Notificação de tradução: Wikimedia Foundation elections 2013/Translation/SecurePoll

Hello Wjalves,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to português do Brasil e português on Meta. The page Wikimedia Foundation elections 2013/Translation/SecurePoll is available for translation. You can translate it here:

A prioridade para esta página é alta. O prazo para que esta página receba traduções é 2013-06-06.

We could greatly use your help doing some quick translations for the SecurePoll (voting) interface that will be used for this years Board and FDC elections. The translation consists of a short, 2 sentence, intro for the vote and 3 short 'titles' saying which vote or question they will be on. The page also lists the candidates for each election which do not need to be translated but can be transliterated if that makes sense for your language/script. Thank you! If you have any questions please feel free to ask on the Elections talk page.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 00h28min de 3 de junho de 2013 (UTC)

boa tarde meu caro, poderia me ajudar com um artigo sobre um artista? podemos falar por e-mail? muito obrigado,

Wlilliam Jarbas 20h24min de 4 de junho de 2013 (UTC)

Uma medalha!

  A medalha do administrador
: ) Wlilliam Jarbas 20h58min de 4 de junho de 2013 (UTC)

Notificação de tradução: Wikimedia Foundation elections 2013/Translation/SecurePoll

Hello Wjalves,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to português do Brasil e português on Meta. The page Wikimedia Foundation elections 2013/Translation/SecurePoll is available for translation. You can translate it here:

A prioridade para esta página é alta. O prazo para que esta página receba traduções é 2013-06-06.

Please accept my apologies for the second notification. Because of the importance of the election and 2 new sentences that need to be translated we decided it was worth it to message everyone again. Please double check to make sure everything in your language is translated!

If you can please also translate the Central Notice banners that will alert people that the election has started (and when results are ready). So that we do not have to send out another notice you can find those translations:

Here (for the voting banner)

Here (for the results banner)

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 02h06min de 6 de junho de 2013 (UTC)

Notificação de tradução: Announcement Universal Language Selector

Hello Wjalves,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to português do Brasil e português on Meta. The page Announcement Universal Language Selector is available for translation. You can translate it here:

A prioridade para esta página é média. O prazo para que esta página receba traduções é 2013-06-11.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 21h37min de 7 de junho de 2013 (UTC)

Notificação de tradução: Announcement Universal Language Selector

Hello Wjalves,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to português on Meta. The page Announcement Universal Language Selector is available for translation. You can translate it here:

A prioridade para esta página é alta. O prazo para que esta página receba traduções é 2013-06-14.

Hello, this change will be live *on pt.wikipedia* on the 2013-06-18: help translating it in the next few days would be very appreciated. Thank you very much.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 10h35min de 12 de junho de 2013 (UTC)

Notificação de tradução: Announcement Universal Language Selector

Hello Wjalves,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to português do Brasil e português on Meta. The page Announcement Universal Language Selector is available for translation. You can translate it here:

A prioridade para esta página é alta. O prazo para que esta página receba traduções é 2013-06-17.

Additionally, please translate the interface strings of ULS if it's not already done at

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 13h47min de 13 de junho de 2013 (UTC)

Notificação de tradução: Wikimedia Highlights, May 2013

Hello Wjalves,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to português do Brasil e português on Meta. The page Wikimedia Highlights, May 2013 is available for translation. You can translate it here:

A prioridade para esta página é média.

Please consider helping non-English-language Wikimedia communities to stay updated about the most important Wikimedia Foundation activities, MediaWiki development work and other international Wikimedia news from last month. Completed translations will be announced on Facebook, Twitter, and project village pumps. If you have questions about the translation notifications system, you can ask them at [1]. You can manage your subscription at [2].

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 18h36min de 13 de junho de 2013 (UTC)

Notificação de tradução: PRISM

Hello Wjalves,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to português do Brasil e português on Meta. The page PRISM is available for translation. You can translate it here:

A prioridade para esta página é alta. O prazo para que esta página receba traduções é 2013-06-18.

Hi translators,

the Wikimedia Foundation legal team has just published this page, asking the Wikimedia community to comment on whether they should take any action with regards to the recently uncovered PRISM surveillance scandal.

I'll greatly appreciate your involvement & contributions to have this page translated into as many languages as possible as well as popularised as widely as possible — please let your communities know about this so we can make the most use of this consultation period.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, 15h21min de 15 de junho de 2013 (UTC)
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