapX), que explorará diferentes caminhos de aprendizagem colaborativa. O workshop visa conectar estrategicamente os participantes da Wikimania com colegas também interessados em capacitação comunitária.
- 16 e 23/8 14h30: Editatona da Ong Criola
A Editatona da Ong Criola é um evento online, idealizado pela Ong Criola em parceria com o Wiki Movimento Brasil. A atividade busca incentivar a criação de verbetes sobre mulheres negras importantes para a sociedade, combatendo a lacuna de gênero na Wikipédia.
- 17/08 13h: Wikidata Lab XLII: OpenRefine
Este treinamento técnico no Wikidata (em português) será sobre OpenRefine, uma ferramenta gratuita de manipulação de dados que pode ser usada para processar, manipular e limpar dados tabulares e conectá-los com bases de conhecimento.
- 22/08 17h: Oficina Wikimedia & Educação
As oficinas acontecem às penúltimas quintas-feiras do mês, e reúne educadores interessados nos usos das plataformas Wikimedia em sala de aula. Neste edição teremos o compartilhamento da experiência do Mooc Paleografia na Rede Wiki, seguindo de um treinamento de carregamento de Wikimedia Commons.
- 22/08 14h: Oficina Mulheres na Ciência e no Wikidata
A oficina é um evento online em diálogo com a Editatona Mulheres nas Ciências e nas Artes, que será promovida pela Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/FioCruz em parceria com o Wiki Movimento Brasil. A atividade é aberta para wikimedistas e pessoas interessadas em aprender a editar o Wikidata e a melhorarem e/ou criarem itens sobre as cientistas da Fiocruz, com o objetivo de melhorar a difusão do conhecimento sobre mulheres importantes para a ciência brasileira na internet.
- 22 e 23/08 13h: Oficina de programação em Python
A oficina tem como objetivo introduzir wikimedistas à programação em Python para que possam desenvolver habilidades para desenvolvimento e interação com ferramentas e soluções de software para atuação dentro dos projetos Wikimedia. Haverá certificação para os participantes. Inscreva-se e participe. Vagas limitadas!
- 24 e 25/08 Wiki Ocupa Cáceres
Wiki Ocupa Cáceres é uma iniciativa para melhorar a cobertura do município de Cáceres, no Estado do Mato Grosso, nos projetos Wikimedia em português. Serão realizadas diversas atividades presenciais com wikimedistas e a comunidade local, como caminhada fotográfica, mapeamento colaborativo e maratona de edição.
- 26/08 09h: Editatona Mulheres nas Ciências e nas Artes
O evento presencial será promovido pela Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/FioCruz em parceria com o Wiki Movimento Brasil. A atividade é aberta para wikimedistas e pessoas interessadas em aprender a editar a Wikipédia e a melhorarem e/ou criarem itens sobre mulheres importantes para as ciências e para as artes, combatendo a lacuna de gênero na Wikipédia.
Você recebeu esta mensagem, pois está inscrito(a) na lista de interesse do WMB. Caso não queira mais receber essas comunicações, sinta-se à vontade para retirar o seu nome da lista.
Wikidata weekly summary #639
editarThis is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-08-05. Please help Translate.
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Numberguy6Bot - Task: Add links to Wiktionary categories in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Russian.
- UmisBot - Task: This bot will add string representations of units of measurement to units of measurement Wikidata pages.
- ZLBot - Task: request SPARQLs for RAG.
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call 6 August, 2024: We have our next LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Call on Tuesday, 6 August, 2024 at 9am PT / 12pm ET / 17:00 UTC / 6pm CET (Time zone converter). Please join us for a Busy Summer Fun Wikidata Editing Hour, an hour of uninterrupted Wikidata editing time to work on your own Wikidata projects. Agenda.
- Wikimania is August 7-10. Here is a curated a list of Wikimania sessions focused around Wikidata, or have *some* connection to Wikidata: 2024:Program/Wikidata. Please add to the list if something is missing.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs: Olympics medalists, not by country, but by NUTS region, By Giorgio Comai
- Papers
- Discovering life's directed metabolic (sub)paths to interpret human biochemical markers using the DSMN tool
- SPINACH: SPARQL-Based Information Navigation for Challenging Real-World Questions - The SPINACH dataset, derived from Wikidata's "Request a Query" forum, offers a more complex and challenging KBQA dataset with 320 question-SPARQL pairs, designed to test the capabilities of KBQA systems in navigating large and incomplete knowledge base schemas.
- Videos
- Using Wikidata to navigate the web (Wikimania Katowice) - Tool demo: Entity Explosion
- Use Wikidata and Lexeme to understand Minnan - COSCUP 2024 (Conference for Open Source Coders, Users, and Promoters)
Tool of the week
- Forage - a user script that provides an additional editing interface that makes editing easier, by showing the expected properties for a page (based on its "instance of" values), and providing simple inputs to let users add values for any such property. To install Forage, just add the following line to the common.js subpage under your user page on Wikidata, i.e. username here/common.js:
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The Wikibase REST API, introduced last year on Wikidata, is progressing towards version 1, aiming for a comprehensive release by the end of 2024. We're seeking community feedback to enhance the current API and plan future developments. Please share your thoughts on this page: Feedback on the Wikibase REST API (July/August 2024).
- Abdulai Yorli Iddrisu (WMDE) has joined the Software Communication team (SCoT) at Wikimedia Deutschland as an intern until the end of September 2024. Welcome Yorli!
- Wikidata now has a shiny new landing page for developers: Wikidata:For developers
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- writing technique (technique used for writing on stone, paper or other support)
- last appearance (last work featuring a fictional character or item)
- Tüik mahalle ID (identifier of neighborhoods (mahalle) in Turkey in TÜİK (Turkish Statistical Institute) database)
- Sandbox-EntitySchema (Sandbox property for value of type "EntitySchema")
- Category ID (photos about how to repair hardware)
- indexer (entity responsible for compiling an index of a book, database, website or other forms of media publications in the form of a methodical arrangement of records designed to enable users to locate information quickly)
- object of action (specific object to which an action or class of actions occurs)
- object class of action (class of objects (including substances) to which an action or class of actions may occur)
- public funding (amount of public funding an organisation receives)
- Newest External identifiers: Google Play author ID, Overcast episode ID, ArchWiki article, Valencian Library ID, Star ID, ScienceDirect journal ID, Filmová databáze film ID, Filmová databáze person ID, FC Krasnodar player ID, Iraqnla book ID, Alle Burgen ID, Italian-English Dictionary ID, islamway authority ID, Metamath statement ID, Imperial University of Dorpat student ID, Coptic Dictionary Online ID, English-Italian Dictionary ID, ID, Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts artist ID, Nintendo Life company ID, Wiley Online Library journal ID, Museums in Russia ID, Helveticat ID, ARABTERM entry ID, Hawramani Arabic Lexicon entry ID, Women in Resistance ID, French-English Dictionary ID, German-English Dictionary ID, Emerald Group Publishing journal ID, Taylor & Francis journal ID, JTA Sightseeing Database ID, WorldCyclingStats ID, The New Mithraeum ID, Finnish Ministers database ID (new), State Historical Museum of Russia person ID, mandumah ID, Educational center of resistance and deportation of Landes ID, Encyclopaedia of Islam (French edition) ID, FDC ID, French bathing water ID, Norwegian Kunstnerforbundet artist ID, Political Dictionary ID, United Nations Digital Library ID, U.S. Copyright Office Public Records System work ID, 365scores player ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- date de vote (vote date, date on which people decided or cast their ballot)
- schmeckt nach (taste that a food or drink has)
- Military Grid Reference System ID (geocoordinate standard used by NATO militaries for locating points on Earth)
- has semantic role (2nd proposal) (item that describes a role in an event/action class)
- growth rate (growth rate of something over time)
- lifespan (duration of a person's known or recorded lifespan)
- APPF registration status (status of registration of this entity with the Authority for European political parties and European political foundation)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Thinkwiki article, SideReel series ID, SideReel series URL slug, artist id, Stichting Erfgoed Nederlandse Biercultuur beer ID, Glosbe Old High German Lexeme ID, Tretyakov Gallery artist ID, Religion Past and Present Online (German edition) ID, identifiant FranceTerme, Yediot Books book ID, 365scores player ID, xdaforums, GamingOnLinux Database ID, Akademický slovník současné češtiny ID, TIPLOC code, IDU play ID, FolkWiki ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- WikiProject Highlights: Sculptures by collection: an Integraality dashboard for WikiProject Sculpture
- Newest database reports: Dagbani Lexemes that wrongly include the grammatical gender property P5185
- Showcase Items: Chinua Achebe (Q155845) - Nigerian novelist, poet, professor, and critic
- Showcase Lexemes: Stuorra Dorskavuotna (L636928) - fjord in Hammerfest, Norway (Northern Sami proper noun)
- mul language code: The new language code has been rolled out in a limited way. We are looking through feedback now.
- mul release: The full release of the "mul" language code feature to Wikidata, originally scheduled for August 12, may be delayed as we have uncovered a few issues during testing that could potentially block the scheduled release.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Govdirectory weekly focus country: Bermuda
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #640
editarThis is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-08-12. Please help Translate.
- Wikimania 2024 took place in Katowice, Poland. You can watch replays of the sessions on YouTube. Additionally, recordings of individual sessions are linked to each item on the Eventyay schedule.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Scholarly discussions through they eyes of CiTO (and Wikidata) - The post emphasizes how Wikidata can serve as a central hub for linking various scholarly resources, enabling better data interoperability and discoverability.
- Papers
- Talking Wikidata: Communication patterns and their impact on community engagement in collaborative knowledge graphs - a study of Wikidata's collaboration patterns reveals that a small group of highly engaged members drives most contributions, and improving discussions and engagement strategies could enhance long-term participation in the community.
- Videos
- FOSS4GE 2024 | Bridging Worlds: Integration of Wikidata and OpenStreetMap - Discover the synergy between Wikidata and OpenStreetMap, two monumental open data repositories. This talk unveils innovative web-based tools facilitating the linking of these platforms, enhancing the richness and accuracy of geospatial data.
- Setting up a Wikibase reconciliation service - Wikibase Working Hours by OlafJanssen
- Notebooks: List of countries by continent in Wikidata
Tool of the week
- New Q5 - is a form that quickly sets up a Wikidata Item for an individual by generating a QuickStatement with the basic parameters such as name and age.
- User:Nikki/SDCInfo.js - is a Userscript that shows some Wikimedia Commons statements on pronunciation audio statements on Lexeme forms.
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- indexer (entity responsible for compiling an index of a book, database, website or other forms of media publications in the form of a methodical arrangement of records designed to enable users to locate information quickly)
- object of action (specific object to which an action or class of actions occurs)
- object class of action (class of objects (including substances) to which an action or class of actions may occur)
- public funding (amount of public funding an organisation receives)
- relates to sustainable development goal, target or indicator (indicates a relation between the subject and the SDGs or one of the components)
- Newest External identifiers: Nintendo Life company ID, Wiley Online Library journal ID, Museums in Russia ID, Helveticat ID, ARABTERM entry ID, Hawramani Arabic Lexicon entry ID, Women in Resistance ID, French-English Dictionary ID, German-English Dictionary ID, Emerald Group Publishing journal ID, Taylor & Francis journal ID, JTA Sightseeing Database ID, WorldCyclingStats ID, The New Mithraeum ID, Finnish Ministers database ID (new), State Historical Museum of Russia person ID, mandumah ID, Educational center of resistance and deportation of Landes ID, Encyclopaedia of Islam (French edition) ID, FoodData Central ID, French bathing water ID, Norwegian Kunstnerforbundet artist ID, Political Dictionary ID, United Nations Digital Library ID, U.S. Copyright Office Public Records System work ID, 365scores football player ID, African Music Library artist ID, Akademický slovník současné češtiny ID, GamingOnLinux Database ID, TIPLOC code, JJM Habitation ID, IDU play ID, IDU original ID, Stichting Erfgoed Nederlandse Biercultuur beer ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- date de vote (vote date, date on which people decided or cast their ballot)
- schmeckt nach (taste that a food or drink has)
- has semantic role (2nd proposal) (item that describes a role in an event/action class)
- growth rate (growth rate of something over time)
- lifespan (duration of a person's known or recorded lifespan)
- APPF registration status (status of registration of this entity with the Authority for European political parties and European political foundation)
- exponent of base unit (a qualifier of {{Q|P12571}} used to describe the exponent of the unit)
- Javanese registers (suggest the relationship between similar Javanese lexemes, between its various registers (social variants), mainly {{Q|12500634}} register (plain Javanese), {{Q|12492493}} register (high/polite Javanese), and {{Q|13091955}} register (middle Javanese))
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Tretyakov Gallery artist ID, Religion Past and Present Online (German edition) ID, identifiant FranceTerme, Yediot Books book ID, xdaforums, FolkWiki ID, 365scores basketball player ID, The House of Graphs ID, SIMBAD catalog properties (used more than 1 million times), All Musicals lyrics ID, 365scores football team ID, 365scores basketball team ID, Illinois Center for the Book Author ID, Ôlyrix Person ID, Ідентифікатор відеогри Gamekombo, Slekt og Data grave ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Redundancy - The primary aim of WikiProject Redundancy is to reduce the amount of Wikidata's data—without reducing the amount of information in Wikidata!—for the well-being of Wikidata, its community, and its downstream users.
- Newest database reports: Items with instance of (P31) human (Q5) and date of birth (P569) > date of death (P570)
- Showcase Items: Cambridge (Q350): city in Cambridgeshire, England
- Showcase Lexemes: kpanjɔɣu (L651052) - A Dagbani noun described in English as hampers, baskets, or similar containers made from woven materials like reeds, grasses, or wicker, traditionally used for carrying or storing clothing.
- Not much happened this past week because the team was attending Wikimania.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
The Signpost: 14 August 2024
editar- In the media: Portland pol profile paid for from public purse
- Discussion report: Twitter marks the spot
- News and notes: Another Wikimania has concluded
- Special report: Nano or just nothing: Will nano go nuclear?
- Opinion: HouseBlaster's RfA debriefing
- Traffic report: Ball games, movies, elections, but nothing really weird
- Humour: I'm proud to be a template
Wikidata weekly summary #641
editarThis is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-08-19.
- Open request for adminship:
- Wüstenspringmaus (RfP scheduled to end after 21 August 2024 11:07 (UTC))
- Mohammed Qays (RfP scheduled to end after 19 August 2024 19:11 (UTC))
- New requests for permissions/Bot: Bot5958 1b - Task: Infer P1712 of TV series, seasons, and episodes from vertically adjacent levels.
- (Save The Date)
- Wikidata Days Bologna - November 8 - 9, 2024. Dario Nobili Library (CNR). A conference dedicated to the Italian-speaking Wikidata community, with a focus on libraries and research.
- Ongoing
- Like Soccer? Did you know the Uganda Wiki Soccerthon 2024 is still running and aims to create over 300 Wikidata items on Ugandan clubs, players, coaches, leagues, associations and leagues related to Ugandan soccer.
- In case you missed it...
- Catch up on all the Wikimania 2024 sessions with these YouTube replays. Or check the Eventyay schedule for recordings of individual sessions linked to each item.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- (Tech News) Unveiling discrepancies: First experiences with finding mismatches on Wikidata and how you can too - A team of five Purdue University students partnered with Wikimedia Deutschland for the Purdue Data Mine to find mismatches for the Wikidata Mismatch Finder.
- (Tech News) Wikidata power contributor: an interview with user Bodhisattwa - WMDE's Alan Ang talks with long-time editor and pillar of the Bangla Wiki community, Bodhisattwa.
- (de) Whether toolbox, workshop or hardware store: open, community-curated tool Registries with Wikidata - I. Trilling, T. Grallert and J. Schmitz discuss the tool-directory created “Kompetenzwerkstatt Digital Humanities” (KDH) at the UB and the “Methods Innovation Lab” of the NFDI4Memory and presented at the Chair of Digital History.
- Papers
- Discovering Relationships Among Properties in Wikidata Knowledge Graph - Authors Emetis Niazmand and Maria-Esther Vidal use class-based relationship discovery to study and explore distribution and frequency of predicates across six domains. Pp 388–394 of Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery.
- Videos
- (pt) Wikidata Lab XLII: OpenRefine Éder Porto and Luca Belo host a workshop covering the newest features for loading media and Structured Data (SDC) on Commons, as well as metadata on Wikidata through OpenRefine.
- (es) Use of records on Wikipedia using Wikidata - Mikel Zubimendi shows how to populate Wikipedia articles with Infoboxes populated by data hosted on Wikidata.
- Engaging with language diversity via the Wikipedia ecosystem @ PGO24 - User:Daniel Mietchen at the Polyglot Gathering hosts a workshop with numerous examples of how the Wiki ecosystem hosts and represents linguistic content.
- Notebooks
- Medals count by continent Combining data from the International Olympic Committee and Wikidata, this notebook computes medals count by continent.
- Winners of the Tour de France Femmes The Tour de France Femmes 2024 just ended on Sunday 18th of August. The cycling stage race explorer notebook shows all stage winners of the Tour de France Femmes.
- Visualisation of location of Japanese Lighthouses The TU Delft Library queries Wikidata to map the location of Japanese lighthouses designed by Richard Henry Brunton or Léonce Verny.
- Tools
- (fr) WikidataESR: Tenter d’y voir clair dans l’ESR : exploring French higher education and research institutional landscape with the help of Wikidata. French higher education and research landscape is highly complex. Wikidata can help to better understand the landscape.
Tool of the week
- Anvesha is a drill-down browser for any Wikibase installation (incl. Wikidata). A prominent example of it in use is the Wikidata Walkabout.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata: For Developers - We have a shiny new portal for developers wanting to build applications using Wikidata's data. Visit it for inspiration with showcase examples, resources, information and support.
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- object of action (specific object to which an action or class of actions applies)
- object class of action (class of objects (including substances) to which an action or class of actions may occur)
- public funding (amount of public funding an organisation receives)
- relates to sustainable development goal, target or indicator (indicates a relation between the subject and the SDGs or one of the components)
- External identifiers: ARABTERM entry ID, Hawramani Arabic Lexicon entry ID, Women in Resistance ID, French-English Dictionary ID, German-English Dictionary ID, Emerald Group Publishing journal ID, Taylor & Francis journal ID, JTA Sightseeing Database ID, WorldCyclingStats ID, The New Mithraeum ID, Finnish Ministers database ID (new), State Historical Museum of Russia person ID, mandumah ID, Educational center of resistance and deportation of Landes ID, Encyclopaedia of Islam (French edition) ID, FoodData Central ID, French bathing water ID, Norwegian Kunstnerforbundet artist ID, Political Dictionary ID, United Nations Digital Library ID, U.S. Copyright Office Public Records System work ID, 365scores football player ID, African Music Library artist ID, Akademický slovník současné češtiny ID, GamingOnLinux Database ID, TIPLOC code, JJM Habitation ID, IDU play ID, IDU original ID, Stichting Erfgoed Nederlandse Biercultuur beer ID, The House of Graphs ID
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- date de vote (vote date, date on which people decided or cast their ballot)
- schmeckt nach (taste that a food or drink has)
- has semantic role (2nd proposal) (item that describes a role in an event/action class)
- growth rate (growth rate of something over time)
- APPF registration status (status of registration of this entity with the Authority for European political parties and European political foundation)
- exponent of base unit (a qualifier of {{Q|P12571}} used to describe the exponent of the unit)
- Javanese registers (suggest the relationship between similar Javanese lexemes, between its various registers (social variants), mainly {{Q|12500634}} register (plain Javanese), {{Q|12492493}} register (high/polite Javanese), and {{Q|13091955}} register (middle Javanese))
- objects of action have role (role that objects of this action take on in the context of this action. (For selectional restrictions, use {{P|12913}} instead.))
- ConLang Code Registry code (3-letter identifier for language defined in the ConLang Code Registry, using codes reserved for private use in ISO 639-3)
- dénomination (value of a currency or type of currency)
- External identifiers: Tretyakov Gallery artist ID, Religion Past and Present Online (German edition) ID, identifiant FranceTerme, Yediot Books book ID, xdaforums, FolkWiki ID, 365scores basketball player ID, SIMBAD catalog properties (used more than 1 million times), All Musicals lyrics ID, 365scores football team ID, 365scores basketball team ID, Illinois Center for the Book Author ID, Ôlyrix Person ID, Ідентифікатор відеогри Gamekombo, Slekt og Data grave ID, iasj article ID, MobyGames critic ID, Grand Comics Database feature ID, Operabook Person ID, Retromags game ID, Retromags magazine ID, series ID, Madain Project ID, GameFAQs genre ID, Altar of Gaming game ID, Altar of Gaming company ID, Polygon game ID, Altar of Gaming franchise ID, Altar of Gaming character ID, Altar of Gaming person ID, FOLDOC ID, WE.League player ID, WE.League manager ID, Nomes e Voces ID, cnkgraph person ID, cnkgraph poem ID, cnkgraph book ID, Identifiant d'un auteur sur Ciel d'oc
- General datatypes:
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Of the official mottos of U.S. states, there are more in Latin than in English
- Instance/sub-classes of LGBT+ identity (Q115870510) that have 3 or more non-English Wikipedia site-links
- Newest WikiProjects: Disambiguation
- Newest database reports: Wanted footballers
- Showcase Items: Júpiter (Q319)
- QuickStatements Community Consultation, until August 31st
- Wikibase REST API: We are continuing to improve error messages and handling.
- Wikipedia and co: We are working on moving the Wikidata Item link out of the sidebar (phab:T66315)
- Wikidata Query Service graph split: The WMF Search Platform team is setting up the servers for the split graphs. We hope to have them ready for use soon. We also prepared the constraints checks for this.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Categorias em Categoria:Editatona Wikidata Saúde Auditiva
Wikidata weekly summary #641
editarThis is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-08-26. Please help Translate.
- Open request for adminship:
- Closed request for adminship: Both requests successful, welcome new admins: Mohammed Qays and Wüstenspringmaus!
- New requests for permissions/Bot: Leaderbot - Task/s: reminds users when their rights are to expire (see Phab:T370842)
- Closed request for permissions/Bot: Bot5958 1b - RfP successful!
- New request for comments:
- Citations from Wikidata from Author: Palu
- Audio Transcription (P9533) from Author: Yug. P9533 is described as transcription of the word/text being spoken in this file. Does this exclude other communications modalities?
- "The Future of Wikidata Events" report by Wikimedia Deutschland is now available on Wikimedia Commons. This report provides valuable insights into the current state and future possibilities of Wikidata events. We encourage everyone to read the report and share their thoughts to help shape the future of our community events: Wikidata talk:Events#"The Future of Wikidata Events" Report Now Available on Wikimedia Commons.
- Wikidata's 12th Birthday is fast approaching. Do you need financial support to organize a birthday event? Here is some useful information about how to get funding: Wikidata:Twelfth Birthday/Run an event/Funding. The deadline to apply is September 1st.
- WikiLibCon25 The Wikimedia+Libraries International Convention 2025 takes place in Mexico City, Mexico between 15 - 17 January 2025 - Call for Scholarships (ends 31 August0 and Proposals (ends 15 September) are open. WikiLibCon25 brings together Wikimedians, Wikibrarians, information professionals, library workers and mission-aligned partners from around the globe to create a vivid community and promote cooperative projects in the Library & Wikimedia sphere.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Papers
- What does it mean to be queer in Wikidata?: Practices of gender representation within a transnational online community. By B. Melis et al.
- Diversity and bias in DBpedia and Wikidata as a challenge for text-analysis tools by B. Berendt et al. This paper explores how data sources can impact content analysis of their tool Diversity Searcher for analysing diversity in news media texts.
- Videos
- (sw) Wikipedia vs Wikidata - Fjodor Eklund shows how wikidata works and how searches are visualized.
- Wikimania Coolest Tool Award! 2024 - Wikidata had good representation with InteGraality and Wikidata Walkabout.
- Qichwabase: Building Knowledge Graphs for Under-Resourced Languages Elwin Huaman discuses how Wikibase and Wikidata have helped create a KG to empower local communities and languages.
- Slides: Giving metabolites (and lipids) a chemical and biological context with open science. This talk discusses the role of open science in providing chemical and biological context for metabolites and lipids, highlighting open-source cheminformatics, open standards, and open data to facilitate linking knowledge across databases and publications, as well as describing chemical interactions in biological pathway databases. By Egon Willighagen.
- Notebooks
- Olympic medals by group of countries 🥇🥈🥉: Using Wikidata and IOC data to compute the share of medals for a selected groups of countries
- Unequal distribution of medals from the Summer Olympics
Tool of the week
- Wikidata distributed/#game=94 - Help adding missing information related to artists on BNU's catalog (Select the option that fits best).
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- New AI Project Manager to join Wikimedia Deutschland: We’re pleased to announce that a new AI project manager will be joining our team next week. Lydia and Jonathan (Director of Engineering) have been prototyping in this area and recently presented their work at the AI_dev summit (YouTube link). Our goal is to bring knowledge graphs and generative AI closer together, making AI more equitable, truthful, participatory, and open. More updates to come soon!
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- denomination (value of a currency or type of currency)
- Newest External identifiers: Illinois Center for the Book author ID, Slekt og Data grave ID, FolkWiki ID, iasj article ID, 365scores football team ID, series ID, All Musicals lyrics ID, MobyGames critic ID, Polygon game ID, Madain Project ID, 365scores basketball player ID, FOLDOC ID, GameFAQs genre ID, Retromags game ID, Nomes e Voces ID, Altar of Gaming company ID, Altar of Gaming franchise ID, Altar of Gaming game ID, Altar of Gaming person ID, Ciel d'oc ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- Larval host plant (Larval host plant - used only for insects - subclass of P1034)
- board game designer (person(s) who devised and developed this game)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: ACUM IDs, DOS Game Modding Wiki article, Mapcarta, Encyclopedia of Brno History literature ID, WikiYeshiva article ID, Denkmalnummer des Archivs der Stadt Linz, GameSpot genre ID, VideoGameGeek genre ID, Identifiant Say Who, VIRIN, Tabletopia game ID, Board Game Arena ID, CNES identifier, game ID, Finnish Company Number
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- WikiProject Highlights:
- Sweden/Banks - All Swedish banks still in operation
- Antiquity/Mythology - This WikiProject deals with everything connected to Greek mythology with an outlook on the traditional tales and divinities which came before and/or inspired it, like Ancient Egyptian mythology, Mesopotamian mythology (Sumerian, Akkadian and Babylonian) and Hittite mythology, as well as those of adjacent cultures and those influenced by the Greeks, most notably Roman mythology).
- Newest WikiProjects: Aotearoa Asian Artists - This project aims to improve the data available about Aotearoa Asian Artists - Asian diaspora artists from, living in, and connected to Aotearoa New Zealand.
- Newest database reports: Terminator: Articles with no interwikis in a given Wikipedia - Wikidata Items that lack a label, description, or article in a specific language.
- Showcase Items: Northern Transylvania Holocaust Memorial Museum - heritage site in Sălaj County, Romania
- Not much happened this week. Many of the developers are still on vacation, and some are out sick.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #643
editarThis is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2024-09-02.
- Project chat: Wikidata:Project chat#Mass-import policy - A new mass-import policy has been proposed, focusing on improving the quality of existing items rather than importing new ones, with a suggested limit of 100 new items before requiring community approval.
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group session 3 September, 2024: We have our next LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Session on Tuesday, 3 September, 2024 at 9am PT / 12pm ET / 17:00 UTC / 6pm CET (Time zone converter). Christa Strickler will be our first Project Series lead with her joint project with the Wikidata Religion & Theology Community of Practice to contribute biographical data to Wikidata from the IRFA database using the Mix’n’Match tool. We are excited to learn more about this project, provide a forum for discussion and shared learning, and lend a hand while building new skills. Event page: Wikidata:WikiProject LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group/Affinity Group Calls/First Project Series
- (id) Registration is open for the Wikimedia Indonesia Research Grant 2024 program. Open until 30 September 2024. This program opens funding opportunities for research on topics related to Wikidata, Wikipedia, or other Wiki projects, and Linked Open Data.
- Talk to the Search Platform / Query Service Team—September 4, 2024. Time: 15:00-16:00 UTC / 08:00 PDT / 11:00 EDT / 17:00 CEST
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs: (de) Wikibase4Research - Easily manage, share and visualize knowledge data, tailored for academic purposes, WB4R simplifies the installation and use of MedaWiki software. By Kolja Bailly.
- Papers
- KGPrune: a Web Application to Extract Subgraphs of Interest from Wikidata with Analogical Pruning (see also Videos) - this web application when given seed entities of interest and properties to traverse, extracts neighboring subgraphs from Wikidata. By Pierre Monnin.
- Project SHADOW: Symbolic Higher-order Associative Deductive reasoning On Wikidata using LM probing - A fine-tuned language model trained on an intermediate task using associative deductive reasoning. By Hanna Abi Akl.
- Transforming higher education: a decade of integrating Wikipedia and Wikidata for literacy enhancement and social impact - Demonstrating the role of Wikipedia and Wikidata in fostering knowledge creation, digital and data literacies and critical thinking, in Open Edcuational resources. By S.E. Sigalov, A. Cohen & R. Nachmias.
- Videos
- (es) Connect biodiversity to Wikimedia projects via iNaturalist? - Tiago Lubiana presents the inat2wiki platform (, designed to connect biodiversity observations to Commons and subsequently, to Wikipedia and Wikidata.
- (es) Lecture on Knowledge Graphs & Workshop on Querying Data - Sebastián Ferrada presents this lecture at the Summer Institute in Computational Social Science 2023 including a SPARQL and Wikidata Query Service workshop.
- Wiki4Education Technical Training - session 2 of the Wiki4Education training series held across 17 - 24 Aug 2024 in Uganda.
- Introducing KGPrune - a web application to extract subgraphs of interest from Wikidata with analogical pruning by Pierre Monnin.
- (ar) Intro to Wikidata at the Arabic Wikidata Days 2024, hosted by Houcemeddine Turki
- (ar) 2: Wikidata for Wikipedians - this session of Arabic Wikidata Days 2024 shows the benefits of using Wikidata in Wikipedia.
- Notebooks: Drawing the network of Adventures of Tintin
Tool of the week
- Display Wikidata Info on sister projects by User:Yair rand. This user-script will add the articles corresponding Wikidata item Label, Q-ID, Description and Short Desc. neatly under the article title. If no Wikidata item is linked, option to CreateNewItem page on Wikidata is provided.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Call for Projects and Mentors for Outreachy Round 29 is open! The deadline to submit projects on the Outreachy website is September 11, 2024 at 4pm UTC and the project list will be finalized by September 18, 2024.
- QuickStatements Community Consultation. Wiki Movimento Brazil as part of the Software Collaboration for Wikidata are conducting interviews to build upon the QuickStatements tool. If you're interested in helping refine the tool then get in touch with them.
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- denomination (value of a currency or type of currency)
- exponent of base unit (a qualifier of derived from base unit (P12571) used to describe the exponent of the unit)
- Newest External identifiers: Illinois Center for the Book author ID, Slekt og Data grave ID, FolkWiki ID, iasj article ID, 365scores football team ID, series ID, All Musicals lyrics ID, MobyGames critic ID, Polygon game ID, Madain Project ID, 365scores basketball player ID, FOLDOC ID, GameFAQs genre ID, Retromags game ID, Nomes e Voces ID, Altar of Gaming company ID, Altar of Gaming franchise ID, Altar of Gaming game ID, Altar of Gaming person ID, Ciel d'oc ID, VideoGameGeek genre ID, GameSpot genre ID, FranceTerme identifier, DOS Game Modding Wiki article ID, monument ID in the archive of Linz
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- Larval host plant (Larval host plant - used only for insects - subclass of P1034)
- board game designer (person(s) who devised and developed this game)
- has reading (phonetic reading or pronunciation of the sinogram)
- agent of action & agent class of action & agents of action have role (particular item that initiates this action or class of actions)
- formula weight (molar mass of an empirical forumula unit of a chemical compound, element or isotope)
- mode of reproduction (ways for living organisms to propagate or produce their offsprings)
- initialism (abbreviation containing only first letters of an expression (regardless if pronounced as letters or as a word))
- Handwriting example (Sample image of the person's handwriting.)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: ACUM IDs, Mapcarta, Encyclopedia of Brno History literature ID, WikiYeshiva article ID, Identifiant Say Who, VIRIN, Tabletopia game ID, Board Game Arena ID, CNES identifier, game ID, Finnish Company Number, case id (mainland China), Identifiant dans l'annuaire de l'École des chartes, Trakt episode ID, The Indian Express Topic ID, NWIS site ID, Hindustan Times Topic ID, Lexikon der Mathematik entry ID, Biblioteka Nauki IDs, TV Maze character ID, identifiant Prosocour d'une personne, Stadtwiki Karlsruhe ID, organization ID, 365scores basketball team ID, identifiant Encyclopédie des femmes tunisiennes
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest database reports: Sitelinks to Wiktionary - List of Items with links to Wiktionary main space.
- Showcase Items: Wikimedia disambiguation page (Q4167410): type of wiki page usually in main namespace (article namespace, ns=0) containing links to articles with similar names, and very little details only, use with P31 "instance of" (2024-09-02)
- Showcase Lexemes: থোড়া (L345714): Bengali verb thôṛa in English imply something that is “chopped” or “minced”
- Wikidata Query Service:
- The WMF Search Platform team is putting the finishing touches on the new Query Service servers that contain the two parts of the split graph.
- We are analyzing which percentage of current queries are better served by other systems like the REST API or search.
- Wikimedia projects integration:
- We have worked on moving the Wikidata Item link out of the toolbox section of the sidebar of an article. It has been rolled out to the first wikis: ukwiki, hewiki, fawiki (phab:T66315)
- We are working on decreasing the amount of irrelevant changes from Wikidata in the watchlist and recent changes on Wikipedia and co by correcting the tracking behaviour of the Lua function mw.wikibase.entity:getSitelink() (phab:T295356)
- Wikibase REST API: We continued improving errors and error messages.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Govdirectory weekly focus country: Ghana
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Calendário de eventos de setembro do Wiki Movimento Brasil
editarO Wiki Movimento Brasil convida todos e todas a participarem dos eventos que organizamos para setembro! Confira abaixo o nosso calendário de eventos do mês, com horários em UTC-3 (horário de Brasília). Aproveite para nos seguir nas redes sociais (@wmnobrasil) e acompanhar todas as atividades!
Participe da etapa nacional do Wiki Loves Monuments, fotografe o patrimônio histórico brasileiro, envie suas imagens e concorra a prêmios de até R$2.500.
- 01/09: Caminhada Fotográfica em Valença-BA
Este evento visa capturar e documentar o patrimônio histórico da cidade de Valença-BA, com o objetivo de ampliar sua divulgação através do Wikimedia Commons. As fotos carregadas serão inscritas no Wiki Loves Monuments Brasil 2024.
- 03/09 17h30: Lançamento do Wiki Loves Monuments
Live de lançamento do Wiki Loves Monuments, a maior competição de fotografia do mundo, focada na preservação do patrimônio histórico. Conheça as principais regras e saiba como participar do maior concurso fotográfico do mundo. Acompanhe pelo YouTube do WMB
- 04/09 19h: Campanha Jogos Paralímpicos na Wikipédia: Tutorial de Edição
Aprenda a editar a Wikipédia com foco em dar visibilidade aos atletas brasileiros e modalidades dos Jogos Paralímpicos. A Campanha Jogos Paralímpicos na Wikipédia é uma maratona de edições na Wikipédia idealizada e realizada pelo Comitê Paralímpico Brasileiro, pelo Museu do Futebol e pelo Wiki Movimento Brasil.
A Casa Museu Eva Klabin, em parceria com o Wiki Movimento Brasil, realiza uma editatona presencial para melhorar a difusão do conhecimento sobre 48 obras do conjunto de peças egípcias que compõem o acervo do museu. O acervo está disponível em licença livre, compartilhado no Wikimedia Commons. Inscrições neste formulário.
- 07/09 e 30/09: Caminhada Fotográfica em Cuiabá
Os wikimedistas de Cuiabá participarão de duas caminhadas fotográficas. No dia 07/09, a atividade será realizada em parceria com o Curso de Arquitetura da UFMT, e no dia 30/09, com o grupo Mato Grosso na Wiki. Ambos os eventos incluem oficinas de fotografia e de carregamento de imagens no Wikimedia Commons. Além de aprenderem técnicas para fotografar monumentos, os participantes terão a oportunidade de contribuir para a valorização do patrimônio local.
- 14/09: Caminhadas Fotográficas por todo o Brasil
Em setembro, o WMB promove o Wiki Encontros para engajar as comunidades locais no Movimento Wikimedia. As caminhadas fotográficas serão realizadas simultaneamente em várias cidades do Brasil, e ocorrem no contexto do concurso Wiki Loves Monuments, incentivando a captura de imagens de monumentos e patrimônio local.
- 15/09: Caminhada Fotográfica em Feira de Santana-BA
Este é um evento que pretende fotografar parte do patrimônio histórico feirense e adicioná-lo ao Wikimedia Commons. Todas as fotos carregadas concorrerão aos prêmios do Wiki Loves Monuments Brasil 2024.
- 20/9 13h30: Editatona Genealogias do Contemporâneo
O evento pretende estimular alunos do programa de extensão Genealogias do Contemporâneo: escritas da História da Arte (feminismos), vinculados à graduação em História da Arte da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) coordenado pela Professora Dra. Tatiana Martins, a melhorarem verbetes sobre artistas brasileiras modernas e contemporâneas. A atividade tem como objetivo contribuir para diminuir a lacuna de gênero na Wikipédia e ampliar o conhecimento sobre obras e biografias importantes para a história da arte brasileira no âmbito internacional.
Este treinamento técnico no Wikidata (em inglês) será sobre o Wiki Loves Brasil, um aplicativo de envio de imagens para a etapa nacional do Wiki Loves Monuments.
- 21/09: Caminhada Fotográfica em Vigia-PA
A atividade visa capturar e documentar o patrimônio histórico da cidade de Vigia-PA, com o objetivo de ampliar sua divulgação através do Wikimedia Commons. As fotos carregadas serão inscritas no Wiki Loves Monuments Brasil 2024, concorrendo a prêmios. A concentração será no Museu da Vigia.
- 24/09 - 15h30: Participação no Seminário Nacional de Catalogação e Tecnologia - SNCaT
O Wiki Movimento Brasil marcará presença no seminário, discutindo a importância da catalogação digital e da tecnologia para o conhecimento livre.
- 30/09 - 17h30: Encerramento do Wiki Loves Monuments
Junte-se a nós para a live de encerramento do Wiki Loves Monuments 2024! Realizaremos uma transmissão ao vivo para marcar o fim da competição e celebrar as contribuições ao patrimônio brasileiro.
Você recebeu esta mensagem, pois está inscrito(a) na lista de interesse do WMB. Caso não queira mais receber essas comunicações, sinta-se à vontade para retirar o seu nome da lista.
The Signpost: 4 September 2024
editar- News and notes: WikiCup enters final round, MCDC wraps up activities, 17-year-old hoax article unmasked
- In the media: AI is not playing games anymore. Is Wikipedia ready?
- News from the WMF: Meet the 12 candidates running in the WMF Board of Trustees election
- Wikimania: A month after Wikimania 2024
- Serendipity: What it's like to be Wikimedian of the Year
- Traffic report: After the gold rush
Wikidata weekly summary #644
editarweek leading up to 2024-09-02. Please help Translate. Missed the previous one?
See issue #643
- Open request for adminship: أمين - RfP scheduled to end 9 September 2024 11:18 (UTC).
- Next: (pt) Auditive Health Project – Workshop Wikipedia and Wikidata 10 September - Expand and contribute to articles and items on Audiology, this event will be held in 3 participating Universities in Brazil. Register on Etherpad.
- Upcoming: The program for the Celtic Knot Conference 2024 is now available to view! Whether you're interested in language preservation, digital tools for minority languages, or simply connecting with like-minded individuals, there's something for everyone. The conference will take place in Waterford City from September 25-27, 2024
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- (de) TIB Blog:The TIB project WikiRemembrance - The aim of the project was to develop a handout on digital culture of remembrance in a collaborative and participatory process. The project will be ending soon and you can register for the closing event (9 Oct 2024).
- Correcting outdated facts in Wikidata - Anj Simmons takes us through an example of finding an outdated or inaccurate fact and correcting it with supporting references.
- Adding citations between existing articles in Wikidata - About a command line tool written in Groovy to enrich Wikidata with citations between journal articles and other research output with DOIs
- Videos
- Wikidata Quality Toolkit: Empowering Wikidata editors and content. Albert Meroño introduces a suite of tools to assist editors by recommending items to edit, detect poorly-supported item references and generating EntitySchemas to find items missing information.
- (ar) Arabic Wikidata Days 2024 - Session 3: SPARQL Query - Houcemeddine Turki introduces how to forumlate and build SPARQL queries in the Wikidata Query Service.
Tool of the week
- User:Teester/CheckShex.js - a Userscript that adds an input box to a Wikidata page wherein you can enter an EntitySchema (such as E10). When you click "Check", it uses pyshexy to validate the entity against the schema and displays whether the entity passes or fails.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- 🔥 Big changes are coming to the #WikidataQueryService. If you query for scholarly articles, please take a look at this announcement!
- Is Shakespeare in German something for you? A digital version of the Schlegel/Tieck edition (Aufbau-Verlag 1975) was released with Wikidata connections. (source)
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes
- denomination (value of a currency or type of currency)
- exponent of base unit (a qualifier of derived from base unit (P12571) used to describe the exponent of the unit)
- game designer (person(s) who devised and developed this game)
- Handwriting exaple (Sample image of the person's handwriting.)
- Newest External identifiers: Illinois Center for the Book author ID, Slekt og Data grave ID, FolkWiki ID, iasj article ID, 365scores football team ID, series ID, All Musicals lyrics ID, MobyGames critic ID, Polygon game ID, Madain Project ID, 365scores basketball player ID, FOLDOC ID, GameFAQs genre ID, Retromags game ID, Nomes e Voces ID, Altar of Gaming company ID, Altar of Gaming franchise ID, Altar of Gaming game ID, Altar of Gaming person ID, Ciel d'oc ID, VideoGameGeek genre ID, GameSpot genre ID, FranceTerme identifier, DOS Game Modding Wiki article ID, monument ID in the archive of Linz, Altar of Gaming character ID, WikiYeshiva article ID, Yediot Books book ID, Mapcarta ID, VIRIN, cnkgraph person ID, Tabletopia game ID, cnkgraph book ID, cnkgraph poem ID, Lexikon der Mathematik entry ID, CNES ID, Tretyakov Gallery artist ID, TV Maze character ID, Say Who ID, Finnish Business ID, Prosocour person ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- Larval host plant (Larval host plant - used only for insects - subclass of P1034)
- has reading (phonetic reading or pronunciation of the sinogram)
- agent of action & agent class of action & agents of action have role (particular item that initiates this action or class of actions)
- formula weight (molar mass of an empirical forumula unit of a chemical compound, element or isotope)
- mode of reproduction (ways for living organisms to propagate or produce their offsprings)
- initialism (abbreviation containing only first letters of an expression (regardless if pronounced as letters or as a word))
- health points (health or armor points of this video game, board game or role-playing game character)
- damage (damage value of this video game weapon, ability or character)
- magazine capacity (magazine capacity or clip size of this firearm or weapon (real or fictional))
- male mean age (male mean age in a given place; qualifier of {{P|4442}})
- female mean age (female mean age in a given place; qualifier of {{P|4442}})
- Mummy of a person (mummy of a person)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: ACUM IDs, Encyclopedia of Brno History literature ID, Board Game Arena ID, game ID, case id (mainland China), Identifiant dans l'annuaire de l'École des chartes, Trakt episode ID, The Indian Express Topic ID, NWIS site ID, Hindustan Times Topic ID, Biblioteka Nauki IDs, Stadtwiki Karlsruhe ID, organization ID, identifiant Encyclopédie des femmes tunisiennes, LMFDB knowl ID, Athletics New Zealand athlete ID, MinDat Feature ID, BoardGameGeek game mechanic ID, Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV), Ontobee id, game ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest database reports: Lexicographical data/Ideas of queries/list of sense properties
- Showcase Items: atheism (Q7066) - absence of belief in the existence of deities; the opposite of theism
- Showcase Lexemes: 𒆠𒅅𒂵𒉘 (L1347328) - Sumerian verb, means 'to love'
- (BREAKING CHANGE ANNOUNCEMENT) Wikidata Query Service graph split available in production; scholarly entity queries require migration by March 2025
- We ported many WikibaseLexeme browser tests from WebdriverIO to Cypress (phab:T355934)
- We’re working on improving the MUL support in the mobile termbox (phab:T373088)
- We’re updating the “label in language” constraint for MUL (phab:T370293)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Govdirectory weekly focus country: Canada
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #645
editarweek leading up to 2024-09-16. Please help Translate. Missed the previous one?
See issue #644
- New requests for permissions/Bot: Framabot 5 - Task: update a typography error in the French description of homonym pages, seen on 1.
- New request for comments: Additional rights for bureaucrats - The proposal suggests allowing Wikidata bureaucrats to remove admin rights, which they currently cannot do, to streamline processes, reduce reliance on stewards, and align with practices of other wikis.
- Proposal: Mul labels - proposal of massive addition - The proposal suggests massively adding "mul" labels to Wikidata items for given and family names, using a bot to streamline the process and reduce redundant labels.
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group session 17 September, 2024: We have our next LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Session on Tuesday, 17 September, 2024 at 9am PT / 12pm ET / 17:00 UTC / 6pm CET (Time zone converter). Christa Strickler will be our first Project Series lead with her joint project with the Wikidata Religion & Theology Community of Practice to contribute biographical data to Wikidata from the IRFA database using the Mix’n’Match tool. We are excited to learn more about this project, provide a forum for discussion and shared learning, and lend a hand while building new skills. Event page: Session 2 (September 17) - Working session using Mix‘n’Match to add Wikidata items
- Wikidata Day 2024 (Seattle) - Agenda: Wikidata Twelfth Birthday, Training and Edit-a-thon. When: Saturday, October 26, from 12:30–4:30pm PDT
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Looking for Aotearoa's next roving Wikipedian, a Wikidata Te Papa research expeditions publication & the Wikidata WikiProject IBC follow-up workshop - The Aotearoa Wikipedian at Large worked with multiple institutions in 2024, contributing to Wikidata by improving museum exhibition models, creating articles, and collaborating on various projects, including biological field trips and entomology, while also engaging with the local Christchurch editing community.
- Wikimedians-in-residence assigned to add lexicographical data of 5 endangered languages of West Bengal - The West Bengal Wikimedians User Group, in collaboration with Jadavpur University, has appointed five linguistics students as Wikimedians-in-residence to add lexicographical data for five endangered languages of West Bengal to Wikidata, contributing to their preservation and digital accessibility.
- Cooperation between National Library and Wikimedia CR was presented at Wikimania 2024 - Wikimedia Czech Republic presented their long-standing collaboration with the National Library at Wikimania 2024, highlighting joint educational and community initiatives, along with additional sessions on media education and successful campaigns during the event.
- Vacancy Wikimedian in Residence for Wikipedia on Aruba - Aruba on Wikipedia project - Wikimedia Nederland is seeking a Wikimedian in Residence for the "Wikipedia on Aruba" project, which aims to make Aruban and Dutch Caribbean culture and heritage accessible on Wikimedia platforms, with applications open until 16 September 2024.
- Presentations: The knowledge graph of Wikidata in the context of the Human Cell Atlas - presentation by Tiago Lubiana (Q90076935) around their PhD defense
- Essay: User:ASarabadani (WMF)/Growth of databases of Wikidata
Tool of the week
- User:Lagewi/references.js - "Sometimes, the data on Wikidata does not answer all your questions. Some types of information are difficult to encode in statements, or simply has not been encoded on Wikidata yet. In such cases, it might be useful to go through the references attached to claims of the entity, for additional information. To simplify this process, this user script lists all unique references based on stated in (P248) and reference URL (P854). The references are listed in a collapsible list below the table of labels and descriptions, collapsed by default to not be obtrusive." To enable it, include the following line in your common.js:
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes
- denomination (value of a currency or type of currency)
- exponent of base unit (a qualifier of derived from base unit (P12571) used to describe the exponent of the unit)
- game designer (person(s) who devised and developed this game)
- handwriting example (sample image of the person's handwriting)
- objects of occurrence have role (role that objects of this occurrence take on in the context of this occurrence. (For selectional restrictions, use "object class of occurrence" (P12913) instead.))
- agents of action have role (role that agents of this action take on in the context of this action. (For selectional restrictions, use "agent class of action" (P12994) instead. ))
- agent class of action (class of items that may initiate this action or class of actions (For roles filled by agents of an action, use "agents of action have role" (P12993) instead))
- agent of action (particular item that initiates this action or class of actions)
- Newest External identifiers: Illinois Center for the Book author ID, Slekt og Data grave ID, FolkWiki ID, iasj article ID, 365scores football team ID, series ID, All Musicals lyrics ID, MobyGames critic ID, Polygon game ID, Madain Project ID, 365scores basketball player ID, FOLDOC ID, GameFAQs genre ID, Retromags game ID, Nomes e Voces ID, Altar of Gaming company ID, Altar of Gaming franchise ID, Altar of Gaming game ID, Altar of Gaming person ID, Ciel d'oc ID, VideoGameGeek genre ID, GameSpot genre ID, FranceTerme identifier, DOS Game Modding Wiki article ID, monument ID in the archive of Linz, Altar of Gaming character ID, WikiYeshiva article ID, Yediot Books book ID, Mapcarta ID, VIRIN, cnkgraph person ID, Tabletopia game ID, cnkgraph book ID, cnkgraph poem ID, Lexikon der Mathematik entry ID, CNES ID, Tretyakov Gallery artist ID, TV Maze character ID, Say Who ID, Finnish Business ID, Prosocour person ID, Stadtwiki Karlsruhe ID, Athletics New Zealand athlete ID, Encyclopedia of Tunisian Women person ID, LMFDB knowl ID, ACUM performer ID, ACUM creator/publisher ID, ACUM Work ID, ACUM album ID, organization ID, Hindustan Times topic ID, Newgrounds submission ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review
- Larval host plant (Larval host plant - used only for insects - subclass of P1034)
- has reading (phonetic reading or pronunciation of the kanji)
- formula weight (molar mass of an empirical forumula unit of a chemical compound, element or isotope)
- mode of reproduction (ways for living organisms to propagate or produce their offsprings)
- initialism (abbreviation containing only first letters of an expression (regardless if pronounced as letters or as a word))
- health points (health or armor points of this video game, board game or role-playing game character)
- damage (damage value of this video game weapon, ability or character)
- magazine capacity (magazine capacity or clip size of this firearm or weapon (real or fictional))
- male mean age (male mean age in a given place; qualifier of {{P|4442}})
- female mean age (female mean age in a given place; qualifier of {{P|4442}})
- Mummy of a person (mummy of a person)
- publication type of scholarly article (Publication type of scholarly article)
- characteristic of ((qualifier only) statement value is a characteristic, quality, property, or state of this item)
- Political foundation (The property allows a link between a political party (usually) and its related political foundation, as is common in Germany, in the Netherlands or at the European level. The reverse property ("political party" or "political party affiliation", still different from P102 which is for individual membership) would be useful too.)
- Medietilsynets filmdatabase ()
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Encyclopedia of Brno History literature ID, Board Game Arena ID, game ID, case id (mainland China), Identifiant dans l'annuaire de l'École des chartes, Trakt episode ID, The Indian Express Topic ID, NWIS site ID, Biblioteka Nauki IDs, MinDat Feature ID, BoardGameGeek game mechanic ID, Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV), Ontobee id, journal ID, LWW journal ID, BioMed Central journal ID, Storia della civiltà europea ID, NooSFere editorial collection ID, e-LIS ID, Dictionnaire des guérilleros et résistants antifranquistes ID, Historical Encyclopedia of Siberia ID, ID, FightTime fighters ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Map of Karens / Johns per million according to Wikidata
- People with a connection to Dresden who have an anniversary today (source)
- Newest WikiProjects:
- Wikibooks pages - The goal is to add Wikidata items for every Wikibooks page.
- Couchdb - This project has the purpose to investigate how having Wikidata on CouchDb could work.
- Temporärhaus - This project is intended to document the activities in the temporaerhaus (Q27945856) with reference to Wikidata.
- WikiProject Highlights: Ontology/Cleaning Task Force/Changes - Significant actual and proposed changes to the Wikidata ontology that have come out of the cleaning task force efforts.
- Newest database reports: Wikidata Statements that use a retracted article as reference
- Showcase Items: Among Us (Q96417649) - 2018 video game developed by InnerSloth
- Showcase Lexemes: ਕਰਨ (L45436) - Punjabi verb "to do"
- The development team attended the annual WMDE Software Department retreat, so there wasn't much development activity this week.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Tool for formating after publication
editarThis tool can help with formating after publication. Doc James (talk · contribs · email) 22h39min de 22 de setembro de 2024 (UTC)
- Thank you very much for the suggestion :) The tool didn’t appear in the first translation I did, but it showed up in the second one, and I used it. It saved time. I would just like to point out that the tool moves the dots to after the references, whereas on Portuguese Wikipedia, the dots are usually placed before the references (see WP:CITE). Thanks again for your message! CorraleH (discussão) 23h03min de 22 de setembro de 2024 (UTC)
- Thanks. Not sure why it moved the reference for Pt as it is not selected for that language Will look into it. Doc James (talk · contribs · email) 07h25min de 23 de setembro de 2024 (UTC)
- Doesn't seem to have done it here Let me know if it happens again.Doc James (talk · contribs · email) 07h26min de 23 de setembro de 2024 (UTC)
- Hi. I reviewed some other articles translated by the Translation Tool, and the results were variable regarding the placement of dots, but at least it's a (very) minor issue, nothing that a few moments of editing can't fix. The translation and reference correction tool works excellently well. Best regards. CorraleH (discussão) 03h13min de 26 de setembro de 2024 (UTC)
- Doesn't seem to have done it here Let me know if it happens again.Doc James (talk · contribs · email) 07h26min de 23 de setembro de 2024 (UTC)
- Thanks. Not sure why it moved the reference for Pt as it is not selected for that language Will look into it. Doc James (talk · contribs · email) 07h25min de 23 de setembro de 2024 (UTC)
The Signpost: 26 September 2024
editar- In the media: Indian courts order Wikipedia to take down name of crime victim, and give up names of editors
- Serendipity: A Wikipedian at the 2024 Paralympics
- Opinion: asilvering's RfA debriefing
- News and notes: Are you ready for admin elections?
- Recent research: Article-writing AI is less "prone to reasoning errors (or hallucinations)" than human Wikipedia editors
- Traffic report: Jump in the line, rock your body in time
Wikidata Weekly Summary #647
week leading up to 2024-09-30. Please help Translate. Missed the previous one?
See issue #646</translate>
<translate>Discussions</translate> <translate>* Closed request for adminship: Andrei Stroe - Success! Welcome User:Andrei Stroe as Wikidata's latest Admin.
- New requests for permissions/Bot: QichwaBot - Task(s): Creating wikidata lexemes for the Quechua languages.
- Closed request for comments: Do we want automatic inverse statement creation and if so, how should they happen? - Closed due to lack of comments for longer than five years. Despite multiple suggestions, there is no clear consensus to move forward.</translate>
<translate>Events</translate> <translate>* Wikidata's 12th birthday is coming up on October 29th. Have a look at the birthday parties and more planned around the world.
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group session 1 October, 2024: We have our next LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Session on Tuesday, 1 October, 2024 at 9am PT / 12pm ET / 17:00 UTC / 6pm CET (Time zone converter). Christa Strickler will be our first Project Series lead with her joint project with the Wikidata Religion & Theology Community of Practice to contribute biographical data to Wikidata from the IRFA database using the Mix’n’Match tool. We are excited to learn more about this project, provide a forum for discussion and shared learning, and lend a hand while building new skills. Event page.</translate>
<translate>Press, articles, blog posts, videos</translate> <translate>* Papers
- A Systematic Review of Wikidata in GLAM Institutions: a Labs Approach - Presents a systematic review of Wikidata use in GLAM institutions within the context of the work of the International GLAM Labs Community ( The results summarise academic literature on Wikidata projects. By G. Candela et al.
- (es) Wikidata course in Spanish: Data for collaborative knowledge - Throughout October, the WikiLearn platform is hosting a course on Wikidata aimed especially at Latin Americans. Enroll here.
- Project SHADOW: Symbolic Higher-order Associative Deductive reasoning On Wikidata using LM probing - SHADOW is a fine-tuned language model trained on an intermediate task using associative deductive reasoning, its performance is measured on a knowledge base construction task using Wikidata triple completion. By Hanna Abi Akl.
- Using Wikidata for Managing Cultural Heritage Information - The present study uses model wikidata elements as a basis and explores its dynamic formation into a cultural heritage information management tool within a museum. By D. Kyriaki-Manessi and S. Vazaiou.
- Enriching Archival Linked Data Descriptions with Information from Wikidata and DBpedia - This paper investigates the potential to use information in archival records in a larger context for ArchOnto and aims to leverage classes and properties sourced from repositories deemed informal due to their crowd-sourcing nature. By I. Koch et al.
- A framework for integrating biomedical knowledge in Wikidata with open biological and biomedical ontologies and MeSH keywords - This paper utilizes primary data sources of OBO ontologies and MeSH keywords classified using SPARQL queries for RDF knowledge graphs, to contribute to the robustness and accuracy of collaborative biomedical knowledge graphs. By H. Turki et al.
- Videos
- Serbian Novels on Wikidata: Project wikiELTeC & Tesla Part of Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2024 in İstanbul, this session presented by Filip Maljković charts progress on contributing Serbian literature to Wikidata.
- Dataviz
- Find your most famous neighbour, a world map of notable people based on Wikipedia and Wikidata.</translate>
<translate>Tool of the week</translate> <translate>* Three new Userscripts for Wikidata - User:Lagewi has written 3 scripts to simplify reading references, explore property-value pairs in use for a statement or attaching a full bibliography to the end of the item page.</translate>
<translate>Other Noteworthy Stuff</translate> <translate>* OpenSactions:Wikidata Persons in Relevant Categories - Using PETScan, generates a list of profiles of politically exposed persons by querying specific categories on Wikidata and extracting the entities.</translate>
<translate>Newest properties and property proposals to review</translate>
- <translate>Newest properties:</translate>
- <translate>General datatypes: </translate>
- game designer (person(s) who devised and developed this game)
- handwriting example (sample image of the person's handwriting)
- objects of occurrence have role (role that objects of this occurrence take on in the context of this occurrence. (For selectional restrictions, use "object class of occurrence" (P12913) instead.))
- agents of action have role (role that agents of this action take on in the context of this action. (For selectional restrictions, use "agent class of action" (P12994) instead. ))
- agent class of action (class of items that may initiate this action or class of actions (For roles filled by agents of an action, use "agents of action have role" (P12993) instead))
- agent of action (particular item that initiates this action or class of actions)
- <translate>External identifiers: </translate>Altar of Gaming character ID, WikiYeshiva article ID, Yediot Books book ID, Mapcarta ID, VIRIN, cnkgraph person ID, Tabletopia game ID, cnkgraph book ID, cnkgraph poem ID, Lexikon der Mathematik entry ID, CNES ID, Tretyakov Gallery artist ID, TV Maze character ID, Say Who ID, Finnish Business ID, Prosocour person ID, Stadtwiki Karlsruhe ID, Athletics New Zealand athlete ID, Encyclopedia of Tunisian Women person ID, LMFDB knowl ID, ACUM performer ID, ACUM creator/publisher ID, ACUM Work ID, ACUM album ID, organization ID, Hindustan Times topic ID, Newgrounds submission ID, Storia della civiltà europea ID, Encyclopedia of Brno History literature ID, Linked Open Vocabularies ID, Ontobee ID, journal ID, NooSFere editorial collection ID, ID, Dictionary of guerrillas and anti-Franco resistance fighters ID, e-LIS publication ID, GameReactor company ID
- <translate>General datatypes: </translate>
<translate>* New property proposals to review:</translate> <translate>** General datatypes: </translate>
- Larval host plant (Larval host plant - used only for insects - subclass of P1034)
- has reading (phonetic reading or pronunciation of the kanji)
- chemical formula (Description of chemical compound giving element symbols and counts)
- mode of reproduction (ways for living organisms to propagate or produce their offsprings)
- health points (health or armor points of this video game, board game or role-playing game character)
- damage (damage value of this video game weapon, ability or character)
- magazine capacity (In (real or fictional) devices like a firearm, weapon, or engineered thing, this is the default capacity or size of a devices' magazine, clip, or other container typically used to hold ammunition, bolts, cartridges, tools, etc. which pushes those items as needed usually through a spring-based mechanism into a receiver for further use by the device)
- male mean age (male mean age in a given place; qualifier of {{P|4442}})
- female mean age (female mean age in a given place; qualifier of {{P|4442}})
- Mummy of a person (mummy of a person)
- publication type of scholarly article (Publication type of scholarly article)
- characteristic of ((qualifier only) statement value is a characteristic, quality, property, or state of this item)
- Medietilsynets filmdatabase (identifier for a film in the Norwegian Medietilsynets database)
- Western Australian Biographical Index (Card ID from the Western Australian Biographical Index, a set of handwritten index cards compiled in the 1970s.)
- leased to (person or organisation that holds or was granted a lease on the subject)
- WPBSA com player ID (Identifier for an athlete on the main website of WPBSA)
- JLPT level (difficulty of word by the level of JLPT)
<translate>** External identifiers:</translate> case id (mainland China), NWIS site ID, Biblioteka Nauki IDs, LWW journal ID, BioMed Central journal ID, Historical Encyclopedia of Siberia ID, FightTime fighters ID, Korean Basketball League ID, Identifiant L'Humanité d’un sujet, Chinese Basketball Association ID2, Koha Kütüphane ID, MyWaifuList character ID, FantLab artist ID, Münzkabinett, Latgales dati person ID, identifiant inventaire Grand Est, RedBA Granada authority ID, musician ID, HA! ID, Identifiant Radio France d'une émission, Identifiant France Télévisions d'une émission, beniabbandonati ID, DDB person ID, European Parliament document ID, Hlídač státu subject ID, Kramerius of Czech Digital Library UUID, Acervo de Literatura Digital Mato-Grossense ID, Persons and Names of the Middle Kingdom and early New Kingdom person ID, Cihai encyclopedia entry ID, Cihai dictionary entry ID, Duocet Wiki of Plants ID
<translate>You can comment on all open property proposals!</translate>
<translate>Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:
- Newest database reports: Popular_items_without_claims
- Showcase Lexemes: هُئَڻُ L1126190 Sindhi verb (to be)</translate>
- Search: The haswbstatement search magic word has been improved by the Search Platform Team. Previously it was limited in which Properties were indexed for it. Going forward haswbstatement:P123 will work for all Properties, regardless of their datatype. This will allow you to filter search results for Items that have a statement with a specific Property. (Searching for a specific complete statement with haswbstatement:P123=xxx will still only work for specific datatypes.) For this to work all Items have to be reindexed and this will take up to 1 month.
- Design system migration: We have migrated the Special:NewLexeme page from Wikit to Codex and are working on finishing the migration for the Query Builder.
- EntitySchemas: We finished the investigation about how to support search for EntitySchemas by label or alias when linking to an EntitySchema in a statement. (phab:T362005)
- Wikibase REST API: We worked on integrating language fallbacks into the API (phab:T371605)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.</translate>
<translate>Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!</translate>
Calendário de eventos de outubro do Wiki Movimento Brasil
editarO Wiki Movimento Brasil convida todos e todas a participarem dos eventos que organizamos para outubro! Confira abaixo o nosso calendário de eventos do mês, com horários em UTC-3 (horário de Brasília). Aproveite para nos seguir nas redes sociais (@wmnobrasil) e acompanhar todas as atividades!
Anúncio do resultado da Campanha Jogos Paralímpicos na Wikipédia. A maratona de edições na Wikipédia foi idealizada e realizada pelo Comitê Paralímpico Brasileiro, pelo Museu do Futebol e pelo Wiki Movimento Brasil.
- 09//10: Início do Wikiconcurso Justiça Climática e Amazônia
O Wikiconcurso Justiça Climática e Amazônia é uma iniciativa voltada para melhorar e ampliar o conteúdo sobre a Amazônia e as questões relacionadas à justiça climática nos projetos Wikimedia, com foco na Wikipédia em português.
- 10 e 24/10: Rede de colaboração entre pares na comunidade lusófona
Os encontros, parte do projeto Calilu desenvolvido pelo Calibra, têm como objetivo a apresentação e discussão rede de colaboração entre pares na comunidade lusófona. Durante os encontros, será discutida a ideia de lusofonia e definida a agenda de futuros encontros para estruturar a rede de colaboração.
Com a participação de Alexander Hilsenbeck, gestor de Educação do WMB, e da Prof. Dra. Caroline Mendes, da UFMT, o evento abordará o potencial educacional dos projetos Wikimedia. A transmissão será ao vivo pelo YouTube do Wiki Movimento Brasil, às 16h.
- 18/10 19h: Reunião Aberta do WMB
Participe da reunião aberta do WMB e conheça iniciativas e pessoas que fazem parte do movimento Wikimedia no Brasil!
- 22/10 13h30: Editatona sobre mulheres artistas e cientistas
O evento presencial faz parte da programação da Semana do Livro e da Biblioteca, organizado pela ECA/USP e IA/UNESP. O Wiki Movimento Brasil (WMB) participará como apoiador.
- 24/10: Oficina do Wikiconcurso Justiça Climática e Amazônia
Participe das oficinas de edição para aprimorar suas formas de contribuição com a Wikipédia em português no contexto do Wikiconcurso Justiça Climática e Amazônia. As oficinas são recomendadas principalmente para novas pessoas usuárias, mas sendo livre para quem quiser aprimorar sua edição.
- 24/10 17h: XXXIV Oficina de Wikimedia & Educação
Nas Oficinas Wikimedia & Educação, reunimos educadores interessados em usar as plataformas Wikimedia com estudantes para trocar experiências. Sempre temos um palestrante convidado e um tutorial útil para educadores e educadoras.
- 26/10 13h: Wikidata Lab XLIV: Infographics
Este treinamento técnico no Wikidata (em inglês) será focado na criação e uso de infográficos a partir de dados estruturados disponíveis na plataforma. Acompanhe pelo YouTube do WMB
- 30/10: Wikimedia e Ciência: Potencialidades na Extensão e Difusão Científica
O evento realizado pelo Wiki Movimento Brasil em parceria com a Faculdade de Odontologia da USP Bauru, será uma oportunidade para compartilhar pesquisas, projetos e experiências de ciência aberta e uso de plataformas digitais livres. A programação inclui uma sessão científica, o lançamento do curso digital Introdução à Audiologia Básica, e uma sessão de pôsteres com pesquisas e experiências sobre práticas de difusão científica e plataformas livres.
Você recebeu esta mensagem, pois está inscrito(a) na lista de interesse do WMB. Caso não queira mais receber essas comunicações, sinta-se à vontade para retirar o seu nome da lista.
Wikidata weekly summary #648
week leading up to 2024-10-07. Please help Translate. Missed the previous one?
See issue #647</translate>
<translate>Events</translate> <translate>* Upcoming:
- Wikidata Day 2024 at the Pratt Institute Manhattan Campus, New York - To celebrate Wikidata's 12th Birthday, a mini-conference with beginner workshops, lightning talks and keynote speeches will be held. October 26, 11am - 5pm EDT (UTC-4). More info, registration and full address on this Wikipedia event page.
- The Wikidata Days 2024 in Bologna, Italy will take place on November 8th and 9th. Its program revolves around Wikidata for libraries and academia, and features a wide range of Wikidata-enthusiastic librarians and researchers from Italy. Registration is open until October 31st.
- The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, 16th October 2024 at 18:00 CEST in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
- Scholia hackathon on Oct 18-20, aimed at addressing changes related to the Wikidata graph split
- Intangible Cultural Heritage on Wikidata - Hosted by Wikimedia Community Malta (WCM), November 8, 2024 18:00 - 19:00 CEST, Malta Fairs and Conference Centre (MFCC) in Ta’ Qali, Malta
- Edit-A-Thon: 50 States of Comics - Ohio, take part in this virtual event held October 10, 10:00 - 16:00 EST (UTC-5).</translate>
<translate>Press, articles, blog posts, videos</translate> <translate>* Blogs
- Wikidata is a giant crosswalk file describes how with a little DuckDB and Ruby and data from Wikidata, you can produce a cross-walk file of geographic entities.
- Videos
- (ru) Wikidata Reconciliation Service - This video shows how to add QID's to a large number of person-entities, add descriptions and search by full name and years of life. Wikidata reconciliation for OR (Script: Github:Podbrushkin)
- (fr) Data recovery on Wikidata for the DataViz project - PhilippGam presents the various methods to extract and sort data from Wikidata and use the wikidataMultiSearch tool.
- Bridging the Digital Scriptorium Data Model and Wikidata to Expand Reuse of Manuscript Metadata Rose McCandless gives this lighning talk at the LD4 2024 Conference.
- Notebooks
<translate>Tool of the week</translate>
- (fr) wikidata MultiSearch - search for a list of elements in Wikidata. A GPLv3 licenced tool built by Philippe Gambette allows you to search for a list of words in Wikidata and retrieve some associated Wikidata properties.
<translate>Other Noteworthy Stuff</translate>
- Are you building applications or services with Wikidata's data? We'd love to hear from you to help us figure out the future of accessing Wikidata's data.
- Wikidata: Event Organizers - If you are organizing or thinking about planning a Wikidata event, this new page listing the additional User rights the user-role 'event organizer' has will be a valuable resource. Including the process for applying for permission rights.
<translate>Newest properties and property proposals to review</translate>
<translate>* Newest properties:
- General datatypes:</translate>
- handwriting example (sample image of the person's handwriting)
- objects of occurrence have role (role that objects of this occurrence take on in the context of this occurrence. (For selectional restrictions, use "object class of occurrence" (P12913) instead.))
- agents of action have role (role that agents of this action take on in the context of this action. (For selectional restrictions, use "agent class of action" (P12994) instead. ))
- agent class of action (class of items that may initiate this action or class of actions (For roles filled by agents of an action, use "agents of action have role" (P12993) instead))
- agent of action (particular item that initiates this action or class of actions)
- characteristic of ((qualifier only) statement value is a characteristic, quality, property, or state of this qualifier value)
- has kanji reading (phonetic reading or pronunciation of the kanji)
- publication type of scholarly work (Publication type of scholarly work)
- leased to (person or organisation that holds or was granted a lease on the subject)
- magazine capacity (number of projectiles or objects in the magazine feeding a weapon or tool)
- General datatypes:</translate>
<translate>** External identifiers:</translate> Finnish Business ID, Prosocour person ID, Stadtwiki Karlsruhe ID, Athletics New Zealand athlete ID, Encyclopedia of Tunisian Women person ID, LMFDB knowl ID, ACUM performer ID, ACUM creator/publisher ID, ACUM Work ID, ACUM album ID, organization ID, Hindustan Times topic ID, Newgrounds submission ID, Storia della civiltà europea ID, Encyclopedia of Brno History literature ID, Linked Open Vocabularies ID, Ontobee ID, journal ID, NooSFere editorial collection ID, ID, Dictionary of guerrillas and anti-Franco resistance fighters ID, e-LIS publication ID, GameReactor company ID, Latgales dati person ID, FantLab artist ID, RedBA Granada authority ID, NWIS site ID, band ID, Koha Kütüphane ID, HA! artwork ID, France television program ID, Radio France program ID, Grand Est inventory ID, Norwegian Media Authority's film rating ID, Historical Encyclopedia of Siberia ID, Münzkabinett ID, MyWaifuList character ID, Kramerius of Czech Digital Library UUID, European Parliament document ID, Western Australian Biographical Index, beniabbandonati (detailed sheet) ID, beniabbandonati (summary sheet) ID, Biblioteka Nauki article ID, Biblioteka Nauki journal ID, Biblioteka Nauki book ID, Biblioteka Nauki publisher ID, PNM Middle Kingdom and New Kingdom person ID, DDB person ID <translate>* New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:</translate>
- Larval host plant (Larval host plant - used only for insects - subclass of P1034)
- chemical formula (Description of chemical compound giving element symbols and counts)
- mode of reproduction (ways for living organisms to propagate or produce their offsprings)
- health points (health or armor points of this video game, board game or role-playing game character)
- damage (damage value of this video game weapon, ability or character)
- male mean age (male mean age in a given place; qualifier of {{P|4442}})
- female mean age (female mean age in a given place; qualifier of {{P|4442}})
- Mummy of a person (mummy of a person)
- WPBSA com player ID (Identifier for an athlete on the main website of WPBSA)
- JLPT level (difficulty of word by the level of JLPT)
- beer style (Classification of a beer based on its style)
- has forks (Notable software forks of this software)
- Monument Counter ID (Digital memorial for women killed by violence)
- General datatypes:</translate>
<translate>** External identifiers:</translate> case id (mainland China), BioMed Central journal ID, FightTime fighters ID, Korean Basketball League ID, Identifiant L'Humanité d’un sujet, Chinese Basketball Association ID2, KISTI institute ID, Hlídač státu subject ID, Acervo de Literatura Digital Mato-Grossense Person ID, Cihai encyclopedia entry ID, Cihai dictionary entry ID, Duocet Wiki of Plants ID, Dwelly entry ID, Indo-Tibetan Lexical Resource ID, A digital concordance of the R̥gveda ID, ID, Identifiant CIRDOC d'un auteur ou d'une autrice, Identifiant CIRDOC d'un document, Department of Defense Identification Code, Identifiant d'un document audiovisuel dans le catalogue de l'Inathèque, LWW journal ID, BAHRA ID, World Historical Gazetteer place ID, Diccionario biográfico de Castilla-La Mancha ID, AniSearch person ID, identifiant Babelio d'un sujet, Identifiant d'une personne sur Madelen, ITTF PTT ID, Push Square series ID, VG247 series ID, person ID
<translate>You can comment on all open property proposals!</translate>
<translate>Did you know?
- Query examples:</translate>
<translate>* Newest WikiProjects:
- WikiProject Highlights:
- Lingnan University Library: Wikidata Pilot Project - Creating and improving entries for Lingnan University academic staff, as well as generating entries for the Library's digital collections and Lingnan theses and dissertations.
- French Literary Prizes - Aims to coordinate the development of a database on French literary prizes (list of prizes, jury members, list of winners)
- Cycling: 2025 Races - documenting the the planned Cycling races for 2025.
- Newest database reports: Abuse filter effectiveness - This DB report compiles a variety of statistics on combating vandalism.</translate>
- Data access:
- We have published a survey to better understand the future needs of application developers who want to work with Wikidata's data. Please take part if you are developing applications or services using data from Wikidata.
- We are analyzing query logs to better understand which queries could be moved to other services in the future.
- Design system: We continued migrating the Query Builder and Special:NewLexeme from Wikit to Codex</translate>
<translate>You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.</translate>
<translate>Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!</translate>
Wikidata weekly summary #649
editarweek leading up to 2024-10-14. Missed the previous one? See issue #648
- Upcoming:
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group session 15 October, 2024: We have our next LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Session on Tuesday, 15 October, 2024 at 9am PT / 12pm ET / 16:00 UTC / 6pm CEST (Time zone converter). Christa Strickler will be our first Project Series lead with her joint project with the Wikidata Religion & Theology Community of Practice to contribute biographical data to Wikidata from the IRFA database using the Mix’n’Match tool. We are excited to learn more about this project, provide a forum for discussion and shared learning, and lend a hand while building new skills. Event page: [1]
- The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, 16th October 2024 at 18:00 CEST in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
- Wikidata:Twelfth Birthday: We already have 30 events scheduled on the list 😍. As a reminder, when your event is ready, don't forget to:
- create a wikipage with more information about the event, participants list, etc.
- add your event to the global calendar and the map, following the instructions here: Wikidata:Twelfth Birthday/Run an event/Schedule
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Small data, slow data − a SNAIL approach to Wikidata: discusses the value of small, carefully curated datasets in the era of big data. It emphasizes the importance of taking a methodical, "snail-paced" approach to data collection and analysis, which can lead to more meaningful and accurate insights. The blogpost also highlights how this approach can complement the broader trends of big data, ensuring that detailed, high-quality data is not overlooked.
- Papers
- "WoolNet: Finding and Visualising Paths in Knowledge Graphs" given two or more entities requested by a user, the system finds and visualises paths that connect these entities, forming a topical subgraph of Wikidata (Torres Gutiérrez and Hogan)
- Videos
- Introductory workshop to Wikidata within the framework of the Latin America Contest in Wikidata 2024 (in Italian)
- GeoPython 2024: Bridging Worlds: Python-Powered Integration of Wikidata and OpenStreetMap: This talk explores Python-powered tools that integrate Wikidata with OpenStreetMap, allowing users to link entries between the two platforms to enhance geospatial data accuracy while navigating legal and ethical challenges of cross-platform data sharing.
- LD4 2024 Conference: Wikidata and Open Data: Enhancing the Hausa Community's Digital Presence
- Dynamic Mapping using Collaborative Knowledge Graphs: Real-Time SKOS Mapping from Wikidata: This presentation introduces a workflow using SPARQL queries to dynamically map live Wikidata data to SKOS concepts, featuring a Python tool that converts CSV outputs into RDF triples for integration into linked data environments and knowledge graphs, emphasizing real-time data retrieval and interoperability.
- How to add location coordinates to Wikidata Items (in Dagbanli)
- Clean-up of problematic Dagbani lexemes: Wikidata:Lexicographical data/Documentation/Languages/dag#Maintenance_tasks (in Dagbanli)
- How to link Wikidata Items to Wikipedia Articles
- Best Practices to editing Dagbani Lexemes on Wikidata
- Podcasts
- Could making Wikidata 'human' readable lead to better AI?: Lydia Pintscher (WMDE), Portfolio Lead Product Manager at Wikidata Deutschland, discussed a new project aimed at making Wikidata more 'human' readable for Large Language Models (LLMs), which could improve AI reliability by giving these models access to high-quality, human-curated data from Wikidata.
- Notebooks
Tool of the week
- Elemwala (এলেমওয়ালা) ( is a proof-of-concept interface that allows you to input abstract content and get natural language text in a given output language. There may well be errors with particular inputs, and the text may not be quite as natural as you might expect, but that's where your improvements to your language's lexemes, other Wikidata items, and the tool's source code come in!
- mlscores: Tool for calculating multilinguality score of Wikidata items (including properties). E.g. for Wikidata (Q2013), the scores are - en: 99.66%, fr: 89.49%, es: 84.07%, pt: 68.47%. For instance of (P31), the scores are - en: 99.86%, fr: 87.12%, es: 80.83%, pt: 61.37%.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Launch of WikiProject Deprecate P642: The goal of this project is to prepare for deprecation, and eventual removal, of the property of (P642). Currently, of (P642) is labeled as "being deprecated", meaning its use is still allowed, but discouraged. From a peak of around 900,000 uses, the property now has around 700,000 uses (see status here). Our goal is to reduce that as much as possible in a systematic way, while ensuring that appropriate properties exist to replace all valid uses of of (P642). The latter is key to officially deprecating the property. Before removing the property, we want to get as close to zero uses as possible.
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- characteristic of ((qualifier only) statement value is a characteristic, quality, property, or state of this qualifier value)
- has kanji reading (phonetic reading or pronunciation of the kanji)
- publication type of scholarly work (Publication type of scholarly work)
- leased to (person or organisation that holds or was granted a lease on the subject)
- magazine capacity (number of projectiles or objects in the magazine feeding a weapon or tool)
- External identifiers: Newgrounds submission ID, Storia della civiltà europea ID, Encyclopedia of Brno History literature ID, Linked Open Vocabularies ID, Ontobee ID, journal ID, NooSFere editorial collection ID, ID, Dictionary of guerrillas and anti-Franco resistance fighters ID, e-LIS publication ID, GameReactor company ID, Latgales dati person ID, FantLab artist ID, RedBA Granada authority ID, NWIS site ID, band ID, Koha Kütüphane ID, HA! artwork ID, France television program ID, Radio France program ID, Grand Est inventory ID, Norwegian Media Authority's film rating ID, Historical Encyclopedia of Siberia ID, Münzkabinett ID, MyWaifuList character ID, Kramerius of Czech Digital Library UUID, European Parliament document ID, Western Australian Biographical Index, beniabbandonati (detailed sheet) ID, beniabbandonati (summary sheet) ID, Biblioteka Nauki article ID, Biblioteka Nauki journal ID, Biblioteka Nauki book ID, Biblioteka Nauki publisher ID, PNM Middle Kingdom and New Kingdom person ID, DDB person ID, CIRDOC publication ID, CIRDOC author ID
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- chemical formula (Description of chemical compound giving element symbols and counts)
- mode of reproduction (ways for living organisms to propagate or produce their offsprings)
- health points (health or armor points of this video game, board game or role-playing game character)
- damage (damage value of this video game weapon, ability or character)
- male mean age (male mean age in a given place; qualifier of {{P|4442}})
- female mean age (female mean age in a given place; qualifier of {{P|4442}})
- Mummy of a person (mummy of a person)
- WPBSA com player ID (Identifier for an athlete on the main website of WPBSA)
- JLPT level (difficulty of word by the level of JLPT)
- beer style (Classification of a beer based on its style)
- has forks (Notable software forks of this software)
- Monument Counter ID (Digital memorial for women killed by violence)
- most populous settlement (city, town, or other settlement with the largest population in this area (country, state, county, continent, etc.))
- FAO fungal entity ID (identifier from FAO ontology for fungal gross anatomy)
- TEES ID (Dictionary of Turkish literature works)
- bais (Indicates a specific form of bias present in a media source, organization, or document, such as false balance, slant, or omission, affecting the representation of information.)
- TDK lexeme ID (Dictionary created by the [[Q1569712|Turkish Language Association]])
- Atatürk Ansiklopedisi ID (Online Turkish encyclopedia created by [[Q6062914]] and [[Q19610584]])
- Eurotopics ID (A database containing data on European media.)
- Stated in unreliable source (used in the references field to refer to the database that is considered a unreliable source in which the claim is made)
- External identifiers: case id (mainland China), BioMed Central journal ID, FightTime fighters ID, Korean Basketball League ID, Identifiant L'Humanité d’un sujet, Chinese Basketball Association ID2, Hlídač státu subject ID, Acervo de Literatura Digital Mato-Grossense Person ID, Cihai encyclopedia entry ID, Cihai dictionary entry ID, Duocet Wiki of Plants ID, Dwelly entry ID, Indo-Tibetan Lexical Resource ID, A digital concordance of the R̥gveda ID, ID, Department of Defense Identification Code, Identifiant d'un document audiovisuel dans le catalogue de l'Inathèque, LWW journal ID, BAHRA ID, World Historical Gazetteer place ID, Diccionario biográfico de Castilla-La Mancha ID, AniSearch person ID, identifiant Babelio d'un sujet, Identifiant d'une personne sur Madelen, ITTF PTT ID, Push Square series ID, VG247 series ID, person ID, Identifiant Libération d’un sujet, NLI Newspaper Collection ID, Enciclopedia bresciana ID, dictionary IDs, Israel Railways Corporation Ltd station number, Spirit of Metal band ID, Rate Your Music track ID, player ID, Identifiant d’un sujet, Identifiant TF1 info d’un sujet, Identifiant RTL d’un sujet, Identifiant France Info d’un sujet, ID, identifiant L’Équipe d'une équipe de basketball, identifiant L'Équipe d'un basketteur, eHLFL ID,, NRW-Archivportal-ID, Taiwan Railways station number, DVIDS unit ID, Taiwan Professional Basketball League ID
- General datatypes:
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:
- PatternsKilkenny - Patterns were devotional days on the day of the patron saint of a parish or area or at least an annually occurring day when the people of the locality held their personal devotions in a certain pattern (hence the name), i.e. "doing the rounds" around trees or other landmarks at the sacred site. This project tries to collate the records and memories of these patterns for County Kilkenny.
- Deprecate P642 - The goal of this project is to prepare for deprecation, and eventual removal, of the property of (P642).
- AIDS Walks - This project aims to collaborate with Wiki editors across the globe to highlight AIDS Walks anywhere in the world.
- Temples in Roman Britain - The aim of the Wikiproject Temples in Roman Britain is to record and catalog sacred spaces in the Roman province Britannia between 43 to 409 CE. By sacred spaces, we include (for the moment) only built structures such as temples, sanctuaries and shrines.
- LinkedReindeersAlta - Wikidata Entry: WikiProject LinkedReindeersAlta (Q130442625) supported by the Research Squirrel Engineers Network (Q73901970). Commons Category:Category:Rock Art of Alta
- Nihongo - The goal of this project is to capture the Japanese Language Japanese (Q5287) in its entirety on Wikidata. We aim to give advice and establish standards for representing Japanese words as lexemes.
- WikiProject Highlights: Cycling/2025 teams
- Newest database reports: User:Ivan A. Krestinin/Vandalized Commons links
- Showcase Items: Queen of Katwe (Q20921603) - 2016 film directed by Mira Nair
- Showcase Lexemes: kuiri (L311934) - "cook" in Esperanto
- EntitySchemas: We are continuing the work on making it possible to find an EntitySchema by its label or aliases when linking to an EntitySchema in a statement (phab:T375641)
- Design system: We are continuing the work on migrating the Query Builder from Wikit to Codex
- REST API: We finished the work on language fallback support in the REST API (phab:T371605)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
The Signpost: 19 October 2024
editar- News and notes: One election's end, another election's beginning
- Recent research: "As many as 5%" of new English Wikipedia articles "contain significant AI-generated content", says paper
- In the media: Off to the races! Wikipedia wins!
- Traffic report: A scream breaks the still of the night
- Book review: The Editors
- Humour: The Newspaper Editors
- Crossword: Spilled Coffee Mug
Wikidata weekly summary #650
editarweek leading up to 2024-10-21. Missed the previous one? See issue #649
- Open request for adminship: Addshore (RfP scheduled to end after 23 October 2024 18:03 UTC)
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- CarbonBot - (1) Add default mul labels to given and family names when the item has an existing default label with a mul language (2) Remove duplicated aliases matching the items mul label, when the item has a native label in with a mul language. As mul has not been fully adopted, a limited of aliases would be modified each day to ensure existing workflows are not disrupted. It is expected that these tasks will apply to roughly 800,000 given and family names.
- So9qBot 10 - Add first line (P1922) with the first line of the paper to all scientific papers which has a full text link or where the abstract is available.
- Upcoming: We are getting ready for Wikidata:Twelfth Birthday on the 29th October. We already have 30 events scheduled on the list 😍. As a reminder, when your event is ready, don't forget to (1) create a wikipage with more information about the event, participants list, etc. (2) add your event to the global calendar and the map, following the instructions here: Wikidata:Twelfth Birthday/Run an event/Schedule
- Past:
- Wikidata + Wikibase office hour log (16 October 2024)
- Scholia hackathon (18-20 October) exploring technical options for handling the Wikidata graph split
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Why and How I developed Wikidata Multilinguality Calculator - mlscores? - a Wikidata multilingual calculator to facilitate data queries in multiple languages, enhancing accessibility and usability for non-English speakers.
- Papers
- Notebooks: Who are the most frequent guests of the show Real Time with Bill Maher?
- Videos
- Wikidata Lexicographical Data | Lucas Werkmeister - Introduction to Wikidata Lexicographical Data to Dagbani Wikimedians]
- Why is Wikidata important for Wikipedia in Spanish (in Spanish) - "In this workshop we will learn about the value that Wikidata can bring us when working on eswiki articles. We will learn how knowledge is shared between platforms, and how it can save a lot of work for both the Spanish Wikipedia community and other people working on an article on another Wikipedia."
- Empowering Lexicographical Data Contributions on Wikidata with Lexica - "In this session, participants will explore the fascinating world of lexicographical data on Wikidata and learn how to contribute meaningfully using Lexica, a tool designed for easy micro-edits to Lexemes from mobile devices. We will start with a brief introduction to lexicographical data and importance of linking Lexemes to Items. Next, we’ll dive into Lexica, showcasing its key features and providing a step-by-step guide on linking Lexemes to Items on Wikidata. This hands-on workshop is open to both experienced contributors and newcomers, empowering everyone with the knowledge and skills to make impactful contributions to Wikidata’s lexicographical data. By the end of the session, participants will be ready to use Lexica to enrich language data on Wikidata."
- Wikidata ontology, controlled vocabularies and Wikidata Graph Builder - This video talks about the Wikidata ontology, how to connect controlled vocabularies to Wikidata, and how to use the Wikidata Graph Builder
- How to use Wikidata for GLAM institutions... - WMCEEM 2024 Istanbul - How to use Wikidata for GLAM institutions: Case Study for museums in Türkiye and person data
- Hidden Histories: Illuminating LGBTQ+ archives at the University of Las Vegas, Nevada using Wikidata - "The University of Nevada, Las Vegas Special Collections and Archives has been strategically working to increase the discoverability, visibility, and access to collections related to marginalized communities in Southern Nevada. In the first stage of this grant-funded Wiki project, over 60 archival collections and 80 oral histories, including related people, businesses, and events associated with the Las Vegas LGBTQ+ community, have been contributed to Wikidata. In this presentation, the author continues this work by introducing UNLV's Special Collections Wiki project, "LGBTQ Hidden Histories." The presentation will discuss ongoing efforts to create, expand, and enrich linked data about the Nevada LGBTQ+ community, address challenges faced during entity extraction using archival materials, and conclude with a linked data visualization exercise using Wikiframe-VG (Wikiframe Visual Graph)."
- Africa Wiki Women Wikidata Birthday First Session
- Africa Wiki Women Wikidata session on creating SPARQL Queries
Tool of the week
- User:Ainali/PreViewStats.js - is a Userscript that gives a quick glance at the pageviews in the header (and links to the full views). If you install it on your global.js on meta, it works on all projects).
- Wikidata:ProVe - (Automated PROvenance VErification of Knowledge Graphs against Textual Sources) - is a tool for helping editors improve the references of Wikidata Items.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Deepesha Burse joins WMDE as Developer Advocate for Wikibase Suite
- Wikibase Suite: Patch releases as the first round of patch releases for all Wikibase Suite products, including all WBS Images as well as WBS Deploy
- The CampaignEvents extension is now live on Wikidata! This means that if you are an event organizer, you can use several new tools to help manage your events more easily. By getting the Event Organizer right, you can:
- Use simple on-wiki registration for your events.
- Integrate Outreach Dashboard with your event registration page. (see demo)
- Communicate more easily with your registered participants. (see demo)
- Make your events more visible to other editors through the Special:AllEvents page.
- Find potential participants for your next events. (see demo), and much more!
- With this extension, you can also see all global events (past, present, and future) on the Special:AllEvents page, but only events using the event registration feature will appear there. If you are an organizer and want to use these new tools, follow the instructions on the Wikidata:Event_Organizers page to request the Event Organizer right.
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- characteristic of ((qualifier only) statement value is a characteristic, quality, property, or state of this qualifier value)
- has kanji reading (phonetic reading or pronunciation of the kanji)
- publication type of scholarly work (type of this scholarly work (e.g. “systematic review”, “proceedings”, etc.))
- leased to (person or organisation that holds or was granted a lease on the subject)
- magazine capacity (number of projectiles or objects in the magazine feeding a weapon or tool)
- Newest External identifiers: ID, Dictionary of guerrillas and anti-Franco resistance fighters ID, e-LIS publication ID, GameReactor company ID, Latgales dati person ID, FantLab artist ID, RedBA Granada authority ID, NWIS site ID, band ID, Koha Kütüphane ID, HA! artwork ID, France television program ID, Radio France program ID, Grand Est inventory ID, Norwegian Media Authority's film rating ID, Historical Encyclopedia of Siberia ID, Münzkabinett ID, MyWaifuList character ID, Kramerius of Czech Digital Library UUID, European Parliament document ID, Western Australian Biographical Index, beniabbandonati (detailed sheet) ID, beniabbandonati (summary sheet) ID, Biblioteka Nauki article ID, Biblioteka Nauki journal ID, Biblioteka Nauki book ID, Biblioteka Nauki publisher ID, PNM Middle Kingdom and New Kingdom person ID, DDB person ID, CIRDOC publication ID, CIRDOC author ID, BAHRA ID, AniSearch person ID, Dwelly entry ID, Rate Your Music track ID, Spirit of Metal band ID, Madelen person ID, Babelio subject ID, Indo-Tibetan Lexical Resource ID, World Historical Gazetteer place ID, VG247 series ID, ITTF PTT ID, Lega Serie A player ID, Push Square series ID, LWW journal ID, Diccionario biográfico de Castilla-La Mancha ID, Enciclopedia bresciana ID, A digital concordance of the R̥gveda ID, Inathèque document ID, TEES ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- chemical formula (Description of chemical compound giving element symbols and counts)
- mode of reproduction (ways for living organisms to propagate or produce their offsprings)
- health points (health or armor points of this video game, board game or role-playing game character)
- damage (damage value of this video game weapon, ability or character)
- male mean age (male mean age in a given place; qualifier of {{P|4442}})
- female mean age (female mean age in a given place; qualifier of {{P|4442}})
- Mummy of a person (mummy of a person)
- WPBSA com player ID (Identifier for an athlete on the main website of WPBSA)
- JLPT level (difficulty of word by the level of JLPT)
- beer style (Classification of a beer based on its style)
- has forks (Notable software forks of this software)
- Monument Counter ID (Digital memorial for women killed by violence)
- most populous settlement (city, town, or other settlement with the largest population in this area (country, state, county, continent, etc.))
- FAO fungal entity ID (identifier from FAO ontology for fungal gross anatomy)
- bais (Indicates a specific form of bias present in a media source, organization, or document, such as false balance, slant, or omission, affecting the representation of information.)
- TDK lexeme ID (Dictionary created by the [[Q1569712|Turkish Language Association]])
- Atatürk Ansiklopedisi ID (Online Turkish encyclopedia created by [[Q6062914]] and [[Q19610584]])
- Eurotopics ID (A database containing data on European media.)
- Stated in unreliable source (used in the references field to refer to the database that is considered a unreliable source in which the claim is made)
- Google Plus code (Identifier for a location as seen on Google Maps)
- reversal of (reversal of, inversion of)
- rubrique d'une installation classée pour la protection de l'environnement ()
- New External identifier property proposals to review: case id (mainland China), BioMed Central journal ID, FightTime fighters ID, Korean Basketball League ID, Identifiant L'Humanité d’un sujet, Chinese Basketball Association ID2, Acervo de Literatura Digital Mato-Grossense Person ID, Cihai encyclopedia entry ID, Cihai dictionary entry ID, Duocet Wiki of Plants ID, ID, Department of Defense Identification Code, person ID, Identifiant Libération d’un sujet, NLI Newspaper Collection ID, dictionary IDs, Israel Railways Corporation Ltd station number, Identifiant d’un sujet, Identifiant TF1 info d’un sujet, Identifiant RTL d’un sujet, Identifiant France Info d’un sujet, ID, identifiant L’Équipe d'une équipe de basketball, identifiant L'Équipe d'un basketteur, eHLFL ID,, NRW-Archivportal-ID, Taiwan Railways station number, DVIDS unit ID, Taiwan Professional Basketball League ID, Italian Dictionary ID, Acervo de Literatura Digital Mato-Grossense Work of Art, DDB institution ID, Steam tag ID, SWERIK Party ID, Songkick area ID, Damehåndbolddatabasen ID, KISTI institute ID, Identifiant Les Inrockuptibles d'un sujet, AELC author ID, Spirit of Metal IDs, Yandex Maps place ID, Finlandssvenska bebyggelsenamn ID, VK track ID, Enciclopedia medica ID, GERS ID, European Legislation Identifier, Danbooru tag, Digital LIMC ID, Health Facility Registry ID, GamersGlobal genre
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Dominio Público en América Latina - The Public Domain in Latin America Wikiproject aims to improve the data available in Wikidata on authors and works of authorship in Latin America, with emphasis on copyright status to identify whether or not authors and their works are in the public domain.
- WikiProject Highlights:
- Newest database reports: Most used properties
- Showcase Items: Moana (Q18647981): 2016 American computer animated film (2024-10-21)
- Showcase Lexemes: rehbraun (L863492): German adjective, means "light brown with a slight reddish tinge"
- Vector 2020: We’re working on improving Wikibase’s dark mode support somewhat (phab:T369385)
- We polished the automatic undo/redo messages to make them more useful (phab:T194402)
- Design system: We’re close to finishing migrating Special:NewLexeme to the Codex design system
- EntitySchemas: We’re working on searching EntitySchema values by label and alias (phab:T375641)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #551
editarweek leading up to 2024-10-28. Missed the previous one? See issue #650
- Closed request for adminship: Addshore (successful) - Welcome back, Adam!
- New request for comments: Discussion about remove notability for ceb-Wiki
- Wikidata's 12th Birthday is almost here! Let’s celebrate together and make it unforgettable! 🎂 Join in for events happening across the globe in October & November -- there's something for everyone! Here’s how you can be part of the fun.
- Find a local event and connect with fellow Wikidata enthusiasts!
- Give a birthday gift to the community -- whether it's a cool new tool or something fun!
- Join our big online celebration on October 29th -- don’t miss out! Wikidata:Twelfth_Birthday
- Join the special Wikidata Query-party tomorrow and win some branded Wikidata socks! 🎉
- The LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group is taking a break from our new project series format this coming Tuesday, October 29, 2024 at 9am PT / 12pm ET / 16:00 UTC / 6pm CEST (Time zone converter) to celebrate Hallowe'en! We'll be celebrating Spooky Season with a WitchyData Working Hour! Following on Christa Strickler's recent project series, we will continue building proficiency with the Mix'n'match tool, but with a ghoulish twist. Join the fall fun by updating your Zoom background or even coming in costume. BYOC (bring your own candy). Event page: Wikidata:WikiProject LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group/Wikidata Working Hours/2024-October-29 Wikidata Working Hour
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs: Wikidata celebrates 12. Birthday – These are the coolest queries from 112 million entries (in German) - "Wikidata, the world's largest free knowledge base, celebrates the 12th of October. Birthday. The open data graph for structured knowledge collects facts about numerous terms (items). Meanwhile, Wikidata includes an impressive 112 million items – and many more facts! On the occasion of Wikidata's birthday, we put the collected knowledge to the test and present the most exciting 12 queries that were created from it."
- Videos
- 2024 Wikidata Cross-Domain Forum 2024 (in Chinese)
- Wikidata Day NYC 2024 @ Pratt
- Mapping the Accused Witches of Scotland in place and time
- What is Wikibase and what is it used for? (in Spanish)
- Introduction to Wikidata - Wikidata Days 2024 (First day) (in Spanish)
- Is there a system to capture data in Wikidata automatically? (in Spanish)
Tool of the week
- Lexica – A mobile-friendly tool that simplifies micro contributions to lexicographical data on Wikidata, making various editing tasks accessible and intuitive for contributors of all experience levels. This tool is developed by the WMDE Wikidata Software Collaboration team in Indonesia. Try Lexica through this link:
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The Global Open Initiative Foundation is building an open-source web app for Supreme Court cases in Ghana. We are looking for volunteers in the following roles: Frontend Developers, Backend Developers, Wikidata/SPARQL Experts, UI/UX Designers, Quality Assurance (QA) Testers, and Legal Professionals. Join us by sendind your resume and a brief description of your expertise to globalopeninitiative
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- characteristic of ((qualifier only) statement value is a characteristic, quality, property, or state of this qualifier value)
- has kanji reading (phonetic reading or pronunciation of the kanji)
- publication type of scholarly work (type of this scholarly work (e.g. “systematic review”, “proceedings”, etc.))
- leased to (person or organisation that holds or was granted a lease on the subject)
- magazine capacity (number of projectiles or objects in the magazine feeding a weapon or tool)
- Newest External identifiers: GameReactor company ID, Latgales dati person ID, FantLab artist ID, RedBA Granada authority ID, NWIS site ID, band ID, Koha Kütüphane ID, HA! artwork ID, France television program ID, Radio France program ID, Grand Est inventory ID, Norwegian Media Authority's film rating ID, Historical Encyclopedia of Siberia ID, Münzkabinett ID, MyWaifuList character ID, Kramerius of Czech Digital Library UUID, European Parliament document ID, Western Australian Biographical Index, beniabbandonati (detailed sheet) ID, beniabbandonati (summary sheet) ID, Biblioteka Nauki article ID, Biblioteka Nauki journal ID, Biblioteka Nauki book ID, Biblioteka Nauki publisher ID, PNM Middle Kingdom and New Kingdom person ID, DDB person (GND) ID, CIRDOC publication ID, CIRDOC author ID, BAHRA ID, AniSearch person ID, Dwelly entry ID, Rate Your Music track ID, Spirit of Metal band ID, Madelen person ID, Babelio subject ID, Indo-Tibetan Lexical Resource ID, World Historical Gazetteer place ID, VG247 series ID, ITTF PTT ID, Lega Serie A player ID, Push Square series ID, LWW journal ID, Diccionario biográfico de Castilla-La Mancha ID, Enciclopedia bresciana ID, A digital concordance of the R̥gveda ID, Inathèque document ID, TEES ID, DVIDS unit ID, Korean Basketball League player ID, Acervo de Literatura Digital Mato-Grossense person ID, Acervo de Literatura Digital Mato-Grossense work of art ID, Atatürk Ansiklopedisi ID, Cihai encyclopedia entry ID, eHLFL ID, Songkick area ID, DDB institution ID, Enciclopedia medica ID, Italian Dictionary ID, Steam tag ID, L'Équipe basketball team ID, AELC author ID, TF1 info topic ID, RTL topic ID, topic ID, FAO fungal entity ID, France Info topic ID, KISTI institute ID, Israel Railways station number, Digital LIMC ID, TDK lexeme ID, Yandex Maps organization ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- chemical formula (Description of chemical compound giving element symbols and counts)
- mode of reproduction (ways for living organisms to propagate or produce their offsprings)
- health points (health or armor points of this video game, board game or role-playing game character)
- damage (damage value of this video game weapon, ability or character)
- Mummy of a person (mummy of a person)
- WPBSA com player ID (Identifier for an athlete on the main website of WPBSA)
- JLPT level (difficulty of word by the level of JLPT)
- beer style (Classification of a beer based on its style)
- has forks (Notable software forks of this software)
- Monument Counter ID (Digital memorial for women killed by violence)
- most populous settlement (city, town, or other settlement with the largest population in this area (country, state, county, continent, etc.))
- Eurotopics ID (A database containing data on European media.)
- rubrique d'une installation classée pour la protection de l'environnement (Industrial or agricultural operations generating risks to health and the environment are regulated in France. The various risks are organized into headings in the nomenclature of installations classified for environmental protection. The dangers, pollution and nuisances of each operation are listed by public authorities.)
- prototypical syntactic role of argument (qualifier for {{P|9971}} indicating the most basic/fundamental syntactic position of that argument for that verb sense (that is, when the argument structure is not subject to any alternations))
- operating cost (ongoing recurring cost for operating or using an object)
- effective life of asset (duration of time which an object/asset is expected to be used before needing to be disposed of or replaced)
- Toki Pona headnoun (Toki Pona common noun for which the name serves as a proper modifier)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: case id (mainland China), BioMed Central journal ID, Identifiant L'Humanité d’un sujet, Cihai dictionary entry ID, Duocet Wiki of Plants ID, ID, Department of Defense Identification Code, person ID, Identifiant Libération d’un sujet, NLI Newspaper Collection ID, dictionary IDs, ID, identifiant L'Équipe d'un basketteur,, NRW-Archivportal-ID, Taiwan Railways station number, Taiwan Professional Basketball League ID, Damehåndbolddatabasen ID, Identifiant Les Inrockuptibles d'un sujet, Spirit of Metal IDs, Finlandssvenska bebyggelsenamn ID, VK track ID, GERS ID, European Legislation Identifier, Danbooru tag, Health Facility Registry ID, GamersGlobal genre, Innovating Knowledge manuscript ID, PublicationsList author ID, Alexander Keiller Museum ID, Archivportal-D-ID, Islamic Scientific Manuscripts Initiative, FID performing arts agent GND ID, Бессмертный полк ID, ITV News topic ID, FightTime fighters ID, Person ID, Thai railway station identifier, Dictionary of affixes used in Czech ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Psychology - This project aims to improve items related to psychology (Q9418).
- Showcase Items: Loomio (Q15975673): decision-making software to assist groups with collaborative decision-making processes
- Showcase Lexemes: کھاوَݨ / ਖਾਵਣ (L680110) mean to "eat" in in Urdu
- Vector 2022: We are continuing to make Wikidata Items pages work in dark-mode (phab:T369385)
- EntitySchemas: We are continuing to work on making it possible to search for an EntitySchema by its label or alias when making a statement linking to an EntitySchema
- Wikibase REST API:
- We discussed what will constitute breaking changes for the API (phab:T357775)
- We are working on the endpoint for creating Properties (phab:T342992)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #652
editarweek leading up to 2024-11-04. Missed the previous one? See issue #651
- New requests for permissions/Bot: Andrebot 2 - Task(s): Will check Romanian local election information on MongoDB against current relevant Items, where differences occur, will create new Items, link them and update associated information.
- Closed request for permissions/Bot: CarbonBot - Withdrawn by proposer.
- New request for comments:
- Use of (P2389) as a qualifier - Should organization directed by the office or position (P2389) be allowed as a qualifier?
- Rename Peakfinder ID (P3770) - The Peakfinder website content moved to, the associated Property (P3770) has been relabeled to crdb peak ID.
- Importing WP & WMC categories into Wikidata - Project chat discussion on importing Wikipedia Category information to Wikidata items.
- Wikidata 12th Birthday happened. Special thanks to all the community members who prepared a present for Wikidata's birthday. New tools, updates, games, sparkly animations and of course plenty of maps! Here's the list of presents, with all the links to try them. You can also watch the demo of all the birthday presents in video.
- Ongoing: The Africa Wiki Women-Wikidata Birthday Contest ends tomorrow, 05.11.2024. If you're participating, now's your last chance to earn some points by adding P106 to items on African women.
- Upcoming
- A Scholia hackathon will take place on Nov 15-16 online — see Its documentation page for details.
- Mois de l'histoire LGBTQ+ (LGBTQ+ History month): A month-long edit-a-thon from November 1 to 30 for documenting, improving and translating articles on LGBTQ+ topics on Wikidata and French Wikimedia projects.
- Check out the call for papers for the "Wikidata and Research" Conference! It will be held at the University of Florence in Italy on June 5-6, 2025. You can submit your papers by December 9, 2024: Wikidata and research/Call
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Is Wikibase Right for Your Project?
- DHwiki:a new DARIAH EU-working group focusing on building bridges between different sectors - this working group acts as a bridge between GLAM institutions, DH researchers and Wikimedians.
- Using AI to add to Wikidata - Magnus Manske discusses the challenge of integrating Wikimedia Commons artworks into Wikidata.
- Papers
- Disjointness Violations in Wikidata Finds 51 pairs of classes on Wikidata that should be disjoint (e.g. "natural object" vs. "artificial object") but aren't, with over 10 million violations, caused by a small number of "culprits" (source)
- Refining Wikidata Taxonomy using Large Language Models (source)
- Videos
- LIVE Wikidata editing #116 at the 12th #WikidataBirthday - User:Ainali and User:Abbe98 do some live editing (in english) on items related to Wikidata and the sister projects in celebration of Wikidata's 12th birthday.
- Women Do News at Wikidata Day - This lightning talk from journalist Molly Stark Dean introduces the Women Do News project to increase visibility of women journalists and expand and enrich Wikipedia articles about them. The project could greatly benefit from Wikidata items being created and/or expanded.
- Knowledge Graphs Pt.2 - Enhancing Knowledge Graphs with LLM Keywords - Valentin Buchner and Hans Mehlin describe their collaborative project between Nobel Prize Outreach (NPO) and EQT Motherbrain utilising Nobel Prize laureate’s biographies and Nobel Prize lectures.
- (en) Introduction to Wikidata|Dagbani WM UG - User:Dnshitobu presents an introductory course to Wikidata, with many Ghanaian examples.
- (cz) Wikidata in practice: document and library record structure and examples of data searches using WDQS - Morning lecture organised by the National Library of the Czech Republic, Wikimedia CR and the Prague organization SKIP.
- Introduction to Wikidata and linking it to OSM - This short introduction is presented by User:Ranjithsiji on the benefits to OpenStreetMap when connecting it to Wikidata.
Tool of the week
- Wikidata One Click Info is a multilingual extension that enables you to search for any item or word that you come across while reading or browsing online. It's an extension that makes Wikidata's data easy to retrieve and access. Install on Chrome browser or Firefox browser. A short video about the usage of the extension.
- CAT🐈: most frequent properties a simple Observable tool which shows the most frequent properties for a set of Items.
- Are you able to learn languages with Wikidata content? In Ordia there is the "Guess Image from Pronunciation" game you can use to learn a few words from various languages.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- A small project on benchmarking query engine performance on useful Wikidata queries is asking for queries from the Wikidata user community to potentially be part of the benchmark. If you are a user of any Wikidata SPARQL service please send queries that you find useful to Peter F. Patel-Schneider. Say what you used the query for and whether you would like to be noted as the source of the query. Queries that take considerable time or time out are especially welcome, particularly if the query caused you to switch from the official Wikidata Query Service to some other service. More information about the project is available in Wikidata:Scaling_Wikidata/Benchmarking.
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: DDB person (GND) ID, CIRDOC publication ID, CIRDOC author ID, BAHRA ID, AniSearch person ID, Dwelly entry ID, Rate Your Music track ID, Spirit of Metal band ID, Madelen person ID, Babelio subject ID, Indo-Tibetan Lexical Resource ID, World Historical Gazetteer place ID, VG247 series ID, ITTF PTT ID, Lega Serie A player ID, Push Square series ID, LWW journal ID, Diccionario biográfico de Castilla-La Mancha ID, Enciclopedia bresciana ID, A digital concordance of the R̥gveda ID, Inathèque document ID, TEES ID, DVIDS unit ID, Korean Basketball League player ID, Acervo de Literatura Digital Mato-Grossense person ID, Acervo de Literatura Digital Mato-Grossense work of art ID, Atatürk Ansiklopedisi ID, Cihai encyclopedia entry ID, eHLFL ID, Songkick area ID, DDB institution ID, Enciclopedia medica ID, Italian Dictionary ID, Steam tag ID, L'Équipe basketball team ID, AELC author ID, TF1 info topic ID, RTL topic ID, topic ID, FAO fungal entity ID, France Info topic ID, KISTI institute ID, Israel Railways station number, Digital LIMC ID, TDK lexeme ID, Yandex Maps organization ID, FightTime fighters ID, Finlandssvenska bebyggelsenamn ID, Cihai dictionary entry ID, Innovating Knowledge manuscript ID, L'Équipe basketball player ID, Damehåndbolddatabasen ID, ID, ID, Taiwan Professional Basketball League player ID, PublicationsList author ID, Monument Counter ID, Spirit of Metal album ID, Spirit of Metal style ID, Spirit of Metal artist ID, Spirit of Metal label ID, Spirit of Metal place ID, Libération topic ID, Azerbaijani Explanatory Dictionary ID, Azerbaijani Dialect Dictionary ID, Azerbaijani Phraseology Dictionary ID, Lezgian Explanatory Dictionary ID, VK Music track ID, Taiwan Railways (TR) station number, GamersGlobal genre, Archivportal NRW ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- chemical formula (Description of chemical compound giving element symbols and counts)
- mode of reproduction (ways for living organisms to propagate or produce their offsprings)
- health points (health or armor points of this video game, board game or role-playing game character)
- damage (damage value of this video game weapon, ability or character)
- Mummy of a person (mummy of a person)
- WPBSA com player ID (Identifier for an athlete on the main website of WPBSA)
- JLPT level (difficulty of word by the level of JLPT)
- beer style (classification of a beer based on its style)
- has forks (Notable software forks of this software)
- most populous settlement (city, town, or other settlement with the largest population in this area (country, state, county, continent, etc.))
- Eurotopics ID (A database containing data on European media.)
- rubrique d'une installation classée pour la protection de l'environnement (Industrial or agricultural operations generating risks to health and the environment are regulated in France. The various risks are organized into headings in the nomenclature of installations classified for environmental protection. The dangers, pollution and nuisances of each operation are listed by public authorities.)
- prototypical syntactic role of argument (qualifier for {{P|9971}} indicating the most basic/fundamental syntactic position of that argument for that verb sense (that is, when the argument structure is not subject to any alternations))
- operating cost (ongoing recurring cost for operating or using an object)
- effective life of asset (duration of time which an object/asset is expected to be used before needing to be disposed of or replaced)
- Toki Pona headnoun (Toki Pona common noun for which the name serves as a proper modifier)
- Provides data for property (the dataset associated with this external id usually contains data applicable to this other wikidata property)
- TOPO id (unique code, defined by the {{Q|3029562}}, to identify topographical features of France (regions, departments, citys, hamlet, thoroughfares ...) and elsewhere (Countries, Foreign Cities, ...))
- ISCC (International Standard Content Code. Hash code that identifies a media object based on fuzzy hashing.)
- romantic orientation (pattern of romantic attraction of this person or fictional character)
- GND-BEACON-URL (URL of a website's BEACON file)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: case id (mainland China), BioMed Central journal ID, Identifiant L'Humanité d’un sujet, Duocet Wiki of Plants ID, ID, Department of Defense Identification Code, person ID, NLI Newspaper Collection ID, Identifiant Les Inrockuptibles d'un sujet, GERS ID, European Legislation Identifier, Danbooru tag, Health Facility Registry ID, Alexander Keiller Museum ID, Archivportal-D-ID, Islamic Scientific Manuscripts Initiative, FID performing arts agent GND ID, Бессмертный полк ID, ITV News topic ID, Person ID, Thai railway station identifier, Dictionary of affixes used in Czech ID, Resistance in Belgium ID, Comprehensive Information System on Korean Historical Figures ID, SNCF station trigram, The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites ID, DBIS ID, ISFDB editorial collection ID, Game Jolt username, ANID Researcher Portal ID, Ninilchik Russian Dictionary ID, Identifiant Mediapart d'un blogueur, WikiBaseball ID, Kultboy editor ID, TMDB network ID, identifiant Centre d'études Picasso, ILEC World Lake Database ID, Indo-European Lexicon ID, SGES monument ID, Ranker ID, Hindi Shabdamitra entry ID, Presisov večjezični slovar ID, Usito, Sanzhi Dargwa dictionary ID, FVDP Vietnamese dictionary ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: AveburyPapers - The Avebury Papers is a collaborative UKRI-funded research project between University of York; University of Bristol; the National Trust; English Heritage; and Historic England. As part of this project, the team are doing several tasks which are generating data, some of which will be shared via Wikidata, in an effort to link parts of the Avebury collection with other collections.
- WikiProject Highlights:
- India/Schools - focused on school in India
- 2025 video games - dedicated to the world of video games in 2025
- Newest database reports: Count of lexemes without senses
- Showcase Items: 2024 United States presidential election (Q101110072) - 60th quadrennial U.S. presidential election
- Showcase Lexemes: Katze (L352) - "domesticated feline animal" in German
- Mobile statement editing: We are making progress on the technical investigation for how to make it easier to edit statements on mobile. A lot more work to be done after that though.
- We fixed the sidebar link to the main page in many languages (phab:T184386)
- Codex: We are continuing with the migration of the Query Builder to Codex, the new design system. The migration of Special:NewLexeme is almost finished.
- Query Service: We have updated the list of languages for the language selector in the UI (phab:T358572)
- Vector 2022: We are continuing to adress issues of the Item UI in dark mode (phab:T369385)
- Wikibase REST API:
- We are moving from v0 to v1.
- We have finished the work on the new endpoint for creating Properties.
- Action API: We’re improving the way the wbformatvalue API handles invalid options (phab:T323778)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
The Signpost: 6 November 2024
editar- From the editors: Editing Wikipedia should not be a crime
- In the media: An old scrimmage, politics and purported libel
- Special report: Wikipedia editors face litigation, censorship
- Traffic report: Twisted tricks or tempting treats?
Calendário de eventos de novembro do Wiki Movimento Brasil
editarO Wiki Movimento Brasil convida todos e todas a participarem dos eventos que organizamos para novembro! Confira abaixo o nosso calendário de eventos do mês, com horários em UTC-3 (horário de Brasília). Aproveite para nos seguir nas redes sociais (@wmnobrasil) e acompanhar todas as atividades
- 07/11 14h: I Seminário Projetos Wikimedia e Ciências Abertas: potencialidades na extensão e difusão científica
Um dia dedicado à Ciência Aberta e aos projetos Wikimedia! Através do I Seminário Projetos Wikimedia e Ciências Abertas vamos reunir especialistas, professores e alunos para discutir temas como produção acadêmica, lacuna de gênero nas ciências e nos meios digitais, difusão científica e o papel da Wikipédia na formação e na internet. A atividade é fruto de uma parceria entre o Wiki Movimento Brasil, o Observatório Digital das Mulheres Latino-americanas, o Instituto de Artes da UERJ e o projeto Art+Feminism.
- 07/11: Editatona Amazônia e Estudos antrópicos
No contexto do Wikiconcurso Justiça Climática e Amazônia, será realizada a editatona “Amazônia e Estudos Antrópicos”. O evento é organizado pelo Wiki Movimento Brasil em parceria com o Programa de Pós-graduação em Estudos Antrópicos na Amazônia (PPGEAA/UFPA), Campus Castanhal da Universidade Federal do Pará. O evento presencial será realizado no prédio no prédio do PPGEAA.
- 07 e 08/11: Editatona das Artes
A Editatona das Artes é uma atividade complementar ao I Seminário Projetos Wikimedia e Ciências Abertas: potencialidades na extensão e difusão científica. A ação acontecerá nos dias 7/11 pela manhã (9h-12h30) e 8/11 à tarde (14h-15h), e pretende estimular alunos da graduação de diferentes universidades do estado do Rio de Janeiro a melhorar ou criar verbetes sobre as mais diversas expressões artísticas, e seus principais expoentes, na Wikipédia em português.
- 11 e 12/11 9h: Editatona do Dicionário Biográfico Histórias Entrelaçadas de Mulheres Afrodiaspóricas na FLUP
A FLUP (Festa Literária das Periferias), é um evento que, há mais de 10 anos, busca amplificar experiências literárias diversas a partir de territórios periféricos. Em novembro de 2024, através de uma parceria com o Wiki Movimento Brasil e com a professora e pesquisadora Thaís Alves Marinho, organizadora do livro Dicionário Biográfico: Histórias Entrelaçadas de Mulheres Afrodiaspóricas, promoveremos uma editatona, no contexto da festa literária, sobre biografias de mulheres afrodiaspóricas notáveis.
- 13/11 18h: Live dos vencedores do WLM Brasil 2024
Participe da live promovida pelo Wiki Movimento Brasil e descubra quais são as imagens vencedoras da etapa nacional do maior concurso fotográfico do mundo! Foram mais de 28 mil imagens enviadas para esta edição.
- 14 a 16/11: Participação na Cúpula Social do G20
O Wiki Movimento Brasil organiza, na Cúpula Social do G20, a mesa Reforma da governança global: O Pacto Digital Global no contexto da Internet Livre, através da qual visa promover um diálogo entre diferentes atores do ambiente digital para ampliar a reflexão sobre o Pacto Digital Global, propondo um olhar para as governanças digitais para além das big techs e visando explorar caminhos para uma internet mais livre, colaborativa e diversa.
- 14 a 16/11: Wikidata Days
Entre os dias 14 e 16 de novembro, o Wiki Movimento Brasil (WMB) participará do Wikidata Days. O evento, realizado na Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, promove a troca de conhecimentos sobre o movimento do conhecimento aberto, dados abertos e interligados. O WMB será representado por Éder Porto, gestor de Produtos e Tecnologia, que contribuirá com sua experiência na área.
- 25/11 14h: Editatona de Quilombos
No Mês da Consciência Negra, o pesquisador Tales Damascena de Lima, membro da Comunidade Quilombola Kalunga e da Rede Nacional de Educação Escolar Quilombola, realiza, em parceria com o Wiki Movimento Brasil, a Editatona de Quilombos. Esta atividade online busca melhorar e criar artigos sobre comunidades quilombolas e quilombos na Wikipédia.
- 28 a 30/11: VII Encontro Anual da Rede CpE
O Wiki Movimento Brasil participa do VII Encontro Anual da Rede CpE, evento que visa reunir pesquisadores que apliquem o método científico em estudos sobre educação. Durante o encontro, que acontecerá no Museu do Amanhã, Rio de Janeiro, o WMB apresentará a pesquisa Wikiversidade: uma plataforma para grupos de pesquisa e ciência aberta, através da qual investiga as dificuldades que levam a maioria dos grupos de pesquisa a não utilizarem a Wikiversidade, quais são os diferenciais que promovem a escolha do repositório por um grupo, como se organizam os grupos que já estão na Wikiversidade e como a falta de conectividade e baixa qualidade da internet impactam na produção e difusão científica brasileira.
Até o dia 30/11 participe do Wikiconcurso Justiça Climática e Amazônia e edite verbetes sobre a região amazônica, os tópicos relacionados à agenda da Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Mudanças Climáticas (COP-30), e os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS).
Você recebeu esta mensagem, pois está inscrito(a) na lista de interesse do WMB. Caso não queira mais receber essas comunicações, sinta-se à vontade para retirar o seu nome da lista.
Wikidata weekly summary #653
editarweek leading up to 2024-11-11. Missed the previous one? See issue #652
- Upcoming
- Scholia Hackathon on November 15-16 (online)
- Black Teacher Archive Wikidata Edit-a-thon - 19 November 2024, 9am - 12pm, Address: Gutman Library, 6 Appian Way, Cambridge, MA. Improve information about individual educators and their relationships with Colored Teachers Associations, HBCUs, the Divine Nine, religious institutions, and political organizations like the NAACP and Urban League.
- (German)Seminar: Using wikibase as an integration platform for morphosyntactic and semantic annotations of Akkadian texts - 19.11.2024, 16:00 - 18:00 CET (UTC+1), held at the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Unter den Linden 8, 10117 Berlin)
- Wikidata in dance workshop - 3 December 2024, 1pm EST (UTC+5). A step-by-step workshop for members of the Canadian Dance Assembly. A free, expert-led series on how open data can benefit dance companies and artists.
- Save the date: Wikimedia Hackathon to be held in Istanbul, Turkey on May 2 - 4, 2025
- Apply for a scholarship to attend Wikimania 2025 Scholarships open: 7th November-8th December 2024
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Bridging language gaps: How Wikidata promotes languages on the Internet (in German) about the Software Collaboration Project for Wikidata
- Swiss server helps optimise Wikidata in the field of medicine - Wikimedia CH supporting Houcemeddine Turki in leveraging AI to transform Wikidata into a comprehensive, reliable biomedical resource, to bridge healthcare information gaps, especially in the Global South.
- The story of African award winning scientists using Wikifunctions
- Videos
- Wikidata's 12th birthday presents demos
- (es) Open data for journalistic investigation: The cases of Wikidata and Poderopedia - This session held by Monica Ventura and Carla Toro discusses how open-data allow transparent analysis and evidence-based storytelling, enabling journalists to explore and verify complex information connections.
- (it) AuthorityBox & Alphabetica - The use of Wikidata's data in the Alphabetica portal and in the SBN AuthorityBox gadget that can be activated via Code Injector in the SBN OPAC.
- Semantic Wikibase - Kolja Bailly presents this session during the MediaWiki Users & Developers Conference Fall 2024 (Day 3).
- (zh-TW) Wikidata lexeme editing demonstration - Wikidata Taiwan provide a demonstration to lexeme editing.
- (es) OpenRefine - Wikidata Days 2024 - Conducted by Omar Vega from Wikimedia Peru, learn how to create a project with a list, clean and collate data, create a Wikidata schema and upload using QuickStatements.
- (es) Merging duplicate Items in Wikidata
- Introduction to Wikidata for Beginners in the Mabia communities
Tool of the week
- Wikidata Edits Heatmap: Real-time map that visualizes recent changes in Wikidata with geospatial markers showing the location of updated Items.
- Western world versus the rest of the world: a tool computing the distribution of mentioned entities in Wikipedia articles between Western world and the rest of the world.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Starting ca. today (Predefinição:ISOdate), tools or bots which use the wiki replicas (such as Quarry) will observe outdated data for up to 8-10 days, as a result of necessary database maintenance (T367856). Tools or bots which use the APIs will not be affected.
- Job vacancy Product Manager: Wikibase Suite: Wikibase Suite allows institutions to create and host their own linked knowledge base with maximum customizability, this role will be responsible for the vision and strategy of this exciting product!
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: BAHRA ID, AniSearch person ID, Dwelly entry ID, Rate Your Music track ID, Spirit of Metal band ID, Madelen person ID, Babelio subject ID, Indo-Tibetan Lexical Resource ID, World Historical Gazetteer place ID, VG247 series ID, ITTF PTT ID, Lega Serie A player ID, Push Square series ID, LWW journal ID, Diccionario biográfico de Castilla-La Mancha ID, Enciclopedia bresciana ID, A digital concordance of the R̥gveda ID, Inathèque document ID, TEES ID, DVIDS unit ID, Korean Basketball League player ID, Acervo de Literatura Digital Mato-Grossense person ID, Acervo de Literatura Digital Mato-Grossense work of art ID, Atatürk Ansiklopedisi ID, Cihai encyclopedia entry ID, eHLFL ID, Songkick area ID, DDB institution ID, Enciclopedia medica ID, Italian Dictionary ID, Steam tag ID, L'Équipe basketball team ID, AELC author ID, TF1 info topic ID, RTL topic ID, topic ID, FAO fungal entity ID, France Info topic ID, KISTI institute ID, Israel Railways station number, Digital LIMC ID, TDK lexeme ID, Yandex Maps organization ID, FightTime fighters ID, Finlandssvenska bebyggelsenamn ID, Cihai dictionary entry ID, Innovating Knowledge manuscript ID, L'Équipe basketball player ID, Damehåndbolddatabasen ID, ID, ID, Taiwan Professional Basketball League player ID, PublicationsList author ID, Monument Counter ID, Spirit of Metal album ID, Spirit of Metal style ID, Spirit of Metal artist ID, Spirit of Metal label ID, Spirit of Metal place ID, Libération topic ID, Azerbaijani Explanatory Dictionary ID, Azerbaijani Dialect Dictionary ID, Azerbaijani Phraseology Dictionary ID, Lezgian Explanatory Dictionary ID, VK Music track ID, Taiwan Railways (TR) station number, GamersGlobal genre, Archivportal NRW ID, Department of Defense Identification Code, Health Facility Registry ID, BioMed Central journal ID, Immortal Regiment ID, dictionary of affixes used in Czech ID, Eurotopics ID, TMDB network ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- chemical formula (Description of chemical compound giving element symbols and counts)
- mode of reproduction (ways for living organisms to propagate or produce their offsprings)
- health points (health or armor points of this video game, board game or role-playing game character)
- damage (damage value of this video game weapon, ability or character)
- Mummy of a person (mummy of a person)
- WPBSA com player ID (Identifier for an athlete on the main website of WPBSA)
- JLPT level (difficulty of word by the level of JLPT)
- beer style (classification of a beer based on its style)
- has forks (Notable software forks of this software)
- most populous settlement (city, town, or other settlement with the largest population in this area (country, state, county, continent, etc.))
- rubrique d'une installation classée pour la protection de l'environnement (Industrial or agricultural operations generating risks to health and the environment are regulated in France. The various risks are organized into headings in the nomenclature of installations classified for environmental protection. The dangers, pollution and nuisances of each operation are listed by public authorities.)
- prototypical syntactic role of argument (qualifier for {{P|9971}} indicating the most basic/fundamental syntactic position of that argument for that verb sense (that is, when the argument structure is not subject to any alternations))
- operating cost (ongoing recurring cost for operating or using an object)
- effective life of asset (duration of time which an object/asset is expected to be used before needing to be disposed of or replaced)
- Toki Pona headnoun (Toki Pona common noun for which the name serves as a proper modifier)
- Provides data for property (the dataset associated with this external id usually contains data applicable to this other wikidata property)
- TOPO id (unique code, defined by the {{Q|3029562}}, to identify topographical features of France (regions, departments, citys, hamlet, thoroughfares ...) and elsewhere (Countries, Foreign Cities, ...))
- ISCC (International Standard Content Code. Hash code that identifies a media object based on fuzzy hashing.)
- romantic orientation (pattern of romantic attraction of this person or fictional character)
- GND-BEACON-URL (URL of an online service's BEACON file)
- Railway station linear reference (line & milestone) (Stations are located on one or more railway routes, each at a given milestone. This makes it possible to situate them in the topology of a railway infrastructure. A linear reference system can be used to position any object on this topology. In this case, we would add one or more route (or line) number + milestone data pairs.)
- Data analysis method (methods used in the main item for inspecting, cleansing, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of discovering useful information)
- Use data collection instrument (Tool used by/in the subject to facilitate the collection of qualitative or quantitative data)
- Data collection method (scientific data collection procedure used in/by the subject)
- World Snooker Tour tournament ID (Identifier for a tournament on the main website of World Snooker Tour (official site))
- New External identifier property proposals to review: case id (mainland China), Identifiant L'Humanité d’un sujet, Duocet Wiki of Plants ID, ID, person ID, NLI Newspaper Collection ID, Identifiant Les Inrockuptibles d'un sujet, GERS ID, European Legislation Identifier, Danbooru tag, Alexander Keiller Museum ID, Islamic Scientific Manuscripts Initiative, ITV News topic ID, Person ID, Thai railway station identifier, Resistance in Belgium ID, Comprehensive Information System on Korean Historical Figures ID, SNCF station trigram, The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites ID, DBIS ID, ISFDB editorial collection ID, Game Jolt username, ANID Researcher Portal ID, Ninilchik Russian Dictionary ID, Identifiant Mediapart d'un blogueur, WikiBaseball ID, Kultboy editor ID, identifiant Centre d'études Picasso, ILEC World Lake Database ID, Indo-European Lexicon ID, SGES monument ID, Ranker ID, Hindi Shabdamitra entry ID, Presisov večjezični slovar ID, Usito, Sanzhi Dargwa dictionary ID, FVDP Vietnamese dictionary ID, FNAC author ID, CAMRA Experience pub ID 2, Sage Social Science Thesaurus ID, Estonian–Latvian Dictionary ID, Everand author ID, Venue ID, El Moudjahid tag ID, bruker-ID i Store norske leksikon, national team ID, Medieval Coin Hoards of the British Isles ID, Measuring points uuid, DEX '09 entry ID, Marktstammdatenregisternummer (Einheit), Paramount+ video ID, Gerbang Kata ID, World Women's Snooker player ID, Chinese Basketball Association player ID, NBA G League player ID, Basketballnavi.DB player ID, Football Kit Archive ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Recently edited lexemes since 'DATE' (in this case Danish since 01.11.2024)
- List films shot by filming location - try changing the wd: Wikidata item to another country, city, or even a building or natural location.
- Newest WikiProjects:
- Suriname Public Art - public artworks and memorials in Suriname
- HDF - A WikiProject for work underway at the The HDF Group (Q106509427) to connect HDF data with Wikidata.
- French Literary Prizes - Aims to coordinate the development of a database on French literary prizes (prize list, jury members, list of winners). In 2008, Bertrand Labes listed more than 1,500 French-speaking literary prizes. To date, Wikidata has 709, including 24 including the list of winners and awarded works.
- Newest database reports: Languages with the most lexemes without senses (using Toolforge tool 'Orthohin')
- Showcase Items: Rembrandt (Q5598) - Dutch painter and printmaker (1606–1669)
- Showcase Lexemes: ਜੀਵਣ/جِیوَݨ (L740318) - 'life' in Punjabi
- Lua: We changed the Wikibase function getAllStatements logic to behave as getBestStatements. When invoked, it was returning mutable direct-values, now it will return a copy of those values (which are immutable). (phab:T270851)
- Wikibase REST API:
- Wikibase REST API is now on version 1!
- We've finished the work on the create Property endpoint so it is now possible to create Properties via the REST API.
- Configuration: We removed 'mainpage' from $wgForceUIMsgAsContentMsg for Wikidata as requested so translations of the main page are available (phab:T184386)
- mul language code: We moved it to the top of the termbox so labels and aliases in mul are visible first (phab:T371802)
- Revision table size: We are investigating the current state of the revision table of Wikidata's database and what the next steps should be to address its issues.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
The Signpost: 18 November 2024
editar- News and notes: Open letter to WMF about court case breaks one thousand signatures, big arb case declined, U4C begins accepting cases
- News from the WMF: Wikimedia Foundation and Wikimedia Endowment audit reports: FY 2023–2024
Wikidata weekly summary #654
editarweek leading up to 2024-11-19. Missed the previous one? See issue #653
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group session (Attn: Please fill out Pre-Participation Survey!) 19 November, 2024: We have our next LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Session on Tuesday, 19 November, 2024 at 9am PT / 12pm ET / 17:00 UTC / 6pm CET (Time zone converter) Wikimedian Mahir Morshed is leading a series of four sessions focused on lexicographical data in Wikidata. We are looking forward to learning more about these Wikibase entities! If you anticipate attending the workshop sessions, please fill out a brief survey linked from our LD4-WDAG Lexicographical Data Series Etherpad to help us prepare relevant materials for you. You only need to fill it out once, no matter how many sessions you plan to attend. Sessions will be held on November 5, November 19, December 3, and December 17, 2024 at our regular time of 9am PT / 12pm ET / 17:00 UTC / 6pm CET. Visit the event LD4 Affinity Group WikiPoject page
- Conference about Wikidata and research at the University of Florence in Italy - call for papers deadline December 9, 2024
- Wikimedia Hackathon 2025 Registration is open until mid-April 2025 (unless event reahes capacity earlier). Hackathon takes place in Istanbul May 2 - 5, 2025.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- GLAM October Newsletter
- (Spanish + En) Colombia Report - exploring uses of Wikidata in the Colombian context.
- Stats and program of the Wikidata Workshop 2024: National Library of Latvia
- Wikidata 12th Birthday Report
- Wikidata and the 2024 Open Library Community Celebration - Ray Berger shares their presentation for the Open Library celebration.
- A Hip Hop World Map - Mark Reuter uses Wikidata to create a map of Hip Hop artists birthplaces.
- GLAM October Newsletter
- Papers
- Journal Article: “Shifting Paradigms: The Impact of Streaming on Diversity in Academic Library Film Collections” - Examines the impact of academic libraries shifting collections from physical to digital medium storage, and how Wikidata is used to analyse this. By Clarkson et al.,2024.
- Encoding Archaeological Data Models as Wikidata Schemas - How Wikidata schema are being used to help the Duros-Europos archaelogical archive By Thornton et al., 2024.
- Population and Exploration of Conference Data in Wikidata using LLMs - to automate addition of scholarly data. By extracting metadata from unstructured sources and adding over 6,000 entities, it demonstrates a scalable method to enhance Wikidata as a scholarly resource. By Mihindukulasooriya et al., 2024.
- DBLP to Wikidata: Populating Scholarly Articles in Wikidata Presents a tool and method for adding scholarly articles and related entities, like co-authors and conference proceedings, to Wikidata using DBLP data, promoting the enhancement of Wikidata’s scholarly coverage. By Nandana Mihindukulasooriya.
- Slides
- (Italian) all the slides of the presentations held during Wikidata Days Bologna 2024 are available in commons:Category:Wikidata Days Bologna 2024 presentations (the links have also been added to the program page)
- Videos
- (Italian) all the videos of the presentations held during Wikidata Days Bologna 2024 in the main room are available in commons:Category:Wikidata Days Bologna 2024 videos (the links have also been added to the program page)
- Launch of Wikidata Lexicographical Data Contest from the Dagaare Wikimedia Community.
- (Spanish) How to contribute to Wikidata with QuickStatements? Omar Vegu of the Wikimedia Perú community will be showing how QS can be used to mass-edit Wikidata.
- (Spanish) Wikidata - how to merge two elements that are repeated statements? - What to do if you find more than one Wikidata item of the same, exact thing? This guide will show you what to do.
- WCNA 2024 Lightning talk: Designing a Wikidata Edit-a-thon for the Black Teacher Archive - if you are interested in organising a Wikidata edit-a-thon (on any subject), this presentation shows the steps needed.
- WCNA 2024: Adding authority control properties in Wikidata for writer and artist biographies - an example of using Wikidata to enrich and expand an item for biographies.
- WCNA 2024: Wikidata profiling of small town art - an example of how structured data can be used to preserve cultural history.
- MediaWiki U&D Con Fall 2024 - Day 3 - Introduction to Wikibase: Managing Datasets & Collections
Tool of the week
- DBLP to Wikidata - This tool is for adding scholarly articles to Wikidata utilizing data from DBLP. It also provides article authors with a tool to enhance Wikidata with associated entities, such as missing co-authors or conference proceeding entities. Demo video & Github repo
Other Noteworthy Stuff
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: TEES ID, DVIDS unit ID, Korean Basketball League player ID, Acervo de Literatura Digital Mato-Grossense person ID, Acervo de Literatura Digital Mato-Grossense work of art ID, Atatürk Ansiklopedisi ID, Cihai encyclopedia entry ID, eHLFL ID, Songkick area ID, DDB institution ID, Enciclopedia medica ID, Italian Dictionary ID, Steam tag ID, L'Équipe basketball team ID, AELC author ID, TF1 info topic ID, RTL topic ID, topic ID, FAO fungal entity ID, France Info topic ID, KISTI institute ID, Israel Railways station number, Digital LIMC ID, TDK lexeme ID, Yandex Maps organization ID, FightTime fighters ID, Finlandssvenska bebyggelsenamn ID, Cihai dictionary entry ID, Innovating Knowledge manuscript ID, L'Équipe basketball player ID, Damehåndbolddatabasen ID, ID, ID, Taiwan Professional Basketball League player ID, PublicationsList author ID, Monument Counter ID, Spirit of Metal album ID, Spirit of Metal style ID, Spirit of Metal artist ID, Spirit of Metal label ID, Spirit of Metal place ID, Libération topic ID, Azerbaijani Explanatory Dictionary ID, Azerbaijani Dialect Dictionary ID, Azerbaijani Phraseology Dictionary ID, Lezgian Explanatory Dictionary ID, VK Music track ID, Taiwan Railways (TR) station number, GamersGlobal genre, Archivportal NRW ID, Department of Defense Identification Code, Health Facility Registry ID, BioMed Central journal ID, Immortal Regiment ID, dictionary of affixes used in Czech ID, Eurotopics ID, TMDB network ID, Kultboy editor ID, WikiBaseball ID, Ninilchik Russian Dictionary ID, ANID Researcher Portal, TOPO ID, DBIS Resource ID, ITV News topic ID, Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites ID, ISFDB editorial collection ID, Great Norwegian Encyclopedia contributor ID, ILEC World Lake Database ID, Sage Social Science Thesaurus ID, El Moudjahid tag ID
- Newest General datatype property proposals to review:
- chemical formula (Description of chemical compound giving element symbols and counts)
- mode of reproduction (ways for living organisms to propagate or produce their offsprings)
- health points (health or armor points of this video game, board game or role-playing game character)
- damage (damage value of this video game weapon, ability or character)
- Mummy of a person (mummy of a person)
- WPBSA com player ID (Identifier for an athlete on the main website of WPBSA)
- JLPT level (difficulty of word by the level of JLPT)
- beer style (classification of a beer based on its style)
- has forks (Notable software forks of this software)
- most populous settlement (city, town, or other settlement with the largest population in this area (country, state, county, continent, etc.))
- rubrique d'une installation classée pour la protection de l'environnement (Industrial or agricultural operations generating risks to health and the environment are regulated in France. The various risks are organized into headings in the nomenclature of installations classified for environmental protection. The dangers, pollution and nuisances of each operation are listed by public authorities.)
- prototypical syntactic role of argument (qualifier for {{P|9971}} indicating the most basic/fundamental syntactic position of that argument for that verb sense (that is, when the argument structure is not subject to any alternations))
- operating cost (ongoing recurring cost for operating or using an object)
- effective life of asset (duration of time which an object/asset is expected to be used before needing to be disposed of or replaced)
- Toki Pona headnoun (Toki Pona common noun for which the name serves as a proper modifier)
- Provides data for property (the dataset associated with this external id usually contains data applicable to this other wikidata property)
- ISCC (International Standard Content Code. Hash code that identifies a media object based on fuzzy hashing.)
- romantic orientation (pattern of romantic attraction of this person or fictional character)
- GND-BEACON-URL (URL of an online service's BEACON file)
- Railway station linear reference (line & milestone) (Stations are located on one or more railway routes, each at a given milestone. This makes it possible to situate them in the topology of a railway infrastructure. A linear reference system can be used to position any object on this topology. In this case, we would add one or more route (or line) number + milestone data pairs.)
- Data analysis method (methods used in the main item for inspecting, cleansing, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of discovering useful information)
- Use data collection instrument (Tool used by/in the subject to facilitate the collection of qualitative or quantitative data)
- Data collection method (scientific data collection procedure used in/by the subject)
- World Snooker Tour tournament ID (Identifier for a tournament on the main website of World Snooker Tour (official site))
- study or design for this work (preliminary work for this finished work)
- OAI formatter (formatter to generate ID compatible with {{Q|2430433}} services)
- Open Library Collection (Link to Open Library Collection which contain manually and automaticallly collections of editions and works on certain topics)
- scientific illustration (a scientific or technical illustration of this subject)
- thesis submitted for (academic degree for which a thesis or dissertation is submitted)
- meeting of (subject is a meeting or session of this body (legislature, committee, convention, etc.))
- External identifiers: case id (mainland China), Identifiant L'Humanité d’un sujet, Duocet Wiki of Plants ID, ID, person ID, NLI Newspaper Collection ID, Identifiant Les Inrockuptibles d'un sujet, GERS ID, European Legislation Identifier, Danbooru tag, Alexander Keiller Museum ID, Islamic Scientific Manuscripts Initiative, Person ID, Thai railway station identifier, Resistance in Belgium ID, Comprehensive Information System on Korean Historical Figures ID, SNCF station trigram, Game Jolt username, Identifiant Mediapart d'un blogueur, identifiant Centre d'études Picasso, Indo-European Lexicon ID, SGES monument ID, Hindi Shabdamitra entry ID, Presisov večjezični slovar ID, Usito, Sanzhi Dargwa dictionary ID, FVDP Vietnamese dictionary ID, FNAC author ID, CAMRA Experience pub ID 2, Estonian–Latvian Dictionary ID, Everand author ID, Venue ID, national team ID, Medieval Coin Hoards of the British Isles ID, Measuring points uuid, DEX '09 entry ID, Marktstammdatenregisternummer (Einheit), Paramount+ video ID, Gerbang Kata ID, World Women's Snooker player ID, Chinese Basketball Association player ID, NBA G League player ID, Basketballnavi.DB player ID, Football Kit Archive ID, Electronic Language International Festival Person ID, ISLRN, railway station identifier, Gallimard author ID, Japanese Health Insurance System Facility ID, Identifiant d'un(e) artiste sur Reg-Arts, Eyrolles author ID, Zvuk album ID, Chtyvo author ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:
- Helvetic Archives - coordination of data ingests and workshops related to the HelveticArchives, operated by the Swiss National Library.
- Scholia, 2024 Surveys - assists with the planning, conduct, analysis and communication of a user survey for Scholia.
- Authors by writing language (Latin) - Wikidata list for the Biography WikiProject.
- Newest database reports: Entities without description - find items missing a description in a chosen language.
- Showcase Items: Darius I (the Great) (QQ44387)
- Showcase Lexemes: Vrimle (L712968) This Lexeme is 'teem'ing with forms (Bokmål).
- [BREAKING CHANGE ANNOUNCEMENT] wbformatvalue API will no longer accepts most options
- Wikibase REST API: We are looking into how to do search in the REST API.
- Special:NewLexeme: We merged the full migration from the Wikit to the Codex design system.
- EntitySchemas: We are polishing the patches to make it possible to search for EntitySchemas by label when linking to an EntitySchema in a new statement.
- Wikidata support is now available to Tulu Wikipedia and Tulu Wikisource
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #655
editarweek leading up to 2024-11-26. Missed the previous one? See issue #654
- New requests for permissions/Bot: 333Bot - Task(s): Add missing sitelinks to english Wikisource based on their header templates there.
- Closed request for comments: Additional rights for bureaucrats - Closed as successful. Bureaucrats will now be able to remove Admin rights.
- Upcoming
- 2025 Wikimedia Hackathon - registration is now open
- Save the date: the Data Reuse Days 2025, an online event focusing on the use of Wikidata's data for tools and applications, will take place in February. You can already propose sessions for the program.
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group session (Attn: Please fill out Pre-Participation Survey!) 3 December 2024: We have our next LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Session on Tuesday, 3 December 2024 at 9 am PT / 12 pm ET / 17:00 UTC / 6 pm CET (Time zone converter). Wikimedian Mahir Morshed is leading a series of four sessions focused on lexicographical data in Wikidata. We are looking forward to learning more about these Wikibase entities! If you anticipate attending the workshop sessions, please fill out a brief survey linked from our Series Etherpad to help us prepare relevant materials for you. You only need to fill it out once, no matter how many sessions you plan to attend. Sessions will be held on November 5, November 19, December 3, and December 17, 2024, at our regular time of 9 am PT / 12 pm ET / 17:00 UTC / 6 pm CET. Event page
- Wikimania 2025 Scholarships are now open! This application is open until Sunday 8th December, 2024
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Why and for what purpose should Wikidata be used in Colombia?
- Wikidata Workshop 2024: National Library of Latvia
- Wikidata and the 2024 Open Library Community Celebration
- Where the data may roam: Bringing Wild West performers to Wikidata. Author Jason Sharp documents their experience adding legendary showman Buffalo Bill to Wikidata.
- Advancing BHL’s Data for a Sustainable Future: Meet Tiago, Our New Wikimedian-in-Residence The BHL-Wiki Working Group has enrolled a Wikimedian-in-Residence with a focus on Wikidata and Structured Data on Commons.
- Papers
- Beyond the Library Catalogue: Connecting Library Metadata to Wikidata - examines how integrating Wikidata into libraries enhances resource discoverability, fosters interoperability, and empowers users within a global knowledge network. By Okuonghae, O. (2024).
- On assessing weaker logical status claims in Wikidata cultural heritage records - approaches to representing weaker logical status (WLS) information in Wikidata, finding limited usage, variations and ambiguities between datasets, and proposes improvements for clarity and accuracy. By Di Pasquale et al.(2024)
- Books: Tiziana Possemato, Entity modeling: la terza generazione della catalogazione: contains many references to the use of Wikidata in cataloguing
- Videos
- (Portuguese)Wikidata & OpenRefine - Part of the “Introduction to digital platforms for research” sessions for the Centro Luís Krus of NOVA FCSH. Practical exercises for data reconciliation from the Portuguese Early Music Database using the OpenRefine tool.
- NODES 2024: Using Dbpedia and Wikidata Knowledge Graphs With Neo4j - Cuneyt Tyler presents 'Semantic Space', a project using Dbpedia and Wikidata to enhance the user experience browsing articles on the web.
- Uploading Images From Public Sites - Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata make great bedfellows. Margaret Donald shows how to create Commons categories, create structured data and link categories to Wikidata.
- WCNA: LOFESQ Lots of Farmers Empty Silos Quicker: building community through a named entity Wikibase. Experiences of the Smithsonian Libraries and Archives setting up the WikiNames Wikibase instance and breaking down knowledge silos
- Podcast series: Decolonizing structured data: a new season of Whose Voices? including "Episode 5 -- Unpacking Wikidata’s possibilities with Lydia Pintscher (WMDE)"
- Other
- SPINACH: AI help for asking Wikidata "challenging real-world questions"
- De Wikidata à Wikibase : Pour une meilleure compréhension de vos données, presentation by John Samuel at Le campus du libre 2024 (Q131312243), Lyon, November 23, 2024.
Tool of the week
- Guess Image from Pronunciation is an Ordia game that uses lexicographic data in Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons. The game challenges players to match the correct image with the audio pronunciation of what the image depicts.
- ABECTO is a tool that compares #RDF data to spot errors and assess completeness. Recent changes to the tool adjust result export for #Wikidata Mismatch Finder to changed format, add reporting of qualifier mismatches to Wikidata Mismatch Finder export, and suppress illegal empty external values in Wikidata Mismatch Finder export (Tweet)
- Wikidata Infernal is an API that allows you to infer new facts from Wikidata. It uses a set of rules to infer new facts from existing ones. The generated statements will have qualifiers to indicate the source and method of the inference. Output is an array of statements in JSON/Wikidata format. (blog)
Other Noteworthy Stuff
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- picture of this person doing their job (picture of a person in action, especially for a sportsperson, visual artist, musican, actor. P18 is normally used for portraits)
- ISCC (ISCC hash code that identifies a media object based on fuzzy hashing)
- Newest External identifiers: Kultboy editor ID, WikiBaseball ID, Ninilchik Russian Dictionary ID, ANID Researcher Portal ID, TOPO ID, DBIS Resource ID, ITV News topic ID, Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites ID, ISFDB editorial collection ID, Great Norwegian Encyclopedia contributor ID, ILEC World Lake Database ID, Sage Social Science Thesaurus ID, El Moudjahid tag ID, SGES monument ID, DEX ’09 entry ID, Electronic Language International Festival person ID, Medieval Coin Hoards of the British Isles ID, Paramount+ video ID, Le Club Mediapart blogger ID, venue ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- study or design for this work (preliminary work for this finished work)
- OAI formatter (formatter to generate ID compatible with {{Q|2430433}} services)
- Open Library Collection (Link to Open Library Collection which contain manually and automaticallly collections of editions and works on certain topics)
- scientific illustration (an illustration of this subject to provide a detailed reference for its appearance. It should be ideally tied to the primary literature on the item.)
- thesis submitted for (academic degree for which a thesis or dissertation is submitted)
- meeting of (subject is a meeting or session of this body (legislature, committee, convention, etc.))
- UMC rating (Age rating category as designated by the UAE Media Council (UMC))
- Non-binary population (number of non-binary people inhabiting the place)
- role named as (use as qualifier to indicate how the object's role was named in the credits of it's respective work)
- bequest income (The sum a organisations receives from bequests/legacies in a timeframe.)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: ISLRN, railway station identifier, Gallimard author ID, Japanese Health Insurance System Facility ID, Identifiant d'un(e) artiste sur Reg-Arts, Eyrolles author ID, Zvuk album ID, Chtyvo author ID, Bibliothèque du Séminaire de Tournai IDs, EU Corporate body code, SBOID, Waymark code, Radio Algeria tag ID, Academic Dictionary of Lithuanian entry ID, PBY Ben-Yehuda dictionary identifier, player ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:
- Aargauer Bibliografie - WikiProject for the coordination of data ingests and Wikipedia workshops related to the official bibliography of the Aargau Cantonal Library, operated by Bibliothek und Archiv Aargau (Switzerland)
- WikiProject Taiwan/Amis - collects information related to the Ami culture, including statistics and activity records.
- Rwanda - aims to be a central hub for the curation of any and all items (biographical, cultural, geographical, organizational, etc...) relating to Rwanda Rwanda (Q1037)
- Newest database reports: A list of Items with a sitelink to English Wikipedia but without any Statements
- Showcase Items: Cueva de las Manos (Q223385) - cave with cave paintings in Santa Cruz, Argentina
- Showcase Lexemes: bezczelny (L2781) - Polish adjective that can mean "impudent" or "brazen" in English
- Wikidata Query Service: The graph split rules have been updated to now also include Items that contain a statement using "publication type of scholarly work" into the scholarly article graph.
- now allows personal userscripts (phab:T378627)
- EntitySchemas: We continued the work on making it possible to search for EntitySchemas by label and aliases when making a statement linking to an EntitySchema.(phab:T375641)
- Ontology file: We are updating the Wikibase ontology file. (phab:T371196, phab:T371752)
- Property Suggester: We are updating the suggestions data (phab:T377986 but first need to improve the underlying scripts (phab:T376604)
- Wikibase REST API: We are prototyping the search functionality for the REST API (phab:T379608)
- Revision table: We are continuing the investigation into the size limitations of the table.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Govdirectory weekly focus country: Ghana
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #656
editarweek leading up to 2024-12-02. Missed the previous one? See issue #655
- New requests for permissions/Bot: ThesaurusLinguaeAegyptiaeBot - Task(s): Creating and updating Hieroglyphic Ancient Egyptian and Coptic lexemes and ancient Egyptian text artifact items. It is also to maintain links to the Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae project via approved properties.
- New request for comments: Schema Virtual Tour - User:Brechtd would like feedback on determining a data model and schema for Wikidata items that are an instance of virtual tour(Q2915546) - See Schema Proposal - Virtual Tour for more info.
- Closed request for comments: Create items for Property proposals - Despite a spirited discussion with many comments both in favour and opposition, no consensus was reached.
- Upcoming:
- Wikimedia Deutschland is providing a total of 15 participation scholarships for Wikimania 2025 (7 individual and 4 tandem scholarships). Further information is available on this page. An overview of all questions in the application form is here. Apply here. Closes 8 December 2024.
- Talk to the Search Platform / Query Service Team—December 4, 2024. The time is 17:00 CET
- Tomorrow / 3rd December 2024: Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group session @ 9am PT / 12pm ET / 5pm UTC / 6pm CET. If you would like to attend, please fill out the Etherpad form to ensure all necessary materials are provided for you.
- Deadline for the Central Asian WikiCon 2025 scholarship application is December 30, 2024. We encourage you to make Wikidata-related submissions (the deadline for submission is March 22, 2025.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Research
- Statement Signals: Wikidata usage on other Wikis: A new research report is available. Explores what trace Wikidata data is measurable on other Wiki pages and proposes initial metrics for measuring Wikidata statement usage on Wikimedia content pages. Also suggests methods to improve data analysis and collection. PDF is available on Commons
- Blogs
- Celebrating Wikidata’s 12th birthday across the world - Wikidata celebrated its 12th birthday in October and November 2024, with a series of global events and activities aimed at commemorating the platform's contributions to the open knowledge movement, engaging its community of volunteers, and highlighting the significant role Wikidata plays in the digital landscape. By Dan Shick
- Papers
- Beyond the Library Catalogue: Connecting Library Metadata to Wikidata - This paper explores how libraries can leverage Wikidata to enhance resource discoverability, foster interoperability, and integrate into the global knowledge ecosystem. By Omorodion Okuonghae (2024).
- A framework for integrating biomedical knowledge in Wikidata with open biological and biomedical ontologies and MeSH keywords - Enhancing Wikidata’s biomedical knowledge by integrating OBO ontologies and PubMed’s MeSH keywords, addressing gaps, improving classification accuracy, and verifying relations for stronger interoperability and accuracy. By Chebil et al. (2024).
- Class Order Disorder in Wikidata and First Fixes analyzes class order violations in Wikidata's ontology using SPARQL, evaluates fixes, and offers solutions through improved tools or community involvement. By P. Patel-Schneider and E. Doğan.
- Videos
- Edit a Wikidata Item and Lexeme - The Tyap Wikimedia User Group produced this tutorial on editing as part of the Wikidata 12th Birthday celebrations for the Wikidata @12 Data-a-thon.
- State of the art in combining OpenStreetMap and Linked Data - Covers Linked Data basics, its potential with OSM, and popular methods for linking, extracting, combining, and querying data from both sources. Jump to (Wikidata)
- (正體字, CN Trad.) Getting Started with Wikidata - An introduction and overview to Wikidata and some associated tools such as ORES and LiftWing.
- (正體字, CN Trad.) Wikidata Basic Editing Tutorial - This session was given as part of the COSCUP '24 conference on the OpenStreetMap x Wikidata Agenda Track.
- LLM-based natural-language representations for SPARQL queries over Wikidata and DBpedia - LORiS: This tool can help you understand complex SPARQL queries by converting them to natural language.
- Towards an Open NLI LLM-based System for KGs: A Wikidata Case Study - At the 7th ISRITI 2024 conference, Jaycent Ongris shows how RAG (retrieval-augmented generation) has been used in a natural-language question-answer platform to directly query Wikidata.
- How knowledge representation is changing in a world of LLM's - Denny Vrandečić gives this keynote session at the SWIB (Semantic Web in Libraries) conference.
- the Capacity to Grieve Once More - Alexandros Kosiaris of the Wikimedia Foundation explains changes made to make Wikipedia more stable and prevent outages, including how it calls and fetches data from Wikidata. Session given at SREcon24.
Tool of the week
- LoRiS - Generate natural-language descriptions of SPARQL queries via LLM's.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata:WordGraph: Google released the WordGraph dataset as a belated present for Wikidata’s 12th birthday. The dataset contains 968,153 forms in 39 languages.
- Product Manager: Wikibase Suite: Wikimedia Deutschland has an open and exciting vacancy for a Product Manager of Wikibase Suite. Apply!
- Tools or bots which use the wiki replicas (such as Quarry) will observe outdated data for up to 8-10 days, as a result of necessary database maintenance (T367856). Tools or bots which use the APIs will not be affected. (This was previously announced 2024-11-11 but didn’t actually take place yet.)
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- picture of this person doing their job (picture of a person in action, especially for a sportsperson, visual artist, musican, actor. P18 is normally used for portraits)
- ISCC (ISCC hash code that identifies a media object based on fuzzy hashing)
- External identifiers: Kultboy editor ID, WikiBaseball ID, Ninilchik Russian Dictionary ID, ANID Researcher Portal ID, TOPO ID, DBIS Resource ID, ITV News topic ID, Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites ID, ISFDB editorial collection ID, Great Norwegian Encyclopedia contributor ID, ILEC World Lake Database ID, Sage Social Science Thesaurus ID, El Moudjahid tag ID, SGES monument ID, DEX ’09 entry ID, Electronic Language International Festival person ID, Medieval Coin Hoards of the British Isles ID, Paramount+ video ID, Le Club Mediapart blogger ID, venue ID
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- study or design for this work (preliminary work for this finished work)
- OAI formatter (formatter to generate ID compatible with {{Q|2430433}} services)
- Open Library Collection (Link to Open Library Collection which contain manually and automaticallly collections of editions and works on certain topics)
- scientific illustration (an illustration of this subject to provide a detailed reference for its appearance. It should be ideally tied to the primary literature on the item.)
- thesis submitted for (academic degree for which a thesis or dissertation is submitted)
- meeting of (subject is a meeting or session of this body (legislature, committee, convention, etc.))
- UMC rating (Age rating category as designated by the UAE Media Council (UMC))
- Third-gender population (number of third-gender people inhabiting the place)
- role named as (use as qualifier to indicate how the object's role was named in the credits of it's respective work)
- bequest income (The sum a organisations receives from bequests/legacies in a timeframe.)
- Audio tour ()
- Augmented reality tour ()
- Virtual reality tour ()
- extension that populates category (analogous to {{P|4329}} for tracking cat:s populated by extensions of MediaWiki, linking to extension causing the population)
- CUATM statistical code (7-digits code attributed to administrative-territorial units of Moldova)
- CUATM unique identification code (4-digits code attributed to administrative-territorial units of Moldova)
- External identifiers: ISLRN, railway station identifier, Gallimard author ID, Japanese Health Insurance System Facility ID, Identifiant d'un(e) artiste sur Reg-Arts, Eyrolles author ID, Zvuk album ID, Chtyvo author ID, Bibliothèque du Séminaire de Tournai IDs, EU Corporate body code, SBOID, Waymark code, Radio Algeria tag ID, Academic Dictionary of Lithuanian entry ID, PBY Ben-Yehuda dictionary identifier, player ID, Radio Algeria tag ID (Arabic), Identifiant L'AF au champ d'honneur, Identifiant d'un(e) auteurice dans Vidas, Open Source Security Foundation Best Practices Identifier, OpenSSF Best Practices ID, The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language entry, Identifiant sur Mémoire des avocats, BCU Kirundi-English Dictionary ID, Wurfhand, University Bibliography Tübingen ID, ZSL Authority ID, PUG authority ID, Three Decks class ID, HCERES expert ID
- General datatypes:
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:
- Bibliothek UvA/HvA - documenting, archiving and creating items from collections from the UvA/AUAS Library in Amsterdam, beginning with the works of Allard Pierson.
- Ghana - A hub for Ghanaian activities and entities, including regional languages: Dagbanli, Twi and Dagari.
- Thao (Taiwan): For collecting information related to Thao cultural themes, including statistics and activity records.
- Newest database reports: Recent Deaths
- Showcase Items: Miguel de Cervantes: Spanish novelist, poet, and playwright (1547-1616)
- Showcase Lexemes: புறவு (L1236574) - A Tamil lemma for dense forest, impassable jungle and a pigeon dove.
- EntitySchemas: We are continuing the work on making it possible to search for an EntitySchema by its label or alias when making a new statement linking to an EntitySchema.
- PropertySuggester: We have updated the script that generates the suggestions and will update the suggestions next.
- Lexicographical data: We fixed a visual issue with search results on the Codex-based Special:NewLexeme (phab:T370057)
- Vector 2022: We are working on designs to fix the remaining issues with the skin on Wikidata.
- Wikibase REST API: We are finishing the prototype for supporting search in the API.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Govdirectory weekly focus country: Ghana
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #657
editarweek leading up to 2024-12-09. Missed the previous one? See issue #656
- New requests for permissions/Bot: KlaraBot - Task(s): Append a human's lifespan to descriptions when they can be authoritatively sourced.
- Closed request for comments: Audio transcription (P9533) - Closed with no consensus. The discussion is ongoing on the Property P5933 talk page.
- Past: Amical Wikimedia, the Catalan-language and culture focused thematic Wikimedia Organization organized the Celebrem Wikidata (Let's celebrate Wikidata) project to celebrate Wikidata's 12th anniversary, from November 10 - 30. This included a Wikidata introduction workshop to equip participants with the editing skills to tackle the project's main aim. This was presented as a game to delete duplicate info on Wikidata and Catalan Viquipèdia infoboxes, in three areas: protected buildings, officers' positions and data related to sports teams players. At the end of the event, ~200 Wikidata-fed infoboxes and Wikidata items were improved and many Wikipedia editors edited Wikidata for the first time!
- Upcoming events:
- (Deutsch)Wikidata for Legal Historians - Tue. 10 December, 3pm - 7pm (UTC+1). This presentation explores Wikidata as a key platform for LOD, explains its Semantic Web foundation, introduces FactGrid (a Wikidata-based platform for historical research). Highlights potential of both platforms using examples and encourages discussion for legal historical research. Register here.
- Today (09.12.2024) is the last chance to submit an Abstract for the Wikidata and Research conference (5 - 6 June 2025). If you are interested in participating, please review the submission acceptance format before submitting here.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- MediaWiki Conference Highlights, featuring Wikibase talks including one by Christos Varvantakis and Jon Amar from Wikimedia Deutschland.
- Semantic Wikibase 2024 Update
- WMDE launches AI Knowledge project in collaboration with DataStax built with NVIDIA AI
- Ten years of Philippine local Govt. data for Wikidata's 12th Birthday. Read about SKAP's (Shared Knowledge Asia Pacific) efforts to add 10 years worth of financial data of local Government assets to Wikidata during a Datathon.
- Papers
- Developing an OCR - Wikibase Pipeline for Place Names in the RGTC Series - introduces a semi-automated workflow for extracting and digitally storing geographically relevant information, including spatial relations and contextual details, from place names in the Répertoire géographique des textes cunéiformes. By Matthew Ong (2024).
- Videos
- Wikibase4Research - Kolja Bailly presents ways in which the Wikibase4Research tool by the TIB Open Science Lab supports researchers in dealing with Mediawiki software for knowledge bases such as Wikibase and facilitates better and FAIR Research Data Management. Includes a live demonstration and beginner-friendly instructions.
Tool of the week
- CAT🐈: Metrics computing simple metrics (number of labels, number of descriptions, number of sitelinks, number of statements) for item matching a simple claim.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Template:Image properties New template listing properties that link to images.
- Let's Connect invites you to get involved in helping spread awareness and knowledge of Wikidata, potentially help organise a Wikidata Learning Clinic. Are you interested in participating? Please sign-up on this registration form.
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- reference illustration (an illustration of this subject to provide a detailed reference for its appearance. It should be ideally tied to the primary literature on the item.)
- External identifiers: Gallimard author ID, Football Kit Archive ID, Bibliothèque du Séminaire de Tournai author ID, Bibliothèque du Séminaire de Tournai publisher ID, Reg-Arts artist ID, EU Corporate body code, PBY Ben-Yehuda dictionary identifier, Academic Dictionary of Lithuanian entry ID, L'AF au champ d'honneur ID, Radio Algeria tag ID (Arabic), Radio Algeria tag ID (French), The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language entry ID, Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat ID
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- land acknowledgement (acknowledgement of indigenous or native people whose ancestors lived at a location)
- homonym of (taxon item of which the taxon name is an exact homonym)
- taxon known by this common name (taxon item of which this common name refers)
- External identifiers: product ID, AniSearch character ID, Hachette author ID, El Watan tag ID, Albin Michel author ID, DNCI label ID, game ID, Collectie Nederland ID
- General datatypes:
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:
- WikiProject Highlights:
- Newest database reports: Unauthorized Bots - A list of bots and their edits, operating without a Bot flag.
- Showcase Items: Das Erste: A German public service television channel broadcasting for more than 70 years.
- Showcase Lexemes: Kerzu (L8153) the Breton word for December, directly translates from "totally black", rather appropriate for the cold, dark last month of the year.
- You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Govdirectory weekly focus country: Ghana
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #658
editarweek leading up to 2024-12-16. Missed the previous one? See issue #657
- New requests for permissions/Bot: PWSBot - Task(s): Is a selfmade chatbot to answer factual questions as part of a final research project for educational purposes.
- Closed request for permissions/Bot: CarbonBot - Withdrawn by submitter
Events Upcoming events:
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group session (Attn: Please fill out Pre-Participation Survey!) 17 December 2024: We have our next LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Session on Tuesday, 17 December 2024 at 9 am PT / 12 pm ET / 17:00 UTC / 6 pm CET (Time zone converter) Wikimedian Mahir Morshed is leading a series of four sessions focused on lexicographical data in Wikidata. We are looking forward to learning more about these Wikibase entities! If you anticipate attending the workshop sessions, please fill out a brief survey linked from our Series Etherpad to help us prepare relevant materials for you. Sessions will be held on November 5, November 19, December 3, and December 17, 2024 at our regular time of 9am PT / 12pm ET / 17:00 UTC / 6pm CET. Event page
- 2025 Wikimedia Hackathon - register now
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Papers
- Are Wikipedia articles representative of Western or world knowledge?, December 12, 2024, The Signpost
- Baptiste de Coulon, "Les données liées, Wikidata et les archives : une opportunité de contribution aux communs numériques". In: La Gazette des archives, n°271, 2024-2, p.37-56 (free access online after 3 years).
- Videos: AWS re:Invent 2024 - Wikimedia Deutschland's Lydia Pintscher (WMDE) and Philippe Saadé talk about d:Wikidata:Embedding Project.
Tool of the week
- Tabular Online Validator - checks if SPARQL query results conform to a provided schema by validating data and highlighting potential errors, such as missing properties, invalid values, or too many values, with the option to refine the schema if issues arise. (A major update to the current ShEx validator that is expected to get integrated into the existing validator soon)
- CAT🐈: Overview if references: looking at references for a set of Wikidata items
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Now Hiring: OpenRefine Developer & Contributor Engagement
- The Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) is launching the Entity Management Cooperative (EMCO) program in 2025, aiming to unify entity management across the semantic web, including registries like Wikidata. Volunteers, including those with prior experience in PCC’s ISNI or Wikidata pilots, are invited to join the Early Adopters Phase by January 17, 2025.
- The Biodiversity Heritage Library Working Group has set up a page on Meta to coordinate contributions across projects, including Wikidata
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- bequest income (the sum a organisations receives from bequests/legacies in a timeframe)
- Newest External identifiers: product ID, PUG authority ID, Three Decks class ID, Vidas author ID, Usito ID, ZSL authority ID, Collectie Nederland ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- About box (Screenshot of the About Box of the respective software (contains important information such as authors, license, version number and year(s) and is included in almost every software))
- nonprofit tax status (country specific tax status of non-profit organisations)
- Рахимов, Гафур Рахимович (Gʻafur Rahimov)
- nomenclatural type of (taxon item of wich this item is the taxonomic type)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Three Decks conflict ID, Algeria Press Service tag ID (French), Algeria Press Service tag ID (English), Algeria Press Service tag ID (Arabic), JudaicaLink person ID, Newmark Albanian-English Dictionary ID, Norsk oversettterleksikon ID, match ID, Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua ID, Berlinische Galerie object ID, Singapore Unique Entity Number, Lyricfind artist ID, HonestGamers game ID, identifiant MACM d'un artisite, Syrian Memory person ID, Identifiant d'un(e) auteurice sur le site Mille ans de littérature d'oc, Paris Match ID, Kamus Dewan Edisi Tiga, identifiant Registre national des gels, DOSBox Wiki, Identifiant Cimetières de France
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- WikiProject Highlights:
- Chemistry/Elements
- Taiwan/Truku - a compilation of information on the subject of Taroko culture, including statistics and records of activities.
- Newest database reports: Dagbani Lexemes with Glosses which are the same as the Lemma
- Showcase Items: Alice Through the Looking Glass (Q17485699) - 2016 film directed by James Bobin where now 22-year-old Alice comes across a magical looking glass that takes her back to Wonderland.
- Showcase Lexemes: آبلرزهیاب (L744998) - Persian noun, translates to "hydro-seismometer"
- Wikibase REST API: We prototyped search support for the REST API and would like your feedback on it.
- Property Suggestions: We updated the underlying data so you should have more up-to-date suggestions again when making new statements.
- EntitySchemas: We continued the work on making it possible to search for EntitySchemas by their label and aliases when linking to them in a statement.
- Query Service: We are investigating if we can do something about the issue where not all edgeLabels are shown on a graph visualisation (phab:T381857) and if there are any alternatives to the library used for the graph builder in the Query Service (phab:T381764)
- Under the hood: We are optimizing the server setup for the term store to accommodate its growth (phab:T351802)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Govdirectory weekly focus country:
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #659
editarweek leading up to 2024-12-23. Missed the previous one? See issue #658
- New request for comments:
- P518 scope - Should scope of league or competition (P118) include forms and aspects?
- Trying to get a consensus on English label for Q30 -- "United States of America" vs "United States"
- Ongoing: Wikidata Cleanup 2024 - Romaine continues his initiative, "Wikidata Cleanup," to coordinate community efforts in addressing the problem of items missing basic properties during the last ten days of 2024, when many users have extra time due to holidays. The aim is to improve data quality by focusing on ensuring all items have essential properties like "instance of" (P31) or "subclass of" (P279), adding relevant country and location data, and maintaining consistency within item series.
- Upcoming events: Data Reuse Days - online event focusing on projects using Wikidata's data, 18-27 February 2025. You can submit a proposal for the program on the talk page until January 12th.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Exploring YouTube Channels Via Wikidata, by Tara Calishain. "This time I'm playing with a way to browse YouTube channels while using Wikidata as context. And you can try it too, because it doesn't need any API keys!"
- Wikidata Items "described at URL" domain ranked list, by Magnus Manske
- Papers: Finding Female Film Editors in Wikidata: How to Query and Visualize Filmographic Records
- Videos: How to link a Wikipedia article to Wikidata (Spanish)
Tool of the week
- Flying Dehyphenator is an Ordia game. Given the start part of a word, use the spacebar to move the word and hit the next part of the word. Only hyphenations described with the Unicode hyphenation character work.
- Want a wrap of your Wikidata activities in 2024? Wiki Year In Review has it for you! (use for the project URL)
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikibase/Suite-Contributing-Guide: Wikibase Suite's contributing guide has been published. This guide aims to help anyone who wants to contribute and make sure they are equipped with all the relevant information to do so.
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- bequest income (the sum a organisations receives from bequests/legacies in a timeframe)
- taxon known by this common name (taxon item of which this common name refers)
- homonymous taxon (taxon item of which the taxon name is an exact homonym)
- role named as (use as qualifier to indicate how the object's role was named in the credits of its respective work)
- meeting of (subject is a meeting or session of this organization)
- Newest External identifiers: product ID, PUG authority ID, Three Decks class ID, Vidas author ID, Usito ID, ZSL authority ID, Collectie Nederland ID, Hachette author ID, CamerounWeb person ID, Hindi Shabdamitra entry ID, OpenSSF Practices ID, Japanese Health Insurance System Facility ID, Centre d'Etudes Picasso ID, CUATM statistical code, CUATM unique identification code, JudaicaLink person (GND) ID, national team ID, Eyrolles author ID, Mémoire des avocats ID, BCU Kirundi-English Dictionary ID, Estonian–Latvian Dictionary ID, WHL player ID, Indo-European Lexicon ID, game ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- About box (Screenshot of the About Box of the respective software (contains important information such as authors, license, version number and year(s) and is included in almost every software))
- nonprofit tax status (country specific tax status of organisations like non-profits)
- nomenclatural type of (taxon item of wich this item is the taxonomic type)
- World Heritage type (Propriety of World heritage site : the Type (Cultural, Natural, Mixed))
- DVD region code (DVD release is restricted to region code)
- number of shading units (Number of shading units in a graphics card.)
- Archaeological National Register code (identifier of elements of the National archaeological register of Moldova)
- presented works (works of art performed, displayed or presented at a given event)
- identifiant REGAFI ()
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Three Decks conflict ID, Algeria Press Service tag ID (French), Algeria Press Service tag ID (English), Algeria Press Service tag ID (Arabic), Newmark Albanian-English Dictionary ID, Norsk oversettterleksikon ID, match ID, Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua ID, Berlinische Galerie object ID, Singapore Unique Entity Number, Lyricfind artist ID, HonestGamers game ID, identifiant MACM d'un artisite, Syrian Memory person ID, Identifiant d'un(e) auteurice sur le site Mille ans de littérature d'oc, Paris Match ID, Kamus Dewan Edisi Tiga, identifiant Registre national des gels, DOSBox Wiki, Identifiant Cimetières de France, Ech-Chaab tag ID, Amsterdam Monumentenstad ID, Kyiv Independent Topic, Lutris company ID, Shamela Algeria person ID, enterprise number (Germany), Ohio University ArchivesSpace Subject ID, Progetto Euploos ID, Nafziger Order of Battle ID, National Football stadium ID, Play:Right genre ID, DataGov dataset, ERR keyword ID, Comprehensive Historical Dictionary of Ladino entry ID, Ohio University ArchivesSpace Agent ID, Russian Football National League player ID, Gaia ID, Inventory of Natural Heritage site ID, Inventory of Natural Heritage tree ID, Wellcome Collection concept ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- WikiProject Highlights: Nonprofit Organizations/Japan
- Newest database reports: Items with a sitelink to Dutch Wikipedia and have no P31 and/or P279 (source) (replace 2x the "nl" into the language code of your language)
- Showcase Items: Boeing (Q66) - American global aerospace and defense corporation
- Showcase Lexemes: julehilsen - Christmas greeting in Danish
- With the winter holidays upon us, the development team is taking a break, and there will be no deployments for Wikidata during this time.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Govdirectory weekly focus country:
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
The Signpost: 24 December 2024
editar- From the archives: Where to draw the line in reporting?
- Recent research: "Wikipedia editors are quite prosocial", but those motivated by "social image" may put quantity over quality
- Gallery: A feast of holidays and carols
- Traffic report: Was a long and dark December
Weekly Summary #660
editarweek leading up to 2024-12-30. Missed the previous one? See issue #659
Welcome to 2023’s Final Weekly Summary!
A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the newsletter this year! 🎉 Each of your contributions, whether big or small, has made a difference and has helped us create a vibrant and informative resource for the Wikidata community. 🙏 Let's continue building and sharing knowledge together in the coming year! 🙌✨
- Open request for oversight: Ameisenigel (RfP scheduled to end at 6 January 2025 21:52 UTC)
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Papers
- Library Data in Wikimedia Projects: Case Study from the Czech Republic by Jansová, L., Maixnerová, L., & Š´tastná, P. (2024). "The paper outlines the collaboration between the National Library of the Czech Republic and Wikimedia since 2006, focusing on linking authority records with Wikipedia articles and training librarians and users. By 2023, the National Library provided most of its databases under a CC0 license, launched a "Wikimedians in Residence" program, and collaborated on projects involving linked data and using authority records in Wikidata. This partnership has enhanced their cooperation for mutual benefit, identifying key factors for their successful long-term collaboration."
- How have you modelled my gender? Reconstructing the history of gender representation in Wikidata by Melis, B., Fioravanti, M., Paolini, C., & Metilli, D. (2024). "The paper traces the evolution of gender representation in Wikidata, showing how the community has moved from a binary interpretation of gender to a more inclusive model for trans and non-binary identities. The Wikidata Gender Diversity project (WiGeDi) timeline highlights the significant changes influenced by external historical events and the community's increased understanding of gender complexity."
- Videos: Arabic Wikidata Days 2024 - Data Science Course - First Practical Session: Wikibase-CLI Tool (part 1, part 2) by Saeed Habishan. "The Wikibase-CLI enables command-based interaction with Wikidata using shell scripts and JavaScript. The tool runs on NodeJS and enables automatic reading and editing of Wikidata."
Tool of the week
- WikiORA - is a tool designed for gene over-representation analysis. It integrates data from Wikidata, Wikipedia, Gene Ontology, and PanglaoDB to help researchers identify significantly enriched gene sets in their data.
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- bequest income (the sum a organisations receives from bequests/legacies in a timeframe)
- taxon known by this common name (taxon item of which this common name refers)
- homonymous taxon (taxon item of which the taxon name is an exact homonym)
- role named as (use as qualifier to indicate how the object's role was named in the credits of its respective work)
- meeting of (subject is a meeting or session of this organization)
- Newest External identifiers: product ID, PUG authority ID, Three Decks class ID, Vidas author ID, Usito ID, ZSL authority ID, Collectie Nederland ID, Hachette author ID, CamerounWeb person ID, Hindi Shabdamitra entry ID, OpenSSF Practices ID, Japanese Health Insurance System Facility ID, Centre d'Etudes Picasso ID, CUATM statistical code, CUATM unique identification code, JudaicaLink person (GND) ID, national team ID, Eyrolles author ID, Mémoire des avocats ID, BCU Kirundi-English Dictionary ID, Estonian–Latvian Dictionary ID, WHL player ID, Indo-European Lexicon ID, game ID, Singapore Unique Entity Number, AniSearch character ID, Three Decks conflict ID, Berlinische Galerie object ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- About box (Screenshot of the About Box of the respective software (contains important information such as authors, license, version number and year(s) and is included in almost every software))
- nonprofit tax status (country specific tax status of organisations like non-profits)
- nomenclatural type of (taxon item of which this item is the taxonomic type)
- World Heritage type (Propriety of World heritage site : the Type (Cultural, Natural, Mixed))
- DVD region code (DVD release is restricted to region code)
- number of shading units (Number of shading units in a graphics card.)
- Archaeological National Register code (identifier of elements of the National archaeological register of Moldova)
- presented works (works of art performed, displayed or presented at a given event)
- identifiant REGAFI ()
- Maximum beam energy (Maximum beam energy of a particle accelerator)
- Accused of (Crime or other misdeed a person has been accused of, but ''not proven or convicted'')
- hat gespendet (Amount of money donated to a person or organization)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Algeria Press Service tag ID (French), Algeria Press Service tag ID (English), Algeria Press Service tag ID (Arabic), Newmark Albanian-English Dictionary ID, Norsk oversettterleksikon ID, player id, match ID, Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua ID, Lyricfind artist ID, HonestGamers game ID, identifiant MACM d'un artisite, Syrian Memory person ID, Identifiant d'un(e) auteurice sur le site Mille ans de littérature d'oc, Paris Match ID, Kamus Dewan Edisi Tiga, identifiant Registre national des gels, DOSBox Wiki, Identifiant Cimetières de France, Ech-Chaab tag ID, Amsterdam Monumentenstad ID, Kyiv Independent Topic, Lutris company ID, Shamela Algeria person ID, enterprise number (Germany), Ohio University ArchivesSpace Subject ID, Progetto Euploos ID, Nafziger Order of Battle ID, National Football stadium ID, Play:Right genre ID, DataGov dataset, ERR keyword ID, Comprehensive Historical Dictionary of Ladino entry ID, Ohio University ArchivesSpace Agent ID, Russian Football National League player ID, Gaia ID, Inventory of Natural Heritage site ID, Inventory of Natural Heritage tree ID, Wellcome Collection concept ID, Spanish-German Dictionary ID, UAF match ID, Identifiant d'un(e) journaliste sur Francetvinfo, Game Vortex software ID, VG247 game ID, identifiant Pappers d'un dirigeant, Database of Canada's Early Women Writers ID, Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory ID, Mishramilan catalog ID, ID, Cinema Belgica venue ID, Cinema Belgica person ID, Cinema Belgica film ID, Cinema Belgica company ID, Cinema Belgica censorship ID, Archaeological Cadastre (Greece) ID, Hankook Ilbo tag ID, Rijksmuseum ID, SOIUSA code, myCast work ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Uganda - aims to be a central hub for the curation of any and all items (biographical, cultural, geographical, organisational, etc...) relating to Uganda (Q1036)
- WikiProject Highlights:
- Narration/Folktales - creation of Items for motifs described in Thompson's motif index completed
- Austria - concerns itself with improving data from nonprofit organizations in Austria
- Newest database reports: Deleted Wikidata entities used in SDC
- Showcase Items: Wressle Castle (Q8037764) - late 14th-century quadrangular castle in East Yorkshire, England, UK
- Showcase Lexemes: ਲੇਟਣ (L750580) - in Punjabi (pa) and "لیٹݨ" in Punjabi Shahmukhi (pnb) transliterate to "Leṭaṇ," which means "to lie down" or "to rest" in English.
- Most of the development team staff are still taking a break, so no development happened.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Govdirectory weekly focus country: Liechtenstein
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #661
editarweek leading up to 2025-01-06. Missed the previous one? See issue #660
- New request for comments: Constraints for Germanies - Following from a property discussion on P17 (German non-states), this RfC aims to find consensus on how to apply constraints that exclude items of historical periods in German history.
- Workshop: Lexicography and linguistic sustainability - Mirandese documentation using Wikidata This Portuguese-language workshop takes place Thursday 16 January, 10:00 - 17:00, Room 208, 206 at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto.
- Please submit your proposals for the Data Reuse Days online event until January 12th. See current proposals on the talk page and here's some ideas to inspire you: presentations/demos of tools using Wikidata's data (10mins Lightning Talk presentations), discussions and presentations connecting Wikidata editors with reusers and/or explanations and demos on how to use a specific part of the technical infrastructure to reuse Wikidata's data (APIs, dumps, etc.).
- Talk to the Search Platform / Query Service Team --January 8, 2025. The Search Platform Team holds monthly meetings to discuss anything related to Wikimedia search, Wikidata Query Service (WDQS), Wikimedia Commons Query Service (WCQS), etc.! Time: 16:00-17:00 UTC / 08:00 PDT / 11:00 EDT / 17:00 CET
- The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, 17:00 UTC, 15th January 2025 (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
- Wiki Workshop 2025 Announcement and Call for Papers. Submission deadline: March 9, 2025 (23:59 AoE)
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs: (fr) female authors with male pseudonyms, blog post by Le Deuxième Texte including SPARQL queries to find female authors with male pseudonyms.
- Websites :Global Dementia and Risk Factors, website by 'Students at the Maastricht Science Programme', includes data visualizations of the prevalence and current treatments of dementia across the world. It utilises data extracted as SPARQL Endpoints from Wikidata.
- Papers
- Ontology-grounded Automatic Knowledge Graph Construction by LLM under Wikidata schema - This paper proposes an ontology-driven approach to KG construction using LLMs where competency questions guide ontology creation and relation extraction, leveraging Wikidata for semantic consistency. A scalable pipeline minimizes human effort while producing high-quality, interpretable KGs interoperable with Wikidata for knowledge base expansion. By Xiaohan Feng, Xixin Wu & Helen Meng (2024).
- Knowledge Incorporated Image Question Answering Using Wikidata Repository - Proposes a Visual Question Answering (VQA) model that integrates external knowledge from Wikidata to address complex open-domain questions by combining image, question, and knowledge modalities. Evaluated on the VQAv2 dataset, the model outperforms prior state-of-the-art approaches, demonstrating improved reasoning and accuracy (Koshti et al., 2024).
- Videos: (arabic) Part 6: SPARQL Demo Session: connecting external services - Sparql SERVICE clause gives access to additional data such as labels via wikibase:label, interaction with MediaWiki APIs using wikibase:mwapi, and integration of data from subgraphs (such as the main graph and the scholarly articles graph). Integration of data from external SPARQL endpoints such as DBpedia.
Tool of the week
- Wikidata Entity Linker - is a Microsoft Edge browser extension that creates web links for matching inner HTML text based on a regex format of Q\d+ which is the format of a Wikidata Entity ID. (email)
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Vacancy: Research Software Engineer / Wikibase-Expert - The Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) located in Hannover has a research position open for someone interested in the deployment, administration and maintenance of open source knowledge management software such as Mediawiki, Wikibase and OpenRefine as part of the NFDI4Culture partnership within the OSL.
- January 1, 2025, marked Public Domain Day, with hundreds of 1929 films entering the public domain. Sandra has shared helpful notes to assist in making these films discoverable via WikiFlix, by adding video files to Wikicommons and Wikidata. Join the effort!
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- bequest income (the sum a organisations receives from bequests/legacies in a timeframe)
- taxon known by this common name (taxon item of which this common name refers)
- homonymous taxon (taxon item of which the taxon name is an exact homonym)
- role named in credits as (use as qualifier to indicate how the object's role was named in the credits of its respective work)
- meeting of (subject is a meeting or session of this organization)
- Newest External identifiers: product ID, PUG authority ID, Three Decks class ID, Vidas author ID, Usito ID, ZSL authority ID, Collectie Nederland ID, Hachette author ID, CamerounWeb person ID, Hindi Shabdamitra entry ID, OpenSSF Practices ID, Japanese Health Insurance System Facility ID, Centre d'Etudes Picasso ID, CUATM statistical code, CUATM unique identification code, JudaicaLink person (GND) ID, national team ID, Eyrolles author ID, Mémoire des avocats ID, BCU Kirundi-English Dictionary ID, Estonian–Latvian Dictionary ID, WHL player ID, Indo-European Lexicon ID, game ID, Singapore Unique Entity Number, AniSearch character ID, Three Decks conflict ID, Berlinische Galerie object ID, player ID, Play:Right genre ID, Resistance in Belgium ID, Paris Match ID, Kyiv Independent topic, Newmark Albanian-English Dictionary ID, Wellcome Collection concept ID, Amsterdam Monumentenstad ID, VG247 game ID, DNCI label ID, National Football stadium ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- About box (Screenshot of the About Box of the respective software (contains important information such as authors, license, version number and year(s) and is included in almost every software))
- nonprofit tax status (country specific tax status of organisations like non-profits)
- nomenclatural type of (taxon item of which this item is the taxonomic type)
- World Heritage type (Propriety of World heritage site : the Type (Cultural, Natural, Mixed))
- DVD region code (DVD release is restricted to region code)
- number of shading units (Number of shading units in a graphics card.)
- Archaeological National Register code (identifier of elements of the National archaeological register of Moldova)
- presented works (works of art performed, displayed or presented at a given event)
- identifiant REGAFI ()
- Maximum beam energy (Maximum beam energy of a particle accelerator)
- Accused of (Crime or other misdeed a person has been accused of, but ''not proven or convicted'')
- hat gespendet (Amount of money donated to a person or organization)
- name starts with (The name that this qualifies, the full contents of which are unknown, is known to start with these characters.)
- духовный сан (formal styles of address used for members of the clergy)
- A2B2 user ID (User ID on
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Algeria Press Service tag ID (French), Algeria Press Service tag ID (English), Algeria Press Service tag ID (Arabic), Norsk oversettterleksikon ID, player id, match ID, Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua ID, Lyricfind artist ID, HonestGamers game ID, identifiant MACM d'un artisite, Syrian Memory person ID, Identifiant d'un(e) auteurice sur le site Mille ans de littérature d'oc, Kamus Dewan Edisi Tiga, identifiant Registre national des gels, DOSBox Wiki, Identifiant Cimetières de France, Ech-Chaab tag ID, Lutris company ID, Shamela Algeria person ID, enterprise number (Germany), Ohio University ArchivesSpace Subject ID, Progetto Euploos ID, Nafziger Order of Battle ID, DataGov dataset, ERR keyword ID, Comprehensive Historical Dictionary of Ladino entry ID, Ohio University ArchivesSpace Agent ID, Russian Football National League player ID, Gaia ID, Inventory of Natural Heritage site ID, Inventory of Natural Heritage tree ID, Spanish-German Dictionary ID, UAF match ID, Identifiant d'un(e) journaliste sur Francetvinfo, Game Vortex software ID, identifiant Pappers d'un dirigeant, Database of Canada's Early Women Writers ID, Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory ID, Mishramilan catalog ID, ID, Cinema Belgica venue ID, Cinema Belgica person ID, Cinema Belgica film ID, Cinema Belgica company ID, Cinema Belgica censorship ID, Archaeological Cadastre (Greece) ID, Hankook Ilbo tag ID, Rijksmuseum ID, SOIUSA code, myCast work ID, track ID, MUBI Festival ID, Beaux Arts ID, page ID, Park Merwestein Bomenwijzer ID, RPG Maker game ID, RateMyProfessors ID, PubMed author ID, ID, Hessian Biography person ID, Kvikmyndavefurinn, Kvikmyndavefurinn person ID, Bluepages article ID, Kvikmyndavefurinn company ID, Archaeological Cadastre (Greece) info ID, A Dictionary of Geology and Earth Sciences entry ID, Wikishia item ID, EHIS educational institution ID, Bertsolaritzaren Datu Basea ID, A Dictionary of Sociology entry ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: French Scientific Prizes aims to list French-language awards and to ensure the mention of a source associated with each award.
- Newest database reports: Items with "sport (P641)" only
- Showcase Items: 2015 Iditarod Q19455277) - sled dog race
- Showcase Lexemes: trekke (L478233) - Norwegian irregular verb "to pull", "to drag", or "to draw"
- The development team is just settling back in after the holidays, so there haven’t been any significant updates yet.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Govdirectory weekly focus country:
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #662
editarweek leading up to 2025-01-13. Missed the previous one? See issue #661
- Upcoming events:
- The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, 17:00 UTC, 15th January 2025 (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
- Join the Wikidata Training Event 2025 organised by Wikimedia Botswana UG for Wikidata enthusiasts of all levels. Starts 18 Jan 10:00am CAT (UTC+2), registration required.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Updates on the Wikimedian-in-Residence at the Biodiversity Heritage Library focusing on Structured Data on Commons and Wikidata
- Wikidata module for the Hidden Figures CURE - The newly published Wikidata module for the Hidden Figures CURE teaches undergraduates to use Wikidata for uncovering and highlighting the contributions of hidden figures in natural history, such as women, people of color, and Indigenous peoples.
- Memory of the World: Ways forward - Efforts to improve the representation of UNESCO's Memory of the World (MOW) international register on Wikidata include new articles, enhanced data quality, and training on creating structured data. Key contributions involve updating Wikipedia and Wikidata entries, addressing data inconsistencies, and expanding the visibility of MOW inscriptions across languages.
- Empowering Multilingual Knowledge: The Journey Behind the 1-Click-Info Extension Powered by Wikidata - Introduces the 1-Click Data extension for your browser. A project funded by the Arcadia grant through Wikimedia Deutschland and fiscally sponsored by the Dagbani Wikimedians user group.
- Public domain visibility on Wikidata (in Catalan). The article discusses how Wikidata is being used to enhance the visibility of public domain works by integrating copyright information and making it easily accessible.
- Videos
- Presentations: Wikibase e Wikidata per lo studio dell'epigrafia greca (in Italian, i.e. Wikibase and Wikidata for the study of Greek epigraphy), presentation at SAEG (Advanced Seminar of Greek Epigraphy) IX in Rome, 10 January 2025, by Pietro Ortimini, Anna Clara Maniero Azzolini, Epìdosis - slides
Tool of the week
- Dungeon Of Knowledge - is a roguelike game with Items generated from Wikidata that lets you crawl through the Dungeon of Knowledge in a classic ASCII interface. (toot) (blog)
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Zita Ursula Zage has joined the Software Communication team (SCoT) at Wikimedia Deutschland as an intern until the end of June 2025. Welcome Zita!
- VIAF (cf. Q54919 and P214) underwent a relevant change of interface on January 10; the way of visualizing clusters in JSON format has changed in comparison with present OCLC documentation and e.g. doesn't work anymore; this broke most or all Wikidata gadgets using VIAF data; in the absence of official communications from OCLC, developers are trying to understand if the new VIAF interface is stable before changing their gadgets accordingly
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- bequest income (the sum a organisations receives from bequests/legacies in a timeframe)
- taxon known by this common name (taxon item of which this common name refers)
- homonymous taxon (taxon item of which the taxon name is an exact homonym)
- role named in credits as (use as qualifier to indicate how the object's role was named in the credits of its respective work)
- meeting of (subject is a meeting or session of this organization)
- organisation tax status (jurisdiction specific tax status of organisations like non-profits)
- Newest External identifiers: Collectie Nederland ID, Hachette author ID, CamerounWeb person ID, Hindi Shabdamitra entry ID, OpenSSF Practices ID, Japanese Health Insurance System Facility ID, Centre d'Etudes Picasso ID, CUATM statistical code, CUATM unique identification code, JudaicaLink person (GND) ID, national team ID, Eyrolles author ID, Mémoire des avocats ID, BCU Kirundi-English Dictionary ID, Estonian–Latvian Dictionary ID, WHL player ID, Indo-European Lexicon ID, game ID, Singapore Unique Entity Number, AniSearch character ID, Three Decks conflict ID, Berlinische Galerie object ID, player ID, Play:Right genre ID, Resistance in Belgium ID, Paris Match ID, Kyiv Independent topic, Newmark Albanian-English Dictionary ID, Wellcome Collection concept ID, Amsterdam Monumentenstad ID, VG247 game ID, DNCI label ID, National Football stadium ID, Kamus Pelajar ID, Dictionary of Norwegian Translators ID, MACM artist ID, Lutris company ID, player ID, DOSBoxWiki article, NBA G League player ID, World Women's Snooker player ID, match ID, GERS ID, Comprehensive Historical Dictionary of Ladino entry ID, SBOID, Game Vortex software ID, Syrian Memory Institution person ID, Mishramilan catalog ID, myCast work ID, Hessian Biography person (GND) ID, Beaux-Arts ID, Gaia ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- About box (Screenshot of the About Box of the respective software (contains important information such as authors, license, version number and year(s) and is included in almost every software))
- nomenclatural type of (taxon item of which this item is the taxonomic type (name-bearing type), e.g. the family for which this genus is the type, the genus for which this species is the type, the taxon for which this type specimen is the type, ect...)
- World Heritage type (Propriety of World heritage site : the Type (Cultural, Natural, Mixed))
- DVD region code (DVD release is restricted to region code)
- number of shading units (number of shading units in a graphics processing unit)
- Archaeological National Register code (identifier of elements of the National archaeological register of Moldova)
- presented works (works of art performed, displayed or presented at a given event)
- identifiant REGAFI ()
- Maximum beam energy (Maximum beam energy of a particle accelerator)
- Accused of (Crime or other misdeed a person has been accused of, but ''not proven or convicted'')
- hat gespendet (Amount of money donated to a person or organization)
- name starts with (The name that this qualifies, the full contents of which are unknown, is known to start with these characters.)
- духовный сан (formal styles of address used for members of the clergy)
- A2B2 user ID (User ID on
- Source language (headword languge of dictionary)
- Entry height (Height of the entrance above ground level for boarding public transport vehicles.)
- location code (the location code of the location item. Should be used with qualifier property {{Q|P459}} to specify which location code system being used.)
- DIF historia player ID (Identifier for a sportsperson connected to Djurgårdens IF on (official site))
- number of texture mapping units (number of texture mapping units in a graphics processing unit)
- number of render output units (number of render output units in a graphics processing unit)
- number of ray tracing cores (number of ray tracing cores in a graphics processing unit)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Algeria Press Service tag ID (French), Algeria Press Service tag ID (English), Algeria Press Service tag ID (Arabic), Lyricfind artist ID, HonestGamers game ID, Identifiant d'un(e) auteurice sur le site Mille ans de littérature d'oc, Kamus Dewan Edisi Tiga, identifiant Registre national des gels, Identifiant Cimetières de France, Ech-Chaab tag ID, Shamela Algeria person ID, enterprise number (Germany), Ohio University ArchivesSpace Subject ID, Progetto Euploos ID, Nafziger Order of Battle ID, DataGov dataset, ERR keyword ID, Ohio University ArchivesSpace Agent ID, Russian Football National League player ID, Inventory of Natural Heritage site ID, Inventory of Natural Heritage tree ID, Spanish-German Dictionary ID, UAF match ID, Identifiant d'un(e) journaliste sur Francetvinfo, identifiant Pappers d'un dirigeant, Database of Canada's Early Women Writers ID, Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory ID, ID, Cinema Belgica venue ID, Cinema Belgica person ID, Cinema Belgica film ID, Cinema Belgica company ID, Cinema Belgica censorship ID, Archaeological Cadastre (Greece) ID, Hankook Ilbo tag ID, Rijksmuseum ID, SOIUSA code, track ID, MUBI Festival ID, page ID, Park Merwestein Bomenwijzer ID, RPG Maker game ID, RateMyProfessors ID, PubMed author ID, ID, Kvikmyndavefurinn, Kvikmyndavefurinn person ID, Bluepages article ID, Kvikmyndavefurinn company ID, Archaeological Cadastre (Greece) info ID, A Dictionary of Geology and Earth Sciences entry ID, Wikishia item ID, EHIS educational institution ID, Bertsolaritzaren Datu Basea ID, A Dictionary of Sociology entry ID, A Dictionary of Cultural Anthropology entry ID, A Dictionary of Geography entry ID, DGLAi ID, Jeune Afrique person ID,, taz topic ID, Euronews topic ID (English), Euronews topic ID (French), Euronews topic ID (Spanish), Euronews topic ID (Arabic), Roman Inscriptions of Britain Online ID, Unine thesis id, Enpedia ID, Dizionario Biografico della Calabria Contemporanea ID, Bahamut Animation Crazy Serial Number, Finnish Olympic Committee ID, Team Norway profile ID (new), NOC of Belarus champion ID (new), JOC profile ID (new), Répertoire du patrimoine bâti de Québec
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Writing Systems aims to standardize and enhance Wikipedia's coverage of writing systems and related subjects.
- Newest database reports: Some statistics about sitelinks
- Showcase Items: The Night Watch (Q219831) - 1642 painting by Rembrandt
- Showcase Lexemes: дополнение (L107276) - Rusian noun (dopólnenie) that can mean "addition", "supplement" or an "an object"
- Wikidata Query Service UI: We fixed a long-standing issue with missing edge labels in graph visualisations (phab:T317702)
- Wikibase REST API: We implemented a proof of concept for a search endpoint you can try out.
- EntitySchemas: We’re working on language fallback for the heading on EntitySchema pages (phab:T228423)
- Language codes: We cleaned up language codes in WikibaseLexeme after moving some of them to CLDR (phab:T352922)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Govdirectory weekly focus country: Greenland
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!